Sentences with phrase «active participants in one's learning»

The learners of today are moving from being passive recipients of content to becoming more active participants in the learning process making learning more student - centric.
She is passionate about improving student learning outcomes through quality teacher professional learning and empowering students as active participants in the learning process.
If learners can not navigate your eLearning course, then they can not become active participants in the learning process.
Through creating space for students to be more active participants in the learning process, we are seeing innovative teaching practices emerge.
We believe that people learn best by doing things in meaningful and interesting contexts and that children need direct instruction in order to develop the skills necessary to be active participants in learning experiences.
Students are active participants in learning rather than passive receivers.
This will transform employees from passive into active participants in their learning journeys.
Here are a few suggestions for engaging children as active participants in the learning process.
All of these approaches are about helping students, particularly poor students, become more active participants in their learning and to better position them to catch up with their more affluent peers.
I believe in empowering students to be active participants in their learning process and see myself becoming more of a trainer than a teacher.
Interactive elements make your employees active participants in the learning process, rather than being mere spectators.
I expressly include collegiality on teachers» end - of - year evaluations, commending some for leading committees or helping teammates and pointing out to others that they are not yet active participants in our learning community.
How much are teachers experiencing being active participants in learning conversations at staff meetings, professional development, and PLCs?
Encouraging students to become active participants in the learning experience requires incorporating varied hands - on and intellectually appropriate practices to provide the challenges and stimulation students need for a healthy learning environment.»
She has been a passionate educator for 21 years and is committed to empowering students as active participants in their learning.
To be «college and career ready,» today's students must have regular opportunities to take part in a wide range of conversations and reflective thinking tasks in order to build their content understanding and become active participants in their learning.
Research quoted by the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College tells us that «(CRS) based instruction makes students active participants in the learning process» and that a CRS «creates a more dynamic, interactive classroom experience which can be enjoyable and fun for both the instructor and students.»
Teachers reported that student engagement increased, student behavior improved, students were more active participants in the learning process, and they demonstrated increased pride in their work and willingness to rise to a challenge.
You suddenly had become an active participant in your learning.
It is hard to sit back and coast in this format and will require each student to be an active participant in the learning process.
Designing this course was never about me getting credit for it or about the technology, but rather about giving the students a place that allowed them to be active participants in their learning and make a difference in their respective school community.
It makes them active participants in the learning process instead of just conveying information passively.
Proponents say that this form of assessment allows students to be active participants in their learning, and that it facilitates deeper learning.
Learners today can be active participants in learning experiences through self - directed learning, small group interactions, hands - on practice, and personalized learning.
Engagement typically implies that students are active participants in the learning process, but it falls short in empowering students in their learning.
When learning is entirely self - managed, however, it can be overwhelming for the learner, discouraging them from becoming an active participant in the learning process.
Students who walk into a High - impact Learning Environment ™ on the first day of school will be walking into a classroom that invites them to be an active participant in the learning process, encourages them to leverage technology as part of the learning experience and welcomes them to enter a flexible environment that meets the needs of every student.
Students who walk into this environment on the first day of school will be walking into a classroom that invites them to be an active participant in the learning process.
Thus, students are asked to be active participants in the learning process — making decisions, drawing connections, solving problems.
Decades of research have affirmed that students whose parents are active participants in their learning and in their school experience heightened their outcomes in a variety of measures, from school readiness to graduation rates.
They are active participants in their learning.
Finally, this new model also addresses the need to engage students as active participants in their learning and health.
Understand the components of engaged classrooms, and create an environment where students are active participants in their learning.
He creates an environment in which students are active participants in their learning
It's about including the dog as an active participant in the learning process.
One does not «read» so much as «engage» with the pages of this book, positioning the reader as an active participant in the learning process.
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