Sentences with word «irreducible»

The word "irreducible" means that something cannot be made smaller, simpler, or broken down into smaller parts. It remains whole and cannot be further reduced or simplified. Full definition
If the answers to these questions were yes, the appeal also considered whether the principles in Tariq v Home Office concerning irreducible minimum disclosure apply to proceedings concerning search warrants.
«This is the kernel of the case, the flinty, irreducible core.
It respects the integrity of other traditions and the presence of irreducible differences.
That introduces a certain irreducible element of uncertainty into wind and solar projections.
As for irreducible complexity, give me one example (any example) and I will gladly show evidence that it is not irreducibly complex.
Each traversal from depth to surface is a minimal or irreducible unit of cognition and elaborates a whole unit of subjective time.
Neville's claim that Platonism is supported by a religious intuition of the «irreducible dualism between Form and chaos» (CG 67) in reality is simply unconvincing; every metaphysics acknowledges the contrast between order and disorder, but there is no reason to think that that contrast — as experienced — is any more genuine or vivid for a Platonist than for an Aristotelian.
The artists have voluntarily accepted new conditions for creating paintings - a series of radical reductions and eliminations in subject matter, image, association and stylistic device, as if to enable themselves to reach certain irreducible levels in the work of art and in the self.
«And it follows that since people are so similar during worship, whatever the liturgy or tradition, that worship itself is a great common... if not bond, then irreducible fact.
It is this minimal but profound and irreducible freedom to which Michael K aspires and which he finally achieves, the freedom to be who one pleases and to stand on one's own.
«This is because of its failure to be able to get by irreducible complexity.»
The objective search was for brahman, the final irreducible unity behind nature and the cosmos.
That calls for a vaginal theology and a phallic theology, at the very least, which will regard as significant, central and irreducible data for theological reflection the experience of being female or male, including but not confined to genital sexuality.
Most modern thought about the physical world has assumed something like the metaphysics of Greek atomism, namely, that there are irreducible bits of matter that change only in relative position.
This omnipresent fact of science is called irreducible uncertainty, because it can never be entirely eliminated.
There is a metaphysically irreducible contrast in human experience if it is always a compromise between pure order and chaos, between normativeness and the unmeasured, between unifying structure and the plurality of things to be unified.
In this view, when the primitive idea of God, which was based on the personification of powers of nature, vanishes gradually behind the infinitude of the causal sequence, the concept of God gains in coherence and consistency in proportion as it achieves a firm position in connection with the claims and needs of the human spirit, and becomes the «irreducible coefficient of the achievement of moral processes in self - consciousness.»
This indictment perhaps sounds strange, since if anything seems concrete it is the collection of allegedly irreducible particles of matter out of which nature is composed according to the materialist's philosophy.
«Alice Neel: Late Portraits & Still Lifes,» at David Zwirner Gallery, is a rare and extraordinary grouping of 16 perfect, irreducible human beings, four bouquets of flowers, a couple of dying plants on a windowsill beside a fire escape and a wonky white chaise longue, in a total of 18 paintings dating from 1964 to 1983, the year before the artist's death.
«Theres no question that theres a basic, irreducible number of C - sections we need to do for womens health,» Dr. Ricciotti says.
In irreducible umbilical hernias, x-rays and / or ultrasounds are required in order to determine if any abdominal organs are entrapped, and the severity of the entrapment.
The beauty of gamma discounting is that it is theoretically particularly firmly grounded when the candidate discount rates (the first three columns in the above table) arise from irreducible heterogeneity among expert opinions rather than from random variation about an imprecise estimate.
It will appeal to people's irreducible concern with the money in their pocket.
Whereas lust reduces the other to a mere extension of one's own desires, an apparatus to fulfill one's own fallen cravings, true love sees the other as she or he is — a unique and irreducible other.
And it is evident that mental operations, following principles logically irreducible to bio-chemistry, can impose an even higher order on physical and biological processes without disrupting the causal continuity of the latter.
But you must accept this view that the phenomena are irreducible if you are to go along with Bohr.
The Supreme Court decision prediction algorithm is particularly interesting to me, not because I am an ex-lawyer, but because the language of law is language, not often plain, and seemingly irreducible to quantitative analysis.
The question of which levels have the radical autonomy introduced by their own internal relations and which are irreducible only by virtue of the internal relations and actions characterizing their parts is always a factual one.
And at the cosmological level something like Plato's irreducible contrast between being and becoming exhibits more intensity for experience than the swallowing of being into becoming, or vice versa.
The Bible should be continuously elaborated by theological reflection, but religious reflection must always remain in touch with the realities of the biblical witness, the first, irreducible principles upon which this reflection takes place.
WHY THERE ALMOST CERTAINLY IS NO GOD The Ultimate Boeing 747 Natural selection as a consciousness - raiser Irreducible complexity The worship of gaps The anthropic principle: planetary version The anthropic...
I believe there are more irreducible things at stake.
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