Sentences with phrase «by burning fossil fuels»

Climate change, mostly caused by burning fossil fuels, is a highly probable, potentially deadly threat to humanity.
My question is, what is the average time for the excess atmospheric CO2 produced by burning fossil fuels to mix into the deep ocean reservoir.
Poor nations are at present relatively minor contributors to the carbon dioxide generated by burning fossil fuels.
The excess CO2 we put into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, or natural gas is removed very slowly by ocean uptake and other geological processes.
More than half of pollution emitted by burning fossil fuels is absorbed by ocean water.
Humans are adding CO2 to the atmosphere, mainly by burning fossil fuels.
In other words, the plant growth should act like a sink, absorbing the gas released into the air by burning fossil fuel.
When we increase its atmospheric concentration, as we do by burning fossil fuels, it causes an enhanced greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.
It's also sensitive to the atmospheric composition of gases, and humans have influenced that by burning fossil fuels for over a century.
And the team gets its rosy results even though it didn't add in the health and environmental costs of the pollution created by burning fossil fuels.
They expect the amount of CO2 emitted this year by burning fossil fuels to grow to 58 percent above the 1990 emissions level.
We are changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere largely by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests.
Humans have added lots of CO2 to the atmosphere, mostly by burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas.
Currently, carbon is emitted primarily by burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas.
He also defended the research — reviewed by some 2,500 scientists — that shows man has fueled global warming by burning fossil fuels.
The CO2 pumped into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels today will hang around for centuries, building up over time and continuing to warm the planet.
Those who got rich by burning fossil fuels have taken up the available atmospheric space for carbon pollution, leaving little for the rest.
Our world is still powered predominantly by burning fossil fuels and the imminent threats posed by climate impacts continue to grow.
Meanwhile, other types of aerosols, often produced by burning fossil fuels, can change surface temperatures by either reflecting or absorbing incoming sunlight.
This energy is mostly generated by burning fossil fuels, which releases greenhouse gas emissions.
Our current problems — especially climate change caused by burning fossil fuels — are real.
Finding a solution to storage of nuclear waste is hard, but the relevant question is: is it harder than finding a safe place to put the CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuels?
Scientists are more confident than ever that pumping carbon dioxide into the air by burning fossil fuels is warming the planet.
She knew the basics of climate science, that we humans are heating up the planet at a rate that scares scientists, primarily by burning fossil fuels and chopping down rainforests.
Imagine a power plant that takes the excess carbon dioxide (CO2) put in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels and converts it back into fuel.
We make solar energy available to homeowners, businesses, schools, and government organizations at a lower cost than they pay for energy generated by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.
«The increase in the atmosphere is about half the amount that has been released by burning fossil fuels in that time.
The IPCC says that their Global Circulation Models (GCMs), on which all the climate panic is based, can only explain the late 20th century global temperature rise from a human signal: the extra CO2 added by burning fossil fuels.
When we clear forests, we're not only knocking out our best ally in capturing the staggering amount of GHGs we humans create (which we do primarily by burning fossil fuels at energy facilities, and of course, in cars, planes, and trains).
An overwhelming majority of scientists agree that the Earth is getting warmer and that humans have contributed directly to the change by burning fossil fuels for energy.
(Reuters)-- Last year was Earth's hottest on record in a new sign that people are disrupting the climate by burning fossil fuels that release greenhouse gases to the air, two U.S. government agencies said on Friday.
That's because according to estimates, there is more than 10 times the amount of carbon in Arctic soil than has been put into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels since the start of the Industrial Revolution.
Smogs were common in many British cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when domestic fires, industrial furnaces and steam trains were all emitting smoke and other hygroscopic pollutants by burning fossil fuels.
The first is climate change, exacerbated by the greenhouse gases we encourage by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and farming the way we do (particularly for meat production).
We have done that in spades by burning fossil fuels, raising atmospheric levels from a pre-industrial 280 parts per million to the current 387 ppm.
In the US, a district court judge recently granted a group of children and young adults the right to sue the federal government for endangering their futures by burning fossil fuels.
In fact, cadmium telluride solar cells are currently the most ecofriendly devices, even though they use a toxic heavy metal, primarily because they require the least energy — typically provided by burning fossil fuels — to manufacture, says environmental engineer Vasilis Fthenakis, senior scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory's National Photovoltaic Environment Research Center in Upton, N.Y., and Columbia University.
BURNING UP The heat radiated by burning fossil fuels such as natural gas, shown, is overshadowed within months by the greenhouse gas effect of the released carbon dioxide, new research shows.
If he understood this, he would understand how humans have disrupted the carbon cycle — we are releasing carbon from long - term storage by burning fossil fuels, which is causing an imbalance in the cycle and is leading to a build of carbon in the atmosphere.
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