Sentences with phrase «avoidant attachment»

Avoidant attachment refers to a psychological term used to describe individuals who are wary of forming close emotional bonds with others. They tend to avoid intimacy and may keep their distance in relationships, often preferring independence rather than relying on others for support and comfort. Full definition
Children with avoidant attachment styles tend to avoid parents and caregivers.
Results show around half of the young people had disorganised (or mixed) attachment styles using either measure, with avoidant attachment styles more common than anxious ones.
Specific associations of avoidant attachment style (angry — dismissive or withdrawn) with antenatal disorder, and anxious style (enmeshed or fearful) with postnatal disorder were found.
Also, a comparison of the first and last children showed that a significant difference existed between the mean of first and last children in avoidant attachment style (first children were higher than that of last children).
As the 95 % BC CIs for self - compassion did not cross 0, although there was no total indirect effect, there was a significant indirect effect of avoidant attachment on emotional distress through self - compassion.
Therefore, one hypothesized that older single adults show a more avoidant attachment style compared to individuals in a relationship at an older age, (H2).
Participants with low avoidant attachment tendencies who received the attachment primes recalled fewer memories and reported fewer intrusions than those who received the non-attachment primes.
In contrast, those with avoidant attachment tendencies will hypoactivate their attachment system and distance themselves from others during threat as a means of coping.
Recent attachment research suggests that children with avoidant attachment often underreport their psychological distress compared to their physiologic indicators of distress (neuroendocrine reactivity, startle response, event - related potentials).
However, when there is an anxious or avoidant attachment pattern, and a person picks a partner who fits with that maladaptive pattern, he or she will most likely be choosing someone who isn't the ideal choice to make him or her happy.
When caregivers reject children's bids for reassurance, children tend to develop avoidant attachments, turning away from caregivers when distressed.
The union of anxious and avoidant attachment systems often leads to a roller - coaster of emotions that reinforce each individual's insecurities, which makes it difficult to leave such a relationship.
In a 1 - year and 7 - year follow - up study of children with CHD, maternal avoidant attachment at the time of diagnosis was the best predictor of worsening of mothers» mental health and maternal satisfaction over this period, especially in a subgroup of whose children had severe CHD (25).
«People with avoidant attachment histories are too closed down to have access to experience their right - hemisphere processes,» says Daniel Siegel, who's probably done as much as anybody in the field to induce therapists to clasp both attachment theory and neuroscience to their collective bosom.
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According to NDTV, Harms said that they found that for employees with a secure or avoidant attachment behavior, bosses mattered less.
Nickola Overall and colleagues have investigated how avoidant attachment affects how people identify and perceive negative emotions that their partners are experiencing.1 The researchers compared how accurately avoidant participants, as compared to anxious or secure individuals, could identify anger, sadness, or hurt in their partners.
Based on the information you provided, it sounds as if your ex-girlfriend has a very avoidant attachment style.
Hierarchic regressions indicated that parental promotion of autonomy with children with temperamental emotionality predicted anxious attachment, while parental restriction of autonomy with children with high levels of temperamental activity predicted avoidant attachment.
Children who experienced avoidant attachments with their primary caregiver can go on to develop dismissive attachment styles in adulthood.
People who had unreliable parents were said to have anxious or avoidant attachment depending on how they cope with distress.
Finally, the partner's avoidant attachment interacted with satisfaction with relationship power.
We've written a lot about avoidant attachment (see here and here for more on attachment), but here's a quick summary: Those who are high in avoidance tend to be uncomfortable with intimacy, want less closeness in their relationships, and distrust others more.
Across the wide range of studies examined, researchers found that the longer a relationship lasts, the more strongly a person's insecure attachment (especially avoidant attachment) predicts dissatisfaction.
Those with avoidant attachment strategies ignore or are indifferent toward their caregivers and show little signs of distress.
See Avoidant Attachment, Part 1: The Dependence Dilemma.
Avoidant attachment o The parent child relationship is «insecure»: The child seems passive and indifferent to his or her mother and tends to treat her and a stranger alike.
The ANP may also display avoidant attachment, and the EP can be secondarily dissociated into an additional EP that represents the attachment system (i.e., the childlike part of the personality that loves the perpetrating parent; the part of the personality that desires attachment to a «stronger and wiser» therapist, etc.), and an EP that represents the defensive system.
Among rejected partners, anxious attachment positively predicted pursuit behaviors; and, among disengagers, avoidant attachment negatively predicted being the target of aggressive behaviors.
There was no significant correlation between avoidant attachment and depressive symptoms, or between anxious attachment and overall emotional distress, anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms.
Persons who displayed more suspicious jealousy had greater insecurity, greater anxious attachment, greater avoidant attachment, greater chronic jealousy, and lower self - esteem.
Median splits were calculated to determine high and low scorers on the ECR anxious attachment and avoidant attachment scales, respectively.
The total indirect effect of avoidant attachment on emotional distress through the two mediators had a coefficient of 0.65, with 95 % BC CIs of − 0.0209 to 1.6395 (see Table 5 Supplementary Material).
The Cognitive - Emotional Features of Avoidant Attachment on Memory Processing.
Specifically, participants with low avoidant attachment reported fewer subsequent intrusive memories when an attachment prime was presented relative to a non-attachment prime (p <.05).
However, when there is an anxious or avoidant attachment pattern and a person picks a partner who fits with that maladaptive pattern, they will most likely be choosing someone who isn't the ideal choice to make them happy.
The characteristics of maternal depression, insecure - avoidant attachment attitudes, and psychosocial risks are most probably associated with less adequate parenting and a poor parent - child relationship, 13,15 which may have led to insufficient support of the child's weight - reduction efforts.

Phrases with «avoidant attachment»

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