Sentences with phrase «by dogma»

Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
This approach is analogous to that of Web design, ruled by the dogma of separating form from content.
The data didn't fit, and the characters behind the movement were clearly driven by dogma.
We believe in a spiritual life that is not guided by dogma but by personal faith, good works, community and being the best humans we can be.
It was done by dogma; the dogma holds that certain people are mere objects.
Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Steve jobs once said «Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking» and i think it applies to value investing world as well.
But he should be aware that if his conscience has been formed by the dogmas of contemporary culture, the gospel he follows may not be the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The formulation of Revelation's content into statements is what we mean by a dogma.
In a glowing review of a movie called A Perfect Family, Rex Reed writes that the main character Eileen is «a devout, self - obsessed Catholic so enslaved by dogma and ritual that she crosses herself and gives thanks to God before she so much as eats a vegetarian tamale.»
And don't be swayed by the dogma which says you can or you can't do something, because I think it's a huge choice for women to have to make.
We stand little chance of becoming as bigoted as yourself, so self - poisoned by dogma until you're only a shell of a human being.
With Jesus Feminist, Bessey's a modern - day Moses, seeking to not only free a Church held captive by dogma but also to redeem generations of women who have been stifled and silenced far too long.»
«I pray for our sins of dogma (oh Lord)... seriously, I love and worship you (God of Creation), I give you praise and thanks (to the MOST HIGH)............ I refuse to diminish these statements by dogma.
I was gripped by the language and absorbed by the dogmas.
If you find the true Mystics in every tradition who lived in that state of Divine awareness, You will find that they were free and natural and not bound by the dogma and scriptures.
Knowing that the word «dogma» is a pejorative term for most Americans, O'Connor boldly capitalized it, confessing in the upper case that «My stories have been watered and fed by Dogma
This is the scarcely questioned and surprising result today of an enquiry which for almost two hundred years has devoted prodigious and by no means fruitless effort to regain and expound the life of the historical Jesus, freed from all embellishment by dogma and doctrine.»
I am not healed by dogma alone, but also by the love and non-judgmental circle of my anonymous 12 step friends.
Or have we become stupefied by dogma or our own vaunted pride in reason, so that we can hear nothing new?
Christian religions live by their dogma, which by definition means they pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible.
The fact that you're embarrassed by her dogma, and thus want to alter the terms used to describe it is understandable, but keep in mind: Rand isn't some 2rd Century figure who wrote in Latin.
Moreover, in the case which concerns us, these are no longer determinations of a dogmatic pronouncement, but the reality affirmed by dogma, as determination, of which he proposes the reduction.
You are trapped in a bubble of ignorance decreed by your dogma and remain blind to the obvious deceptions.
@Martin T: Free Thought — thought unrestrained and uninfluenced by dogma or authority, esp in religious matters.
As much as Campbell is committed to the natural wine movement, though, and as much as she thrives on the community («It's such an honor to roll up somewhere in the middle of Europe and just have people know you,» she says), she doesn't abide by dogma: «If I find a wine that's beautiful and resonates and needs to be seen and drank and it's not made from native yeast or the guy isn't working 100 percent organic, I just go with it, as long as I know what's going on.»
Our prefrontal lobes can probe the future only when they aren't leashed by dogma.
The people who are shackled by dogma and narrow thinking are stuck.
As she grows fond of her charge, Lib sees the girl as a damsel in distress, enchained by the dogma of those around her.
You would have to agree to commit to keeping the dog until a permanent home was found by Dogma's Co-Directors.
Albers may have been the most dogmatic of modernists, but he came by his dogma the hard way.
This four - panel polyptych belongs to his series of abstract works, a series that contains none of the figurative and narrative references of his previous stage, thereby defending the coexistence of different methods in the arena of a kind of painting untouched by dogma.
Hard to agree upon what is a fact or that there can be more than one fact on an issue when reason is trumped by dogma.
, and that means that all political communities are formed by dogmas that they mistake for truth.
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