Sentences with phrase «debt capacity»

I have usually estimated that it would reach debt capacity limits around 2016 - 18 but now I think it is likely to happen earlier.
When that happens, debt rises at an unsustainable pace until we reach debt capacity limits, in which case the country will have a debt crisis.
Effective asset financing can help you maximize liquidity, increase debt capacity, and optimize your capital structure.
At first glance, this is a surprisingly small number given the group's low trading multiples and ample debt capacity.
I'll add gross cash, plus 50 % of a company's incremental debt capacity, to my P / S multiple.
Apart from expected returns and debt capacity bargain framework, do you use any other valuation techniques?
Plus we can expect interest paid to be significantly lower in FY - 2016: I estimate $ 1.9 million, vs. a prior $ 2.8 million — which would imply an additional debt capacity of $ 137 million (at a 5 % rate), for say a new - build (just announced!)
Also note, when I adjust for surplus cash, I'm usually adjusting for additional debt capacity too — but I generally haircut this figure by 50 %, so that will provide some reasonable wiggle room on my cash / debt adjustments.
I generally want to see the Net Interest / EBITA % lower than a 12.5 - 15.0 % maximum, and I may adjust my Price / Sales valuations up / down based on this ratio to reflect available Debt capacity or constraints.
And third, assume that China continues to have as much debt capacity as needed in the current period to fund the amount of activity required to meet the GDP growth target.
Given the State's limited resources, shrinking statutory debt capacity and unmet capital needs, it is critical that the State prioritize its use of debt and capital resources — including the (windfall) resources deposited in the (infrastructure fund)-- to ensure that they are used as effectively as possible, and with appropriate levels of transparency and accountability.
The PPP vehicle enables universities to access private funding in a transparent and low - risk manner while keeping their focus on education, preserving debt capacity, and benefitting from the third party's experience in building facilities in an operationally cheaper and faster manner than universities are capable of doing.
Assume, for example, that a disorderly rebalancing occurs because Beijing waits so long to force through the reforms that it runs into debt capacity limits (i.e. the growth in debt can not exceed the growth in the amount of bad debt that must continually be rolled over).
As long as China has sufficient debt capacity, the economy can grow at any rate Beijing chooses.
The city released an agenda for a mid-December meeting that listed «Review of Basic Deal Structure,» «Financing Issues,» including «City Debt Capacity,» and «Security for Public Financing,» as discussion items.
Jason Taylor, vice president for advisory services at The Scion Group LLC, says «having the backing of the state university system could tip the balance among debt capacity, student demand, and operational control to make it work, but whether the arrangement successfully delivers on its ambitious goals will be heavily scrutinized by the higher education, real estate development and investment communities in the coming years.»
TIFIA interest rates are lower, which will result in financing cost savings of approximately $ 100 million, and TIFIA - secured loans have allowed LACMTA to maximize debt capacity.
On the other hand, operating free cashflows have consistently exceeded operating profit in the past few years, so I was happy to utilize a higher 3.25 P / S ratio (plus an upwards debt adjustment to reflect inherent debt capacity — perhaps to pursue other acquisitions like Sportsbet in Australia).
The same logic applies re debt capacity — a strong company like Kingspan could draw down significant debt (at a low interest rate) for an acquisition tomorrow, which would hopefully significantly enhance earnings & the value of the company / share price, with no significant impairment to its overall financial strength.
As my previous 0.125 Fair Value P / S Ratio was reasonably generous, I won't increase it, but my resulting Fair Value of EUR 355.5 mio reflects a marginally higher Debt Capacity.
Next year will be a very important year for China because possible strains in the banking system and the intensity with which the reformers present their case will give us a better sense both of how much debt capacity the country retains and of how well positioned Xi Jinping and his allies are to implement the needed reforms.
Surplus debt capacity's also attractive, for the same reasons — I'm comfortable with interest expense up to 15 % of EBITA.
Fortunately, that aspect's pretty much self - financing — return on investment's attractive & predictable, and the resulting rise in rents & valuations offers increased debt capacity to fund this incremental investment.
«Given the State's limited resources, shrinking statutory debt capacity and unmet capital needs, it is critical that New York prioritize its use of debt and capital resources, including the resources deposited in the DIIF and the other settlement resources, to ensure that they are used as effectively as possible,» the report found.
One way is in the form, of a «sudden stop», in which Chinese borrowers are suddenly unable to roll over liabilities, and so we reach debt capacity limits in the form of a financial crisis.
We'll also adjust for cash — and noting finance expense is currently less than 7 % of Op FCF, we'll adjust for $ 0.2 billion of additional debt capacity (thereby bumping finance expense to a still reasonable 15 % of Op FCF).
A real solution to the debt problem, in other words, may involve initially a transfer of debt onto the government balance sheet, but ultimately Beijing must then take real steps to lower debt relative to debt capacity.
Debt capacity limits are the major constraint on China's adjustment.
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