Sentences with phrase «human communication»

Common forms of human communication include sign language, speaking, writing, gestures, and broadcasting.
Like most citizens of the universe, I have been aware of the explosion social media has created in human communication.
Secondly, the research team looked at the implications stealing voices had on human communications as its other application for the paper's case study.
These professionals are in charge with: diagnosing disorders, creating individualized treatment plans, educating family and caregivers, collaborating with professionals from other disciplines, and researching human communication processes.
Human communication relies heavily on facial expressions, so robots that can mimic them well should find much wider application.
We view normal human communication as talking, writing, reading, and seeing / observing — not tapping into subtle forms of energy.
If we consider human communication, there is obviously value in the people who reach tens of millions of people and what they have to say.
And there can be no doubt that the written word is likely to forever remain a vehicle for human communication.
As long as technology continues to advance human communications, litigation will involve increasingly complex and pervasive means of recovering those communications.
One of the unique features of today's world is the existence of extensive human communications [1].
Direct marketing is focused target marketing, which still relies upon human communications and interactions.
Social media may be new, he adds, but it resembles a very ancient form of human communication.
A recent study published in the journal Human Communication Research by researchers at Rollins College and The Pennsylvania State University found that individuals who were exposed to intense verbal aggression as children are able to handle intense conflict later in life.
The film introduces us to Koko soon after she was brought from the San Francisco Zoo to Stanford University by Dr. Penny Patterson for a controversial experiment — she would be taught the basics of human communication through American Sign Language.
Lindsey Aloia (Rollins College) and Denise Solomon (The Pennsylvania State University) published their findings in the journal Human Communication Research.
The discussion does not assert that happiness is constituted solely by human communication, i.e., the Whiteheadian understanding is not a simple reversal of the private view of liberalism.
And since those lines on our faces are pivotal to basic human communication — not to mention our confidence when someone is staring at us a bit too closely — most of us make it a point to ensure they're looking fabulous at all times.
She holds a BSc in Human Communications with Accounting, a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology.
He is currently Distinguished Writer in Residence at the Consortium for Science Policy and Outcomes and a professor in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University.
Empathic communication goes far beyond what comes out of our mouths to fill the chasms, relaying what we feel through physical and emotional cues that construct the most basic of human communication tools.
Communicating at a distance is critically different from communicating with students face - to - face, as neither the student nor the teacher has access to the rich nonverbal cues and feedback from human communication (Archambault & Larson, 2015).
These «aesthetic» and «cultural» polarities define the basic terrain of a performance - centered perspective on human communication.
White Space featured Wang Haiyang's abstract paintings — created to cope with his sexual energies during a recent hospitalization — along with videos and installations depicting human communications through images of gums and saliva.
Fairly suddenly, about 3,300 B.C., a major change in human communication occurred.
Interpersonal touch is known to influence human communication and emotion.
They frequently develop behavior problems because of their inability to understand human communication, and because they may be easily startled or frightened by the unexpected.
Alternatively stated, maximal happiness is pursued insofar as one seeks to maximize human communication, i.e., seeks to maximize the public world.
The convergence model represents human communication as a dynamic, cyclical process over time, characterized by (1) mutual causation rather than one - way mechanistic causation, and emphasizing (2) the interdependent relationship of the participants, rather than a bias toward either the gisource» or the «receiver» of «messages.»
Believe in God is not solely found in intellect (although if at least little intellect isn't used it turns kinda silly) at it's core it is a spirit thing that surpasses human communication and imposable to believe or understand unless experienced.
A) To pursue truth through human communication Q4) How did they know... so long ago?
In its devotion to the making of money it reduces persons to objects and thins human communications to electronic icons.
The metaphor of «ritual» in the study of human communication displaces the linear «transmission» or «transportation» view of communication that developed in print culture.
The opinion that preaching and oral performance are two disassociated forms of human communication still dominates contemporary homiletics research.
Being holy meant establishing a «peoplehood,» human relationships based on principles of justice, impartiality, righteousness, honesty, wholesome human communications, lack of vindictiveness, and love (Lev.
These changes have overtaken human communications technology within only a few decades of Guglielmo Marconi's first work.
«Our findings suggest that stone tools weren't just a product of human evolution, but actually drove it as well, creating the evolutionary advantage necessary for the development of modern human communication and teaching,» said Thomas Morgan, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at UC Berkeley.
A small number of people, mostly mathematicians or scientists, have developed the skills to create deep simulations — meaning those that can change the underlying thinking that motivated the simulation in the first place — with enough ease and speed to give a precocious peek at some of the wonderful qualities human communication might encompass in the future.
«We are currently exploring how very early life experiences in marmosets — including those in the womb and through to parent - infant vocal interactions — can illuminate what goes awry in human communication disorders,» Ghazanfar says.
«We do know by looking at human gesturing that it's deeply ingrained in human communication strategies,» Pollick says.
This could mask differences between the dogs and wolves, such as that dogs learn more easily about human communication throughout their lives.»
The Frequency - Following Response: A Window into Human Communication — N. Kraus, S. Anderson, T. White - Schwoch, R. R. Fay, A. N. Popper (Eds.)
Not only does this Hipsters for Sisters fanny pack allow me to be hands free (great now I can devote more time to my cell phone and less human communication), but it can also be a small bag, a wallet or even worn with another belt instead of the chain.
For adults, the pet takes on new roles - providing companionship for those living alone; giving stimulation to make contact with others as in, for instance, an owner walking his dog; and a sense of purpose for the elderly who, with restricted human communication, can give their pet their love and care.
Human communication made up of complex body language and verbalizations, but sometimes we still misunderstand each other.
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