Sentences with phrase «at every single meal»

However, kittens are small and they can't eat very much at a single meal, so don't expect your kitten to eat huge meals.
You should include a serving or two of vegetables at every single meal.
Feeding only the amount your pet needs at a single meal keeps the food fresher and prevents the loss of essential nutrients through oxidation.
It's just that time of year... I could (and probably do) eat some variation of squash at every single meal right now.
How can you get your picky kid to eat more vegetables without causing a battle at every single meal?
He thought that if you ate proteins, starches, and sugars together at a single meal, the meal couldn't be efficiently digested and fermentation would occur.
Choosing plant - based products at every single meal and seeking them out when you shop at the store are two great ways to do this.
I don't, however think, at least in my family, that we need to have grains at every single meal.
Yet because of their small size, they can not eat very much at a single meal.
However, I know how busy life can get and I know that eating several servings of vegetables at every single meal may not be realistic for most of us every day.
And on the a la carte line, kids can and often do come back for multiple pizza slices at a single meal.
An eventual total of 15 children participated; the 2 boys who were studied the longest were followed over a 4 1/2 - year period: that is to say, the amount of every single thing eaten or spilled at every single meal over the first 4 1/2 years of their eating life was assiduously recorded.
The idea of having them do it 15 times really grosses me out (even if it is not in succession at a single meal).
But, if adopted, CSPI's proposed changes to the rules would at least close some of the worst loopholes, such as one which allows children to be served juice at every single meal to satisfy their fruit and vegetable requirements.
Domestic chickens tolerate the cane toad's poison and so, a hungry chicken can consume many small toads at a single meal.
You need to find that by getting just a single tablet before every food, you are ready to take in considerably less at every single meal and then you will snack significantly less, as well.
When you want to bottle up all the goodness that comes with warmer weather, endless outdoor activities, extra hours of sunlight, and eating fresh food at every single meal.
I personally like to make sure that I have a healthy fat at every single meal (including snacks), and these are some of my favorite ways to sneak them in!
I've eaten wheat at every single meal for at least three weeks precisely to test if, as a doctor and I suspected, it was giving me the heartburn, since the worst episodes of that were after eating high - wheat meals; I didn't respond to a PPI but did to an histamine H2 - receptor (ranitidine) in large (up to 600 mg / day!)
Supplementation of digestive enzymes: Enzymes to take the place of those not produced by the pancreas are needed at every single meal.
'' [Gastric Banding using Hypnosis] Only works with people who eat too much at a single meal.
Having too many fats — even healthy ones — at every single meal can slow your weight - loss progress.
I couldn't just enjoy my food anymore, I could only think about the protein content because I believed protein was so important for burning fat and gaining muscle, that not getting enough of it at every single meal was a health - disaster.
avoid eating dairy — or gluten — or whatever food you find yourself eating the most — at every single meal of every day!)
A diet based on a single plant item will not be adequate, but we no longer worry about pairing proteins (such as beans with rice) at a single meal.
In order to shed body fat while providing the energy we require it is important to eat a certain ratio of these macronutrients, not just on a daily basis, but at every single meal.
My dogs cry when I prepare their meals, in excitement and thrill, at every single meal.
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