Sentences with phrase «flesh and spirit»

His distinctive view of man's interior nature involved a sharp contrast between flesh and spirit.
There the two distinct «others» in humankind, the male and the female, which can become one in flesh and spirit.
In sexual communion, the spiritual happiness in each other and in God, as well as the total joy of flesh and spirit of the spouses, is meant to be taken up in a common joy unto God.
If we understand flesh and spirit as forces (Gal.
In God, His Word, His Son, His Spirit, His people... etc Now, I am well aware of the continual struggle between flesh and Spirit even within my self.
While, at times, he talked as a Greek in setting flesh and spirit in sharp opposition, he always was thinking as a Jew; he was contrasting, not material flesh and immaterial spirit, but the natural man uninspired by the divine Spirit, on one side, and the spiritual man transformed by God's grace, on the other.
Here the implication is that such an interpenetration of flesh and spirit takes place that the marriage relationship constitutes what Karl Barth called «a full communion of life.»
Flesh and spirit do not usually mean that the body sins against the soul — or spirit.
No one questioned whether flesh and spirit had different connotations.
Marcela Cernadas is now back with the exhibition Cenacolo to the city that had already welcomed her back in 2015 with the project Flesh and Spirit, curated by Manon Comerio and Paola Marini in the...
Our glory and shame is that we are entangled in the oppositions of flesh and spirit, sin and salvation, this world and the next.
Is not Mary Jewish in flesh and spirit» embodying the faith and the hope of Israel?
I'm constantly at war between my flesh and my spirit.
The flesh and the Spirit are hostile towards one another, which is clear enough in these blogs.
I agree with you and think I understand the teachings of Paul as it relates to the flesh and the spirit.
Christendom imagined that the Incarnation meant a non-dialectical (or partial) union of time and eternity, of flesh and Spirit; thereby it abandoned a world - reversing form of ethics and ushered in the new age of an absolutely autonomous history (profane Existenz).
After that second or third day I have a hard and long battle between my flesh and my spirit.
Since he sees man standing at the point of decision, the essential part of man is for him the will, the free act, and in this connection the dualistic anthropology which sees two natures, flesh and spirit, active in man, has no meaning.
Monica blogs on the intersection of faith and depression at Beautiful Mind Blog and writes a biweekly column, «Women, In Flesh and Spirit» at Patheos.
7:1 1Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, PERFECTING [caps mine] holiness in the fear of God -LCB- KJV -RCB-.
Thus he maintained a sacramental view of the unity and mystery of the relationship between flesh and spirit, between the visible and invisible.)
A kenotic Word acts or moves by reversing the forms of flesh and Spirit.
Our human dignity, rooted in our divine parentage, resides in the holistic integration of flesh and spirit.
And so the real contrast of verse 63 is not between flesh and spirit (in the modern sense of nonmateriality), or between history and some realm of eternity; but between living historical reality (flesh), illumined by God's gift of faith — and dead flesh, dead events, uninterpreted and barren.
Is Israel truly (in flesh and spirit) present in the Church?
The struggle between flesh and spirit is a big one; winning one little battle over genetic expression of MAOA does not in itself indicate that we are ready to declare total victory in the war against the flesh.
If we assume that the distinction between body and soul or the conflict between flesh and spirit are metaphysical divisions, then the situation is conceptually hopeless.
William Barclay has also written A New Testament Wordbook, More New Testament Words, Letters To The Seven Churches, The Master's Men, and Flesh and Spirit, The Mind Of Jesus, Crucified and Crowned, and Jesus As They Saw Him.
The Pauline uses of flesh and spirit to connote life orientation contrasts the quality of life lived «in the Spirit» with a life lived in bondage to the fear of death.
But the leading Mystic ideas are Grace as an indwelling power, Freedom, the Inner Light, Discontinuity (Law and Gospel, Flesh and Spirit, World and God).
Drawing on this Pauline thought and vocabulary in the immediate post-apostolic era St. Irenaeus wrote: «Christ recapitulates in himself the orders of the flesh and the spirit
[14] Human nature as flesh and spirit was created not only «in Wisdom», but specifically «in Jesus Christ» the Incarnate Wisdom of God who recapitulates all things in himself.
It can resemble the allegorizing of the Stoics or that of Philo, or it can adopt the quasi-Platonic language of the opposition between flesh and spirit, between shadow and true reality.
Furthermore, the historical expressions of eschatological faith do employ the symbolic language and imagery of opposition: old and new, light and darkness, flesh and Spirit.
In the voice of Mary Magdalen it offers a strong critique of the separation of flesh and spirit: «All loves are bodily, require / that the lips part, and press their trace / of secrecy upon the one / beloved...» The poem notes «the damage Greek / has wrought upon your tongue.»
The interests of the two powers penetrated each other at all points, and this led to conflict, of a kind that a man may feel in his own experience when the flesh and the spirit are at war.
From Genesis to Revelation we are flesh and spirit, not either or, but always both and THAT is our glory.
In a pre-Christian manner, people tended to believe that the essential conflict in the human soul is the battle between the flesh and the spirit.
Flesh and spirit are forever in tension with one another, for in every decision we determine whether our fi4ure goals will shape our past inclinations, or vice versa, and to what extent.
In the total historical context, however, Luther's scatology - permeated language has to be taken seriously as an expression of the painful battle fought body and soul against the Adversary, who threatens both flesh and spirit.
The interacting roles of these three powers may be seen in Paul's contrast between flesh and spirit (Gal.
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