Sentences with phrase «for side quests»

Other then that I am fine with this the other changes seem good especially that song of double time idea which will be great for side quests in my opinion.
There are more things to do in the city for side quests that I thought to be better and more creative this time around.
This will be useful for a side quest in the future.
The list below are links to guides for each side quest that rewards crystals.
These levels allow for side quests and players can do what they want with numerous enemies around and things to find.
Knowing Rockstar's penchant for side quests, we're likely to see the return of ambient challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2.
He teams up with Rocket and Groot for a side quest that is one of my favorite parts of the movie.
The real meat of the game comes after the credits roll, when the player is free to scour Chronopolis for side quests, unlockable characters, gold bricks and Easter eggs.
There are some areas you have to beat for the side quests which will help you earn bonus Exp and decent weapons.
Completing a given mission returns you to here where you can visit shops and blacksmiths to power up your weapons and buy more gear, progress to a new story mission or even revisit older areas for side quest challenges.
Instead, there are scrap piles to scavenge, plants to harvest, buried treasure to find, and creatures to catch for side quests.
Sights and sounds combine to create an irresistible portrait of London, and make exploring for every side quest and collectible an enjoyable experience.
Tune your bulky radio to the right frequency and you'll be pointed in the right direction for a side quest or to find some available goodies from fallen Mobius agents.
From games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to Assassin's Creed, we cover what to look for in a side quest and what standards should be upheld by game creators for side quests.
Finding out - of - the - way areas to look for side quests is part of the fun of an RPG, allowing players to form a deeper attachment to the world they're saving.
There's also an opportunity for side quests, such as robbing a bank.
The fact of the matter is that the writing just isn't very strong for the side quests or the main quest in XBX.
With Dragon Age (all of them), story is basically all there is, and for the most part the core plotline is done in a certain order, with deviations for side quests.
While the conversations you have sometimes give you the options for side quests, often the conversational options have little or no impact on the game; you may be required to go through each option before the conversation is done, or the conversation may give you a little more information that will make no difference in how the game plays out.
All of it plays together, as training up those soldiers will help you in the RTS skirmishes which you have to do for side quests or story progression, so none of this ever feels like a chore as it all flows effortlessly.
More honor means more respect from lawmen and less trouble for committing minor offenses, while fame translates into more chances for side quests as people recognize Marston and ask for his help.
To conclude this love fest, it took me right around 14 hours to complete and I took my time exploring the levels for side quests and feeding my addiction for more Bolts and Raritanium.
Knowing Rockstar's penchant for side quests, we're likely to see the return of ambient challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2.
That's it for the side quest here!
Follow the marker for main quests; look out for random to people to talk to for side quests.
According to Tomm the puzzle level difficulty you choose will change just how helpful the prompts are for side quests, for example, instead of a prompt that encourages you to return stolen items found in the thief's apartment you would simply find a note accusing someone of being a thief and then a box of stolen property.
For the side quests, almost any plot from the 1980's series could easily be adapted for use.
With the herbivore eggs safely in your inventory, you can now either take them to a supply box to get extra research points, create certain crafting recipes that require them, or hand them over to the NPC that wanted them for a side quest.
It wasn't made clear if this was part of the main storyline, so it's best to assume that these will be for side quests.
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