Sentences with phrase «by fungi»

These genes may signal proteins that protect the plant from attack by the fungus, but the exact mechanism isn't known.
This medical condition is actually not caused by worms at all, but rather by a fungus.
The finding brings to 19 the number of states impacted by the fungus.
The algae or bacteria produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis, some of which are absorbed by the fungi.
Only a small percentage of plants near the infected tree - of - heaven plots showed signs of being harmed by the fungus.
It is an imaginable world being torn apart by the fungus infection.
The mass die - offs caused by the fungus have probably destroyed a lot of genetic diversity, leaving the frogs less likely to be able to evolve rapidly and adapt to future changes.
Deoxynivalenol: Mycotoxin produced by the fungus Fusarium graminearum and other fungi that occurs mainly in grains such as wheat, barley, oats and maize, also known as vomitoxin.
Crops such as cucumber, watermelon, squash and cantaloupe are affected by the fungi Pseudoperonospora humuli and Pseudoperonospora cubensis, both which produce the downy mildew disease.
Thrush (an infection caused by the fungus candida albicans) can be a problem with using dummies, as the fungus thrives on moist surfaces at room temperature.
Fusarium head blight is caused by the fungus Fusarium graminearum, which produces a toxin that makes the crop unfit for human and animal consumption.
Heinz Mixed Cereal for Babies was found to contain elevated levels of Ochratoxin, a toxin created by fungi which grows on grains.
White - nose syndrome has spread steadily for the past decade and is caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans, known as P. destructans or Pd.
Researchers from Lund University, Sweden, and USA have shown that our understanding of how organic material is decomposed by fungi and bacteria is fundamentally wrong.
Roquefort and other blue cheeses hold an element called roquefortine C, which is a substance produced by the fungus used to produce these cheeses.
Coffee drinkers recoiled in horror when news that their favorite plant had come under serious attack by a fungus called rust this year.
A previously unknown group of compounds produced by the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus can block an enzyme implicated in the build - up of cholesterol in arteries.
The pictures show a plant root, which is populated by the fungus Piriformospora indica.
Martin chimed in: «Many of these genes are likely used to control plant immunity during the massive colonization of root tissues by the fungus
But the enzymes — which are secreted by both fungi and bacteria — have now also been shown to have the ability to «chip away» at other intractable materials such as resistant forms of starch.
A fire salamander that was infected by the fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, which may have reached Europe through the pet trade from Asia.
But this observation was also made outside the plant's native habitat, and it was only a single report — not enough for conclusive proof of pollination by fungus gnats.
The research was inspired by fungus - growing termites of the genus Odontotermes, but the theoretical results apply to all types of termites that increase resource availability on and / or around their nests.
In 1928, while conducting research on pathogenic bacteria of the Staphylococcus family, he noticed that one of the laboratory cultures had been contaminated by a fungus, and that bacterial growth had been inhibited.
Salt compounds released by fungi and plants in the Amazon rainforest have an important role in the formation of rain clouds, reports research published in the journal Science.
Athlete's Foot / tinea pedis is essentially a fungal infection of the skin causing by fungi growing and multiplying in and around the skin.
Is it possible that more forest losses will take place because of the great storms cause d by climate change, the wildfires caused by global warming or the increased infection of many species by fungi?
It is caused by a fungus not a worm, and the lesion is not always in the shape of a ring.
Ringworm is not caused by worms, but by fungi of several different species that infect the skin of humans and many other mammals.
However, the biosphere operates in steady state mode — for example, trees produce leaves in the spring and drop them in the fall — and then the leaves are converted back to CO2 and other nutrients by fungi and bacteria.
Causal agent: White mold, or Sclerotinia disease, is caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
Thrush is brought by the fungus Candida Albicans.
Refers to a class of enzymes produced chiefly by fungi, bacteria, and protozoans that catalyze the hydrolysis of cellulose.
Earlier this year, researchers in the Czech Republic reported the first European case of clinical disease caused by the fungus responsible for white - nose syndrome.
The Lecanorchis tabugawaensis hosted by the fungi that live in this ecosystem is further proof of the importance of Yakushima's lowland laurel forests.
The discovery of the Sciaphila yakushimensis, nurtured by the fungi and the nutrient - rich forests in which it grows, should make us reaffirm the value of Yakushima's lowland primeval forests.»
Conservationists have collected hundreds of amphibian species threatened by the fungus and are maintaining them in captivity with the hope to someday re-establish them in the wild.
Evans suggests that a nerve toxin spurred on by the fungus is at least partly to blame, «judging from the uncoordinated movements and hyperactivity of the ants infected,» he says.
In other words, these are not synthesized by the fungus from the carbon skeletons of the sugars delivered by the host.
The ever more frequent and severe large - scale epidemics caused by these fungi pose a severe threat to global food security.
Previous research has also shown that organic material that is broken down by fungi results in a reduced leakage of carbon dioxide and nutrients compared to material decomposed by bacteria.
«There was also no evidence to suggest that organic material broken down by fungi reduced the leakage of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, or the leakage of nutrients.
A perfectly preserved amber fossil from Myanmar has been found that provides evidence of the earliest grass specimen ever discovered — about 100 million years old — and even then it was topped by a fungus similar to ergot, which for eons has been intertwined with animals and humans.
A cement formed by fungi - produced minerals and chemical weathering lines the walls of the hole and temporarily maintains the branching shape of the tree hollows.
At Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, Nashville, Alford and Louise Rollins - Smith found that a population of Australian green - eyed tree frogs previously decimated by the fungus produced more anti-microbial peptides — which inhibit fungal growth — on their skin than a less affected population (Diversity and Distribution, vol 16, p 703).
«At that point, I was sold that we had trees being buried and decomposition driven by fungus,» said Argyilan.
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