Sentences with phrase «female board representation»

Norway and France have mandated quotas for female board representation.
The lowest - ranking industry based on the percentage of board members who are female is the energy industry, with an average of 10.9 % female board representation over the six - year period.
Lord Davies's recommendations in 2011 spurred FTSE 100 companies to increase female board representation from 12.5 % to 26 %, beating his target of 25 %.
Female board representation at the S&P 500 has not increased significantly over the past decade and, at 18.7 %, pales in comparison to the figures in most of Europe.
A commitment to selecting candidates based on merit was by far the most common reason issuers gave for not having a policy about the representation of women on the board, not considering gender in the board nomination process and / or not adopting a target for female board representation.
At Marks & Spencer, female board representation has risen to 41.7 %, from 27.3 % four years ago.
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