Sentences with phrase «grain intake»

You should have at least half your daily grain intake be whole - grain.
Do hydrate because increased fiber and whole grain intake requires more water to digest these foods.
The first time I did the 6 week plan I was not working out at all, so I tried to keep my whole grain intake down as much as I could stand to.
In this report, the beneficial effects for whole - grain consumption are greatest for a daily whole - grain intake above approximately 30 g, regardless of the food source.
More studies are needed, they conclude, to confirm the findings and to determine if eating popcorn can indeed help increase people's whole grain intake over time.
This difference in nutrient concentration would allow grain intake to be replaced by intake from other foods groups, as long as food substitutions were done in an informed and careful way.
And our guidelines still condone half of grain intake as refined grains.
Whole Grains May Work As Well As Drugs for hypertension, but refined grain intake may be linked with high blood pressure and diseases like diabetes.
Like all foods, rice should be eaten in moderation, and it's good to mix up your whole grain intake with barley, quinoa, farro, millet, etc..
Over the years, various popular diets have recommended restriction of carbohydrates both for weight loss and improved health, and these diets have often advocated restricted grain intake as a means of lowering carbs.
Because we tend to de-emphasize grain intake in our WHFoods recipes and meal plans, and because we generally tend to emphasize intake of low glycemic index foods that have limited to moderate amounts of available carbohydrates, we set a WHFoods recommendation level of 225 grams for total carbohydrate — about 10 % higher than the low end of the range recommended by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in its discussion of Dietary Reference Intakes.
The largest single sub-section of the plate is vegetables and when combined with fruits, makes half of the plate; grains and protein take up the other 50 % of the plate, with the suggested grain intake being slightly higher than the suggested protein intake.
The standard diet recommended by the government, which contains an unnaturally high grain intake is NOT conducive to controlling blood sugar and reducing visceral fat!
Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1999 to 2004, the researchers calculated whole - grain intake among some 13,000 adults.
In the present study, although we did not have data on whole - grain intake per se, we discovered a 50 % risk reduction for women with the highest consumption of bread or cereals, which was mainly driven by nonwhite bread (data not shown) and was only marginally explained by the dietary GI.
Your diet should include several servings of grains daily, and both bread and English muffins help you reach your recommended grain intake.
Tortillas contribute to your overall grain intake, with each tortilla providing at least 1 ounce equivalent of grains.
I wanted to know your thoughts on how health beneficial this diet would be if I were to include B12 supplements, 5 cups of legumes per week, adequate grain intake (after 4), 1 ounce of nuts daily, and adequate omega 3 intake from seeds by your recommendation from a combination of your videos?
The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend that at least half of your daily grain intake come from whole grains.
This overwhelming research evidence in favor of whole grain intake does not surprise us since a single cup of whole grains typically provides about 5 - 10 grams of fiber, 5 - 8 grams of protein, a good amount of magnesium and manganese, and helpful amounts of many B vitamins.
In one study of nearly 3,000 people, refined grain intake was associated with an increase in visceral and subcutaneous abdominal body fat.
For example, the report on the Nurses» Health Study (Liu et al., 1999) evaluated whether the association of whole - grain intake with CHD risk could be attributed to its constituents (e.g., dietary fiber, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin E) or if something other than the micronutrient and fiber content of the whole grain was correlated with the protective effect.
«Grain intake in the feedlot is relatively easy to measure and the industry now has a substantial number of feed intake records.
Shift to make half of all grains consumed be whole grains: Shifting from refined to whole - grain versions of commonly consumed foods — such as from white to 100 % whole - wheat breads, white to whole - grain pasta, and white to brown rice — would increase whole - grain intakes and lower refined grain intakes to help meet recommendations.
We have generally been fairly limited on our grain intake largely due to the fact that I do not have a sourdough starter (yet).
After a long period of testing and tweaking, I realized that my grain intake had very little to do with my performance, in fact, in some cases, the lack of grains seemed to inhibit my performance *.
I have slowly been reducing my grain intake and am looking forward to pursuing the Paleo diet further in 2012.
We're not strictly paleo, but we try and limit our grain intake when possible.
I have switched to low carb diet recently so that is why considerably reduced my grain intake; it's hard to manage initially but after few days your body gets used to it.
The past few month, I have been trying to cut back on my grain intake.
They also contribute to whole grain intake, which is known to be deficient in children.
Research shows that a higher whole grain intake is tied to a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
Eliminating meat and dairy will force you to get creative with your produce and whole grain intake, Romano says.
Nutritionists recommend that at least half of your daily grain intake should be wholegrain.
Whether you're looking to reduce your grain intake or just want to increase your vegetable consumption while still gaining the benefits of lasting energy from complex carbs, spaghetti squash is an awesome healthy variation that provides you solid doses of manganese, niacin, Omega - 3, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.
The majority of our grain intake instead comes from refined grains — things like white bread and white rice.
Wu, H., et al. «Association between dietary whole grain intake and risk of mortality: two large prospective studies in US men and women.»
Whether you're looking to reduce your grain intake or just want to... [Read more...]
Limit your grain intake from breads, cereals, pastas, rice, and starches.
I have been wondering if part of my exhaustion has to do with my grain intake (I eat well, exercise, etc).

Phrases with «grain intake»

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