Sentences with phrase «about formula feeding»

Everyone seems so obsessed about not making mothers feeling guilty about formula feeding as opposed to those who want to breastfeed but are undermined by free formula.
So, with that in mind, here are more than a few things we need to start saying about formula feeding moms.
To be honest, I said a ridiculous amount of horrible things about formula feeding moms before I had kids.
The thing that is the worst about formula feeding is the cost.
Having an organic option made me feel much better about formula feeding.
I haven't gotten one negative word about it from a medical professional, but there is so much nasty crap said about formula feeding online.
I have been dealing with the worst guilt about formula feeding my daughter.
Here are answers to some common queries about formula feeding.
I didn't feel guilty about formula feeding, using disposable diapers, etc..
She told me how she'd weaned her first baby and where to get information about formula feeding.
Jeez, relax, I'm 100000 % sure that whoever wrote this article never even thought about formula feeding or how she's better than anyone else!
As ive mentioned in my own posts about my formula feeding - formula is under lock and key.
As for number 3, it is ethically suspect to exaggerate the benefits of breastfeeding, pretend that that breastfeeding is a matter of life and death in the US, mislead women on the state of the scientific evidence and above all, to shame and scare women about formula feeding.
(Note: The author also struggled with breastfeeding her first two babies and makes no judgments about formula feeding.)
For now, I just want to comment on the rant about formula feeding:
I feel «anonymous» is not stating what she knows best for each baby but due to circumstances which differ for each individual you can not feel quilty about formula feeding.
Even the American Academy of Pediatrics has never taken a real stand and made any kind of recommendation about formula feeding, except to say that breastfeeding is preferred over formula and that you shouldn't use a low - iron infant formula.
Every parenting book, veteran mom, and pediatrician today will tell new moms that «breastfeeding is best», discouraging her to even think briefly about formula feeding.
So happy to see support and an informational article about Formula Feeding.
Home > Further Guidance on Implementing the Standards > Providing information for parents about formula feeding
I run a modest but pretty vocal community of people who take issue with the current state of breastfeeding promotion (as well as people who are totally cool with breastfeeding promotion, but ended up using formula for whatever reason and are willing to put up with the constant drama and debate because they have few other communities where they feel safe asking questions about formula feeding).
However, she did open herself up to criticism by 1) staging the protest in the first place, and 2) posting about it on FB, along with inflammatory statements about formula feeding.
It wasn't until I surrounded myself with some amazing, fearless formula feeders that I heard things about formula feeding that made me feel empowered, and I was able to get over that shame.
Now my babies aren't really babies anymore and, looking back, I shake my head at my former self for ever wasting any time feeling guilty about formula feeding my boys.
I can't believee what the first commentor said about formula feeding!
If someone ever commented in the ways you suggested to me about formula feeding my child, I would lose it.
Because breastfeeding is constantly being promoted (and for very good reason) there are so many things no one tells you about formula feeding.
So, for the sake of the things I wish I had known when I fed my boys formula (because, yes, it would have saved me a lot of guilt), here are nine things that no one will tell you about formula feeding.
I mean, I knew that formula was a perfectly suitable alternative to breastfeeding, but the list of BS things I told myself about formula feeding was a long one and, well, that list left me feeing anything other than confident and happy in my decision.
And the one thing no one tells you about formula feeding is that it's totally OK, despite the judgments you'll face.
The sad thing is, I don't doubt for a minute this was said, because I had terrible things said to me about formula feeding and how we wouldn't have as close a bond, etc..
It also made me face myself and the many lies I had told myself about formula feeding; the lies that made me feel great (and at times, almost self - righteous) about my decision (and ability) to breastfeed.
So in the name of transparency, self - love, and honesty, here are the 10 absolutely bullsh*t things I told myself about formula feeding while I was too busy trying to be the perfect mother.
So I decided to ask other moms to share some of the worst things said to them about formula feeding, the comments they've never really been able to get past.
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