Sentences with phrase «weak case»

Patent trolls with weak cases can, of course, still file elsewhere.
The worst patent trolls bring weak cases and use the cost of defending a lawsuit as leverage to force settlements.
The voice in his head was mine: Never mind how weak your case is.
With weak cases, «bad» arguments may be the only ones you have.
While it's no surprise that Pruitt and the president have delivered on their threat, the repeal proposal itself is an exercise in evasion and omission that makes an embarrassingly weak case for axing the CPP.
The Government had claimed that it would decrease the likelihood of malicious and weak cases from being brought to tribunal.
Without any witnesses, ICBC knew they suddenly had a much weaker case on their hands and faced the very real prospect of a complete defeat.
If there's only one argument for God, and even it scarcely seems conclusive, that's a pretty weak case.
But, extreme awards drive up the costs of litigation and produce pressure on corporations to settle weak cases rather than run the risk of out - of - whack punitive damages.
A prosecutor faced with a seemingly weak case which will probably not stand up in court if it is contested now has another option other than either persevering with the investigation or, more likely, dropping it altogether: why not offer a DPA?
a possible reaction to their origninal weak case under the «thief of public service» rubric.
But the extradition judge's ability to prevent an injustice was handcuffed — he did not have the power to throw out a shockingly weak case.
Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen provides commentary in this article discussing how two Supreme Court rulings have helped accused patent infringers gain leverage to resolve weak cases earlier and get attorneys» fees awarded.
While spending per litigated case went up, so did the average stakes per litigated case — the average stakes were higher under loser pays because the really weak cases had already been weeded out.
Lastly, there's the camera which does bring a sliver to hope to the V9's otherwise weak case especially if you're a selfie fanatic.
«Anyone who has looked at the case has seen just how weak a case Personal Audio has and with the latest against Adam Corolla, it is obvious they are starting to recognize it too,» Dumas said.
That's a long list of assumptions and best - case conditions adding up to an altogether weak case for arming teachers.
This means that patent trolls — particularly those that bring weak cases hoping to use the cost of defense to extort a settlement — now need a favorable forum more than ever.
Mr. Stern shows how very weak the case is for these bonanzas.
We predicted this decision could be bad news for patent trolls who bring weak cases and use the high cost of defense to extort settlements.
Now plug in your most favorable numbers at each node,» and when they did, they saw that they still had a pretty weak case, which led to a pretty quick settlement.
Conceptually, it's easy: settle weak cases, try strong cases.
Still, despite what he feels is a weak case against him, he thinks the odds are he'll be found guilty, at least during this first trial; Japan, which has a more than 99 % conviction rate, is also one of a few countries that allows prosecutors to appeal an acquittal twice.
A weak case can be made for permitting abortions on the grounds that responsible people disagree on the matter.
Second, those who advocate freedom of choice have a weak case in the absence of a position on the humanity of the fetus.
Remarkably, the man who was instrumental in the first renaissance makes the weakest case for sociobiology that I have read for quite a while.
Even if you do accept the researchers» methodology, Albers says, they have a weak case.
It took that long for DNA evidence to exonerate Cotton, refuting a weak case built mostly on eyewitness accounts.
But for today, we'll leave all that aside and take a look at McKitrick's hasty attempt to buttress his weak case against IPCC scientists by quoting from the latest dump of stolen emails.
Graduate school enrollment is exacerbating the black - white debt gap, but there is at best a weak case for calling out for - profit schools in that trend.
The weak case for vouchers.
The book makes its last chapter about how tax havens helped cause the financial crisis, but it makes a very weak case.
There was an agenda in the use of the source, seeking data to support their argument, rather than dealing with local data, which presented a weak case.
The weaker the case, the harder the system 2 lawyer must work to get an acquittal.
Courts should be given more latitude to refuse extradition in weak cases.
It is not universally the case that an employer settles because they believe they have a weak case.
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