Sentences with phrase «corporate leadership»

Equally deadly is a sense on the part of corporate leadership that nothing can be done once the crisis begins.
Finally, there are numerous reports and studies that link environmental and climate change gains to the existence of women in corporate leadership roles.
Women do face special challenges in achieving and retaining corporate leadership roles... and being taken seriously.
But strong corporate leadership requires staying abreast of changes and developing new policies.
The diversity of student backgrounds is reflected in their research interests, which include the development of compassion and gratitude in children, the challenges faced by immigrant children and corporate leadership coaching.
This provides the opportunity to review and refine early on, before sharing results with senior corporate leadership.
Corporate leadership changes from an unpaid lunch break, to a paid lunch break.
It's as if corporate leadership decided that market demand must be ambient, like air, and thus needs merely to be managed rather than built.
There are signs of a growing awareness about the benefits of female corporate leadership.
This is just the latest example of how dramatically corporate leadership has changed in the social media era.
If this happens, we will have a real test of the ability of corporate leadership to accept responsibility for the environment.
Gender diversity in corporate leadership, a growing body of research suggests, can produce a tangible financial return.
He previously held diverse, progressive business and corporate leadership roles during his 20 year tenure at a large Canadian bank.
Responsible for defining, measuring, and reporting department metrics to senior corporate leadership.
NEW DELHI: In a bid to highlight the role of corporate leadership on renewables in developing a cleaner economy, The Climate Group has hosted a RE100 high - level roundtable event, «Scaling Corporate Renewable Electricity Demand In India».
We join Sarah Labowitz in urging the new CEO Darren Woods, Ben Soraci, and other members of the ExxonMobil corporate leadership team to «get on with the business of developing sound solutions to a warming planet.»
As I pointed out in my first blog, the percentage of women in corporate leadership positions today is abysmal, and it's even worse in the venture capital world.
«Approaching the tipping point: how corporate users are redefining global electricity markets», a new report from RE100 — a global corporate leadership initiative led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP — tracks progress made in 2016 - 17 by companies committed to 100 % renewable power.
In 2015, the tech giant joined RE100, a global corporate leadership initiative by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, now bringing together 130 ambitious companies committed to sourcing entirely renewable power.
With the Future Fleet Campaign, we along with ForestEthics intend to shine a bright spotlight on the need for corporate leadership to head off a climate crisis, starting with their oil consumption.
Just about all of these resolutions have been summarily rejected by ExxonMobil corporate leadership, and voted down.
Along with leading the company through the aftermath of the breach, Houston will coordinate Equifax's efforts to «build a new future,» according to the company's corporate leadership page.
But this is about failed corporate leadership as well,» he insists.
Mr. Smith joined Walden in 2000 to lead Walden's ongoing shareholder engagement program to promote greater corporate leadership on ESG issues.
McDonald's USA has demonstrated corporate leadership with four LEED - certified restaurants and a goal to build 25 LEED - certified restaurants over the next three years.
If constantly striving for bigger and better things is a sure telltale sign of ambitious corporate leadership, drive and vision, then the recently - merged paperboard packaging group Torham / Hamilton Paperbox Inc. has a lot of good things going for it already — starting from...
With over 25 years of educational and corporate leadership experience, Keith has served as a high school assistant principal, math teacher, athletic director, and basketball coach.
Here's one discouraging reason why that might be the case: When organizations falter, black women in corporate leadership face harsher penalties than other leaders, according to a new study.
Michael has been interviewed on multiple radio programs, he has been invited to address therapy associations and group practices as a consultant, and has led dozens of corporate leadership development programs.
Michele's wide array of experience has led to opportunities in mentorship of young entrepreneurs, lifestyle and wellness coaching as well as participation in corporate leadership programs.
Darrisaw showed a few slides highlighting the lack of diversity among corporate leadership in America today.
Following Steve Jobs has arguably been the toughest corporate leadership assignment in decades, yet Cook has carried it off with mostly quiet aplomb.
Steve Jobs was our generation's archetype of the dominant CEO, the philosopher king who surpasses the performance of more democratic corporate leadership.
From a moral point of view, the pattern of CEO pay raises two key questions: first, are shareholders (and others who benefit from competent corporate leadership) getting their money's worth?
At its heart, the Weinstein scandal is a cautionary tale illustrating that the irresponsible use of NDAs renders corporate leadership complicit in a pattern of egregious misconduct...»
Commercial finance is a field that nurtures and develops all of the necessary entrepreneurial skills, without having to invest a ton of money on retreats or corporate leadership courses.
Insightful corporate leadership will support such government action, since it enables companies to behave morally and in their long - term self - interest, without losing out to competitors.
If the primary interest of corporate leadership continues to be expanding markets and freedom from imposed restrictions, WTO protection of the commons will be very limited indeed.
Founded in Binghamton, this New York - bred company is taking a principled stand and setting an example of responsible corporate leadership for businesses across the nation.»
The actions and responses to various simulated scenarios (e.g. Product choices for a specific market; Pricing strategies for a certain region etc.) can yield invaluable details about how regional thought impacts corporate leadership decisions.
Its basic claim was that the American standard of living was threatened by the loss of major manufacturing industries — such as automobiles, machine tools, and steel mills — to other nations, which the commission attributed to the mediocre quality of our public educational system; this claim shifted the blame from shortsighted corporate leadership to the public schools.
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