Sentences with phrase «high levels of distress»

The protests reflect high levels of distress among many fathers.
Specifically, higher levels of distress at baseline were associated with greater improvements in child disruptive behavior following the intervention.
Adolescent girls reported a significantly higher level of distress than boys in most symptom domains.
While exposure to physical aggression and self - harm are known to have detrimental consequences for nurses working in mental health services in terms of staff sickness and trauma, this new study suggests that nurses who are subject to humiliating personal remarks experience higher levels of distressing emotions, including anger.
While Detroit has struggled with high levels of distressed activity since the housing market collapse, the recent financial developments for the metro will likely serve as another hurdle.
Previous research suggests those with chronic pain who misuse their opioids exhibit higher levels of distress in general, as well as heightened reactivity to that distress.
In short, «low church attendance is associated with a somewhat higher level of distress in the general adjustment measures, a more negative self - percept, less happiness on the job, and strikingly less marital happiness.»
Those who reported high levels of distress and high levels of depressive symptoms were assigned one of three interventions, all of which were designed to reduce the distress associated with managing diabetes, rather than symptoms of depression.
While eating - disordered women scored more highly than do controls on all maladaptive schema (suggesting high levels of distress in women with eating disorders), the pattern of correlations between schema and emotion experience was distinctly different for each group and counterintuitive for the eating disorder group.
There are many relationships that are in a fairly high level of distress but the partners remain faithful to each other, despite the unhappiness.
«Such high levels of distress among parents raise concerns about immigration impacts on the entire family, including among teenagers,» Roche added in the release.
Coping strategies involving avoidance, escape, distraction and disengagement were positively associated with distress, meaning that high use of these strategies was associated with or predicted high levels of distress.
This workbook is a cost effective alternative to premarital counseling but not appropriate for relationships experiencing high levels of distress and conflict
Tully (2004) showed that non-direct coping strategies, including hostility and wishful thinking, were associated with higher levels of distress, as measured by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ).
Kids with tantrums ending in severe social withdrawal and high levels of distress were the ones more likely to have a psychological diagnosis.
Adults who recently experienced a change in health insurance status had higher levels of distress than those who had not recently experienced a change.
Unlike a blue mood, depression is linked to an inability to function normally and a high level of distress.
The Guide provide a more optimistic and comprehensive approach to wellbeing and mental health beyond repeating the familiar statements about the high levels of distress and mental ill - health in the profession.
Among rural residents who sought professional help for mental health problems the overall perception of the adequacy of the service they received was low, especially among those with the highest levels of distress and greatest adversity (recent adverse life events).
As professionals working with children and families, the executive committee of IAIA have been aware of the high level of distress experienced by many children and young people.
Every respondent reported depressive symptoms, with the majority reporting medium to high levels of distress.
Such thoughts and talk indicates a high level of distress that requires attention.
Whether such talk represents a clear intention of suicide or is a way of expressing feelings of depression, it indicates a high level of distress that requires attention.
However, those who do not believe they can cope with expected obstacles experience high levels of distress and anxiety arousal.
Overdependence has consistently been related to higher levels of distress, negative affect, and physical and psychological symptoms as well as catastrophic beliefs about transactions with other people (Bartholomew and Horowitz 1991; Hazan and Shaver 1990; Mikulincer 1995; Mikulincer and Florian 1998).
The therapist couldn't start the guideline cognitive - behavioral treatment because of the client's high levels of distress.
It is a therapy based on attachment theory and has been shown to be highly effective, even with couples in high levels of distress.
Providing family and relationship services which alleviate the suffering of children, adults and families with high levels of distress and complex needs.
Across all parent groups, mothers had higher levels of distress and hopelessness than fathers, with the highest levels among mothers of children with CHD compared to mothers in the other groups.
This means that higher levels of these traits were related to higher levels of distress.
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