Sentences with phrase «emotional effects»

His is one of the few studies to examine the long - term emotional effects of violent video games.
Therefore you need music that has a strong emotional effect on you, music that gets you in a great mood.
A model of simplicity and grace, with emotional effects that move you when you least expect it, the kind of great film that only a master can pull off.
To get the same emotional effect you will have to increase your sweet intake over time.
Aside from the devastating emotional effects, your family will likely also be faced with negative financial issues, too.
Women who hire a doula for labor or postpartum support tend to breastfeed their babies easier and longer, experience fewer negative emotional effects after childbirth and bond better with their babies.
It has great emotional effect if you understand it.
These victims are forced to endure severe physical harm, along with long - term emotional effects.
The term anxiety refers to a biological defense system that activates a (usually unpleasant) physiological or emotional effect when we perceive a situation to be potentially dangerous.
Each narrative is pitched for maximum emotional effect, but this tactic soon becomes exhausting.
The well - chosen audio background will strengthen emotional effect from the book.
The result was 25 large - scale paintings, combining the figurative and the abstract to powerful emotional effect.
We acknowledge the traumatic emotional effects associated with being a displaced worker and offer a positive, welcoming and safe environment for job - seekers to launch the next chapter of their career.
Participants also reported a variety of positive emotional effects for music and all chose to listen to extreme music of their own accord during the music condition.
Emotional effects vary, but may include frustration, depression and difficulty maintaining friendships due to new communication barriers.
Dating can be frustrating, even downright intimidating, especially for survivors living with the physical and emotional effects of stroke.
Certain essential oils can trigger physical or emotional effects on their own.
These shots also make for a great emotional effect and based on the audience's reaction tonight it worked extremely well.
The teacher testified that she suffered physical and emotional effects from the website.
If The Master doesn't have the same immediate emotional effect as Anderson's previous work it is because it is dealing with far more subdued and interior subject matter than romantic love or building an oil empire.
It's the only sequence in the film that successfully redeploys an ABBA song to real emotional effect.
«Mr. Pip,» a lower profile adaptation of a less famous book, doesn't carry the same risks as «The Lovely Bones» did, but this gimmicky story set during Papua New Guinea's civil war is similarly overblown, reaching for emotional effect in a fatally hamfisted fashion.
The immediate emotional effects of abuse and neglect — isolation, fear, and an inability to trust — can translate into lifelong consequences including low self - esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties.
Not suprisingly, the experience has had a profound emotional effect Seay, who himself has three children under the age of 13.
The partner with the low sex drive doesn't have a care in the world as to what the physical effects are of being constantly deprived, the desperation it can cause nor do they have any understanding of the massive and I mean massive emotional effect of being pushed away constantly by their partner is.
As well as collecting weight - change data and logging emotional effects, the Lift team will use surveys to explore which strategies are the most likely to lead to weight - loss success.
UCLA researchers have begun integrating talk therapy to help athletes deal with lingering emotional effects of their head injuries.
Yet another odd observation: Many, though not all, people who have removed wheat from their diet for at least several months have what I call «wheat re-exposure reactions» usually experienced as abdominal cramps, gas, and diarrhea (just like food poisoning); asthma attacks in the susceptible; joint swelling and pain; and emotional effects such as anxiety in women and rage in men.
This takes its time to build up and establish all the characters, then tosses in some crazy twists that have a strong emotional effect.
Many individuals feel that it is not good to disclose your health condition to your spouse; this is due to the fact that many people are living with herpes and in turn it has a detrimental emotional effects.
Intelligent and handsomely mounted, though it doesn't use its length to build to a particularly complex emotional effect.
The cumulative emotional effect is devastating: the final scenes here are as angry, as memorable, as overwhelming as anything modern cinema has to offer.
One can understand the impulse to keep the movie - making and actual war as separate as possible, though, and despite the contrivance, the ultimate emotional effect essentially sticks.
Yet the familial discord the film attempts to plumb for emotional effect never jells into anything substantial.
The maternal instinct is just as strong in dogs as in people and to have a whole litter prematurely ripped from a mother's side can have devastating and permanent emotional effects on both the mother and puppies.
This alone makes it an extraordinary work, but it's the way that these aesthetic elements come together with beautifully subtle direction and storytelling to create a lasting emotional effect that elevates this to one of the very best games of our time.»
It tries to gain an emotional connection with the player, but fails miserably and a lack of any kind of caring for these moments on the game's part meant that some major plot points did not have the intended emotional effect when they occurred.
Turrell reflects our modern day ADD in his work by keeping his colours in constant flux, while still managing to preserve the sublime emotional effect of an Abstract Expressionist canvas.
In alignment with this chance - driven approach, Steinmetz is committed to presenting the viewer with images that are open to multiple interpretations, as opposed to creating specific narratives or singular emotional effects.
«It is clear that minimalist art has a very different emotional effect.
Cézanne and fellow Post-Impressionists used increasingly abstract and geometric forms and juxtapositions of pure, intense colors toward emotional effect to create works such as La Montagne Sainte - Victoire (1888 - 90).
«The artist's early paintings were about his emotional responses to the land, and they appropriately produced deeply emotional effects in viewers.
«The palette is very moody and evocative, and he has an extraordinary ability to convey emotional effect,» Helen Molesworth, the chief curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, said by telephone Tuesday.
Divorce mediation will not only save you and your spouse the considerable time and expense of an adversarial legal proceeding, but it will also shelter you and your children from the most harmful emotional effects of your divorce.
That Mario did nothing in the field of criminal justice but build prisons and lock up tens of thousands of young men of color had a devastating emotional effect on me personally.
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