Sentences with phrase «yellow fat»

Cats should not be fed high amounts of tuna as it is lacking in vitamin E, and that can lead to yellow fat disease.
There are factors, however, that could butter up sales of yellow fats and edible oils.
Yellow fats also look to be suffering from an end to the home baking boom.
If using immediately, let stand until yellow fat rises to surface, 1 to 2 minutes, then skim off and discard fat.
Using a large spoon or small ladle, skim off bright yellow fat that has collected on surface of braising liquid and drizzle all over platter (it's okay if some rogue spices make it onto platter).
At the University of Pittsburgh, bioengineer Rocky Tuan and colleagues extract buckets full of yellow fat from volunteers» bellies and thighs and turn the liposuctioned material into tissue that resembles shock - absorbing cartilage.
Grass - fed pot roast, ribbed with yellow fat, connective tissue, and ample protein is far more filling than some crusty bread spread with butter.
I got a beautiful layer of yellow fat after boiling which I skimmed off, but it still tastes very fatty and almost gamey, a bit too strong for me.
Grass - fed beef (the more easily attainable alternative to wild meat) is also higher in B - vitamins, beta - carotene (look for yellow fat), vitamin E (alpha - tocopherol), vitamin K, and trace minerals like magnesium, calcium, and selenium.
What Pino sends us rarely, if ever, needs additional work, but on the outside chance that there is some leathery or dark yellow fat, trim it.
Tuna doesn't have adequate amounts of vitamin E and this may lead to a condition called steatitis (also known as yellow fat disease).
Even tuna that is meant for humans should not be fed to cats, tuna is high in polyunsaturated fat and cats that are fed too much tuna could develop yellow fat disease.
However, tuna does not contain enough vitamin E and can cause yellow fat disease, or Hepatic Lipidosis, which damages the liver.
The same holds true for diets containing large quantities of fish, which can result in steatitis or yellow fat disease (vitamin E deficiency).
Many UK consumers are frying, baking and eating less bread today, which is melting volume sales of yellow fats and edible oils.
Encompassing liquid milk, cheese, yoghurts and chilled desserts, yellow fats (butter, spreads and margarine) and cream, the milk and dairy products market in the UK is worth over # 7 billion.
As a result of this, encouraging new uses will be important in driving future growth in the yellow fats and edible oils market.»
Encompassing liquid milk, cheese, yoghurts and chilled desserts, yellow fats (butter, spreads and margarine) and cream, -LSB-...]
Retinol, the animal form of vitamin A, is a yellow fat - soluble, antioxidant vitamin important in vision and bone growth.
Nor should you feed lots of fish, which can cause a condition called steatitis (or yellow fat disease).
This leads to a painful condition known as «yellow fat disease», which is when fatty tissue in your cat's body becomes inflamed.
Otherwise, your cat may be in danger of having Yellow Fat Disease or Steatitis.
Known as «yellow fat disease,» steatitis can have a few causes but the most common is a diet high in unsaturated fatty acids but deficient in protective antioxidants like Vitamin E.
If fed in excess, oily fish such as tuna can lead to steatitis (Yellow Fat Disease, pansteatitis).
If fed in excess, tuna can lead to steatitis (Yellow Fat Disease, pansteatitis).

Phrases with «yellow fat»

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