Sentences with phrase «urban systems»

He said many urban systems desperately need radical change to boost student performance.
«I wanted to do what I was doing in a big urban system to prove all these programs were scalable and transferable,» he says.
As we've learned from other urban systems, the key lies in the mayor's willingness to assume responsibility for the performance of the district.
Following the horrific incident, the government solicited the support of the World Bank to undertake «the CityStrength methodology» to understand GAMA's exposure to risks, level of resilience and performance of urban system.
Her role with Urban Systems Ltd. included «leading and increasing... market presence with target clients in the Yukon, NWT Territories and Alaska, including First Nation communities, economic development corporations, incorporated communities and the territorial government» (quoted in the decision at para. 4).
«Innovation in schools can help us to close the achievement gap that has clouded a stellar record for success among Boston's schools, which have earned a reputation as among the best large urban systems in the country.
Urban Systems contends the damage award is excessive.
By contrast, the political forces that surround public schools - particularly schools in troubled urban systems - tend to promote excessive bureaucracy and to impede the development of the qualities that schools need to succeed.
These costs would be affordable but not insignificant, ranging from $ 250 annually for the smallest public libraries, up to $ 40,000 for major urban systems, according to a funding model proposed after the pilot evaluation.
The show spans five decades, from Ukeles» work as a pioneer of feminist performance to a practitioner of public art through which she invites us to reconsider indispensable urban systems and the workers who maintain them.
Ms. Cabott was not induced by Urban Systems to accept the position, though she apparently was interested in the organization in part because it had a business presence in Western Canada, including offices in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia where she hoped to eventually relocate and retire.
Past simulators for the build - a-city game generated animations based on statistics of how urban systems work, but GlassBox uses software agents acting both independently and together to create more dynamic, highly realistic events.
Urban Systems appealed the award, and the Court of Appeal found that to the extent the Trial Judge had emphasized Ms. Cabott's hope to eventually retire in British Columbia, the judge had erred.
The study, supported by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Science Foundation (NSF), found that most of the coastal communities do not have an overarching strategy for building urban disaster resilience and lack coordination between multiple urban systems, including land use activities, natural environments and public infrastructure investments, particularly in Texas.
The city plans generally lack strong fact - based assessments revealing the interdependencies among different urban systems.
It ought not be unduly surprising that such efforts may look quite different from those to transform troubled urban systems struggling to educate children mired in poverty.
After 1974, however, school integration efforts outside the South were stymied by the Supreme Court's 5 - 4 decision in Milliken v. Bradley, which prohibited heavily minority urban systems from including nearby suburbs in desegregation plans.
The Global Cities Education Network benchmarks internationally informed practices that enable urban systems to provide the vast majority of students with the opportunity to attain high - level skills, regardless of their cultural or economic background.
Almost a year after Michelle A. Rhee was named the chancellor of the District of Columbia school district, she stressed at a May 20 gathering here on educational entrepreneurship that she sees the infusion of entrepreneurial practices and ideas as vital to her work of trying to transform the long - beleaguered urban system.
While I see glimmers of hope in persistently underperforming cities like Detroit and Cleveland, I don't see the same for Philadelphia, which may now, sadly, have the most distressing American urban system of schools.
This effort was especially crucial given that so many of the clients targeted by NAS were low - performing, financially strapped urban systems.
Some teachers in urban systems expressed the view that advocacy by parents is a key to changing these conditions: Parents can put pressure on the system without being fired and can get the attention of the school board or mayor.
«Performance assessments in most urban systems are shameful,» said Jason Kamras, Rhee's «human capital» deputy, who led the effort to revamp the District's system.
Many urban systems annually hire hundreds of untrained teachers, though in a haphazard fashion and with no meaningful induction.
Mind the gap: Learning, trust, and relationships in an underperforming urban system.
The films draw uponarchitecture's relationship to its natural environment, its integration into urban systems and juxtapositions with the local vernacular.
Plant Talk Human Talk explores the biocultural possibility of spontaneous urban plants (aka weeds) as collaborators and guides in imagining new urban systems / ecologies.
She emerged in 2002 with tightly composed diagrammatic abstract paintings that utilized a hermetic lexicon of iconography to evoke urban systems.
He's a lecturer in sustainable urban systems at the University of Reading in the UK.
Tokyo and seven Chinese jurisdictions pioneered urban systems that cap and price carbon emissions.
A recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, she joins impact models with climate models to project future outcomes of both land - based and urban systems under altered climate conditions.
A redox flow battery, including a newly designed control system, is being integrated in the «Energy Smart Home Lab» of the iZEUS (intelligent Zero Emission Urban System) project.
Urban systems like Velib in Paris or Bixi in Montreal are expensive to set up
Employers can mitigate their risk by limiting what they say (as Urban Systems appeared to do in this case) and by drafting employment contracts containing clear «entire agreement» and termination clauses.
Accordingly, the Court allowed Urban Systems Ltd.'s appeal, set aside the order for 6 months» notice and replaced it with a judgment to Ms. Cabott based on 4 months» notice.
Urban Systems retained Ms. Cabott because she represented an opportunity to expand its northern business, including in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Alaska.
[WTI, WTII, STI] URST 400 (3) Urban Studies This course examines: urbanization and the Canadian urban system, including urban metropolitan areas and their relationship to their hinterland; and the evolution of the metropolitan form and the inner workings of the city, including the process of social differentiation, the role of transportation in city building and the major land - use markets.
America's broken school systems — its large urban systems in particular — need to improve both infrastructure and product.
There is a tinge of racism in the discussions when white educators want less choice for kids of color in big urban systems than they have for their own children.
Cities seeking voluntary methods of desegregating schools developed Montessori magnet schools, first in Cincinnati, and then in other urban systems, most notably Milwaukee and Kansas City.
These schools — among the district's most challenging — have kept pace with a district achieving the highest gains among America's major urban systems.
The show will span five decades, from her work as a pioneer of feminist performance to a practitioner of public art, in which Ukeles invites us to reconsider indispensable urban systems and the workers who maintain them.
The researchers sifted through an extensive amount of data on many urban systems — mostly big American cities, but also European (primarily German) and Chinese urban areas.
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