Sentences with phrase «in a scientific way»

They need total submission «for instead to modern thoughts which are rooted in scientific way of thinking».
So, I had this intuition when I was younger that we should do things faster — more intuitive, and more in a scientific way.
Though final answers are still along way off, it is significant that we can now begin to frame such questions in a scientific way.
This may be true for strictly linguistic reasons, but European academics are less likely to study politics in a scientific way, unlike the American political scientists.
A cancer risk increase of that size is too small to actually measure in any scientific way, so it must remain a theoretical increase in risk.
I have been thinking about things here in a scientific way.
If you take science in a scientific way, using science tools to do your work and creatively be productive, and that's what this, sort of, teaches.
My advice is that if you have researched enough about your issue then go ahead and experiment with it and make adequate the changes in a scientific way.
There's more to it than that... another major hurdle you'd have to face is being able to write in a scientific way.
It will help you approach your trading in a scientific way — allowing you to preserve your equity and improve yourself where you are deficient.
It's also about observing your dog in a scientific way, rather than taking it personally when they fail or succeed.
Is it even possible to select the greatest video games of all time in a scientific way?
It is not the only critical topic, but this one by itself is enough to demonstrate in a scientific way that warming as described by The Theory of Global Warming is impossible.
CO2 might matter more than I currently believe it does and I have to be willing to accept that possibility to remain open minded in a scientific way.
Plantation grows organic goji berries in a scientific way.
there's nothing but us and the world was created in a scientific way..
Noa is only 8 years old, but Perlmutter says he is already trying to instill in her a scientific way of looking at the world.
1950s Herbert Simon analyzes the role of intuitive decision - making in management in a scientific way.
By systematically building rest and recovery into his training in a scientific way, he was able to hit new Personal Records consistently in almost all of his High Intensity training sessions.
DailyBurn offers more than 100 workouts and 16 different exercise programs for men and women who want to lose weight in a scientific way.
Every reliable longitudinal study of private versus public schooling handles sector switchers in this scientific way, and the Lubienskis should have as well, but did not.
Unlike many other types of essays, which include the views of the author, analysis essay format examines your topic in a scientific way, it tries to find the way in which the object of analysis acts and operates.
In the process, they will be spinning off most of their ugliest liabilities as far as life insurance goes — the various living benefits and secondary guarantees that are impossible to value in a scientific way.
Opinion polls really do work so long as they are performed in a scientific way and the sample size is large enough.
We realised that a technological background, the ability to think in a scientific way, and our adaptability were all very attractive to employers.
Remember, it's an unscientific study of something that can not be studied in a scientific way
Organic Clarified Goji Berry Juice Concentrate Plantation grows organic goji berries in a scientific way.
So... be careful of how you distinguish religion from reason; «faith» is not a distinction if you look at it in a scientific way.
They would go about it in a scientific way which would not include being so stubborn and ignoring critics
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