Sentences with phrase «weak relationship»

As in several of our previous studies, 53 we found significant but much weaker relationships between leadership and teacher capacity.
Surprisingly, consumer confidence has had a much weaker relationship with retail spending.
Where we did find weak relationships in the data, such as between the current year's temperature and the proportion of males born from 1961 to 2009, the association was negative.
Forty percent described a loss of friendships; 40 percent also reported weaker relationships with adults at their new school.
A similar but weaker relationship exists along class lines (as measured by free lunch eligibility).
These findings are supported by prior research that found a reciprocal, yet weak relationship between religion and marital quality.
A teacher who has poor management is a teacher who has weak relationships with students.
A statistical analysis of the impact of expectations of changing interest rates on plans to buy a home reveals a relatively weak relationship.
In addition, as the R2 on the chart reveals, there has been a very weak relationship between CO2 levels and temperature anomalies - suggesting an extremely small, to an almost non-existent, climate sensitivity to CO2.
However, it will likewise share a significantly weaker relationship for serum binding health proteins, which results in a very powerful anabolic steroid.
Taken together, these results show a) quite weak relationships of policy with reported instruction within states (much weaker than has been found elsewhere), and b) differences across states in relationships between the attributes and content.
So the consumer feels Rogers has this connection with the best Realtors when in fact it's developing weak relationships in order to participate in a cash grab, oh and if we can add some phone and cable to that why not?
This study shows that relationships between climate scepticism and indices of conspirational and conservative ideology are stronger and more consistent in the United States than in 24 other nations, with the majority of nations showing weak relationships.
Although weak relationships are often a disappointment in disease research, he says, this trend was illuminating «because that tells us that we're getting at a different part of the puzzle» — to which «there are so many pieces,» he notes.
However, it will likewise share a way weaker relationship for serum binding health proteins, which results in a remarkably powerful anabolic steroid.
Weak relationships break under pressure and as an interracial couple, you'll be facing more pressure than most.
We find generally weak relationships between CTE enrollment in any particular grade and intermediate and postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities, though we replicate earlier findings that students with disabilities who are enrolled in a «concentration» of CTE courses have higher rates of employment after graduation than students with disabilities who are similar in other observable ways but are enrolled in fewer CTE courses.
Faculty demonstrated the overall weakest relationship with e-book usage.
Quickly understand where weak relationships may be creating risk to your forecast.
Unfortunately we have a very weak relationship standard here in america.....
Although this could be due to limited power to detect significant effects associated with the lower number of fathers relative to mothers in both studies, the size of the correlations still suggest weaker relationships for fathers.
Year 10 and Year 30 Price - Only Returns have much weaker relationships.
The relationship between cortical surface area and cognitive control was found in the right caudal anterior cingulate, and post hoc analyses showed a similar but weaker relationship in the opposite hemisphere.
When their fathers were present, young baboons had weaker relationships with maternal half - siblings than those without fathers.
As many investors know, although an extreme lack of growth is generally associated with weak markets, outside of recessions there is a very weak relationship between stock market performance and economic growth.
Hi Mike G — Correlations of.2 describe very weak relationships.
For tree mortality, four conifer species (two pines and two spruces) showed strong relationships with stand basal area, with other species having relatively weak relationships (a little less than 40 % of the analyzed groups showed significant correlations).
According to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people who overshare about their love life on Facebook actually may have a weaker relationship
He pointed to a paper from the Brookings Institution's William Gale, which found a weak relationship between tax changes and growth.
Emerging markets equities tell a similar story, albeit with a weaker relationship.
Out of the 241 children who had the weakest relationship with their mothers, 24.7 percent grew to be obese teens, while only 13 percent of those who had the strongest relationships with their mothers became obese.
The transition to parenting is stressful in itself as new parents adjust to a new baby, and only intensifies issues in weak relationships.
And the bidding process for Olympic contracts has exposed the weak relationship between regulators and black - owned businesses, according to Wade Lyn of Cleone Foods, whose pasties will feed visitors at the Olympics next summer.
Levine and colleagues found that the area - based method has two basic flaws when applied to the Sierra, the most notable being an inability to actually predict the area that a tree occupies based on its species and size due to a weak relationship between these variables.
«Historically, studies had found a weak relationship between money and overall well - being,» says Joe Gladstone.
«Handedness and language are controlled by different genetic systems, but there is a weak relationship between the two because both functions originate on the left side of the brain,» he said.
I take Grissmer's silence as an acceptance of my conclusions that the RAND study shows a weak relationship between spending and student achievement and can not be used to identify good policy choices.
At the same time, they have weaker relationships with their families and communities than ever before.
Their conclusion: «at least for school choice programs, there is a weak relationship between impacts on test scores and later - life outcomes.»
In fact, the weak relationship between pupil - teacher ratio and school ratings is in the opposite of the expected direction: schools with larger classes receive somewhat higher grades, perhaps because effective schools attract more families to the neighborhood.
Since the support of families is considered crucial to educational achievement, weak relationships between schools and parents in segregated minority environments highlight a critical disadvantage that racially and socioeconomically isolated schools must overcome, on top of a myriad of other well - documented deficits, including high teacher turnover.
Emerging markets equities tell a similar story, albeit with a weaker relationship.
All except the weakest relationships are statistically significant.
Punishment should be avoided at all cost, as it will only lead to a weaker relationship with your cat and can initiate other problem behaviors such as aggression.
Some of these find a weak relationship, some find no relationship, and collectively the research does not conclude that there is a strong positive relationship between warming and armed conflict (Theisen et al., 2013).
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