Sentences with phrase «discrimination against women»

(a) To enhance gender equality, raise the profile of women and address issues relating to all forms of discrimination against women, particularly in conflict situations and.
These scholarships were created to eliminate discrimination against women in male - dominated professions.
As firms begin to allow women to work part time, will we see discrimination against women who choose not to?
That 1989 ruling changed the way courts and businesses looked at sex discrimination against women.
Rates of discrimination against women substantially influence the levels of child physical abuse and child neglect.
Was it the next 80 years of discrimination against women and minorities or banning people of different skin colors from marrying?
Specifically, higher scores indicating greater levels of discrimination against women on the SIGI, greater gender inequity on the GII, and lower scores on the GGI indicating greater gender gaps are associated with higher rates of child physical abuse and child neglect.
West Coast LEAF's mission is to achieve equality by changing historic patterns of systemic discrimination against women, through BC - based equality rights litigation, law reform and public legal education.
Instead of telling people that their interpretation is wrong, you can remind them that other religious texts have been used in the past to justify atudes and laws that are recognized today as morally wrong and unjust — such as discrimination against women, people of color and religious minorities.
«Grothman would see it as unjust, because he believes that the whole idea of pay discrimination against women is fraudulent».
You are the first person I know who says slavery and mindless discriminations against women, gays, and the handicapped is PERFECT.
You also completely ignore Walmart's continuing discrimination against women and minorities.
«The USGA has focused particular and admirable attention the past few years on the game's decades - long discrimination against women and girls, and it has made a special effort to encourage them to take up the game.
«As a lifelong progressive, he's fought for equal pay for equal work, reproductive freedom and ending discrimination against women by insurance companies,» James said in a statement released by the senator's campaign.
The Forum for Women, Law and Development of Nepal The Forum for Women, Law and Development, founded in 1994 and located in Kathmandu, Nepal, is a nongovernmental organization that aims to eliminate discrimination against women in Nepal.
The Buffalo Common Council is considering an ordinance to promote equality and curb discrimination against women in the community.
«We have an opportunity to send a message that, while we are very supportive of our business community, we will not tolerate discrimination against women,» Poloncarz said Wednesday after the agency approved the new policy in a 123 vote.
«Child abuse and neglect linked to gender inequality: Researchers investigate how physical abuse and neglect correlates with discrimination against women
West Coast LEAF's mission is to achieve equality by changing historic patterns of discrimination against women through BC - based equality rights litigation, law reform and public legal education.
Wal - Mart is the defendant in a class action lawsuit alleging discrimination against women.
Medicaid work requirements, which the Trump - Pence administration is encouraging states to adopt, are just another way to allow discrimination against women with low incomes and take away critical health coverage.
The Guerrilla Girls are anonymous activists and artists who disguise themselves in gorilla masks as they campaign against discrimination against women and minority artists.
The work environment is one of the places in which discrimination against women is most evident in the modern context so a feminism essay can focus on work related issues such as: Your feminism essay should point out that as recently as the 60's the best jobs with growth potential were reserved for men while women were forced to apply for mundane and monotonous work with hardly any future chances of growth or salary hikesEven highly educated women were not spared such Continue reading
Justice Department Sues Nation's Largest Mortgage Insurance Provider for Discrimination Against Women on Paid Maternity Leave.
Last year, three female software engineers accused Uber of rampant discrimination against women and minorities.
«These companies pride themselves on being forces of modernity and progress, yet they fall back on such recruitment strategies, which shows how deeply entrenched discrimination against women remains in China.»
On Christianity, morality is whatever you want it to be like supporting discrimination against women or not.
I have heard believers den.igrate my friends because of their natural se.xual orientation, and have heard politicians try to legislate discrimination against women and gays based on their religion.
slavery discrimination against women discrimination against gays discrimination against the handicapped beating helpless children with sticks, etc..
Because people who DO believe in dragons aren't using their Holy books about dragons to justify discrimination against women and g - ays.
We who are married can help to overcome sexism, the prejudice and discrimination against women most obviously, but also against men, which blocks human becoming on a massive scale.
It is disappointing to see sexism, misogyny and discrimination against women so prevalent still in our society and especially in so many churches.
Feminist organisations which are very vocal on alleged «sexism» and «misogyny» such as when Tony Abbott, then leader of the Opposition in Australia, looked at his watch while the then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard was speaking in Parliament, are completely silent about the blatant discrimination against women in Islam and under Sharia law.
It also welcomed the unveiling of the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights as an opportunity to ensure that the workplace and public services reflect the changing needs and aspirations of men as well as adding pressure to end pay and job discrimination against women.
The organization states that «the practice has the effect of unduly shortening the worker's right to sickness benefits in the postnatal period, when she might need them most, and leading to potential discrimination against women
«Anyone who doesn't believe there is culturalized and institutionalized discrimination against women in this society is in a state of denial,» Cuomo said.
That principle would oppose eg disenfranchisement on grounds of race, or legislation to enforce apartheid - style segregation, but would allow individuals to offer a «no Irish» or «no gays» sign or tacit policy, and have no business in issues like discrimination against women candidates who could show they were best qualified for jobs.
«We have seen tremendous aggression and discrimination against women over this past year,» Cuomo said.
«Current law allowing 14 year olds to get married is discrimination against women written explicitly in our statues,» Paulin said.
The Senate this afternoon in quick succession approved a package of measures aimed at curtailing discrimination against women in the workplace and in housing as well as anti-domestic violence legislation.
Women athletes and scientists today marked the 37th anniversary of a U.S. law prohibiting discrimination against women in education at a White House event during which young women were urged to go for the gold.

Phrases with «discrimination against women»

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