Sentences with phrase «difference in the environment»

Here's one important difference in the environments of networking men and women.
Personal engagement — the boss walking down the halls, making eye contact and answering questions honestly — makes a huge difference in this environment.
Not to mention all of the other differences in environment and diet and medicine not attributable to fat.
I think the big difference in this environment is that so much of the opportunity is in the financials.
Although differences in the environments in which people live often are suspected when asthma risks among populations differ, the new findings illustrate the importance of also considering genetic differences among ethnic groups in diagnosing and treating disease, said Esteban Burchard, MD, professor of bioengineering for the UCSF School of Pharmacy and the senior scientist for the study.
To eliminate effects caused by differences in the environments» cleanliness while preserving the disorder, the researchers ran a second experiment.
Using studies of twins who had been separated at birth, yet displayed remarkably similar characteristics of personality despite differences in environment, Harris demonstrated the importance of genetic predisposition as a factor in human development.
The GRE scores» correlation with students» background doesn't mean that the exam is biased against certain groups, but that it reflects differences in environment and access to opportunities, says David Payne, vice president and chief operating officer of global education at ETS.
In an earlier review, Ngun and Vilain cited evidence that methylation may be determined by subtle differences in the environment each fetus experiences during gestation, such as their exact locations within the womb and how much of the maternal blood supply each receives.
The puppies are well exposed to many differences in the environment, which would include farm animals, trains, lawn mowers, rock piles etc..
[14] However, recent research indicates that differences in social cognition may originate from physical differences in the environments of the two cultures.
According to Professor Wilson, psychologist, associated with the University of Wisconsin, these children and adults have the ability to quickly patterns, similarities and differences in their environment in order to observe and categorize.
Thirty - five years ago, researchers studying chimpanzees in the wild noticed that neighboring communities had distinct grooming behaviors that could not be explained by differences in their environments.
An intentional individual wants to make a difference in their environment in some way, shape or form and has the self - control to take persistent action toward that desire.
Despite some initial resistance, Sanchez said, the group has blossomed and made a difference in the environment at the transfer school.
These are usually attributed to differences in their environment.
Certain populations (have) live (d) completely normally with eating patterns that are different than what is perceived healthy today, but that is (was) most probably possible because of the specific genetic makeup that those populations have developed due to the differences in environments, as opposed to the majority of people in this world.
Each of the characters had a uniqueness about them that made me connect with them even though the difference in our environment and our situations are completely different.
Intermediate teachers Maria Smith and Stuart Potter created family activities that would build students» understanding of concrete actions they could take to make a difference in the environment.
Let's have a look at the differences in environment and wildlife for the Shamwari Reserve and Sanbona Reserve.
I like the difference in environments from the forests to the unholy abyss style setting, and it seems like there's a lot of story to wrap your head around with plenty of room for expansion.
Get the inside track on the improvements to player choice and how the difference in environments impacts the gameplay this time around.
This season, fall into energy savings with heating tips from ENERGY STAR and enjoy lower energy bills, increased home comfort, and the warm feeling that comes from knowing you're helping reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change, making a difference in the environment for your family and generations to come.
For deep convective systems, the G - 1 measurements will focus on characterizing the environmental conditions that lead to convective initiation and the vertical profiles of environmental properties around the growing deep convection and in adjacent regions that are not initiating deep convection so that the differences in environment can be compared.
Making a difference in your environment starts with you.
Can one retailer make a difference in an environment where so much is at stake?
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