Sentences with phrase «live organisms»

A universe of living organisms in your digestive tract.
The more complex and subtle association of atoms and molecules into cells in living organisms is not so firmly established.
In fact it is the very ground of our reality as living organisms of human form.
You're no more unique / special than any other living organism on this planet.
These diseases are caused by living organisms active within the brain itself.
We deal with living organisms appropriately when we rightly balance their intrinsic and their instrumental worth.
Life is not possible without a stable atmosphere containing the right chemical ingredients for living organisms: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon.
Dogs are just like any other living organism as bacteria and viruses love to attach to their bodies and spread.
A revolution in healthcare through devices and systems to obtain real - time information from living organisms about their health and well - being.
Like living organisms, they require matter and energy for their maintenance.
It is the largest living organism on earth and the only one that is visible from outer space.
Using DNA collected from remains as a genetic blueprint, scientists aim to engineer extinct traits — traits that evolved by natural selection over thousands of years — into living organisms.
This is ironic because minerals can not be produced within living organisms.
When times are good, what do living organisms do?
But... I as an evolutionary biologist can't say how the first living organism came into being.
The test requires a sample of discharge or tissue from the infected area, in which living organisms must be present.
These supplements contain live organisms that take root in your intestines to support digestive health and control yeast overgrowth.
The limits became clearer with deeper understanding of how living organisms work: not through commands from some kind of centralized mission control, but via a distributed interaction with their environment.
The trace element zinc has an impact on the essential metabolic functions of most living organisms.
This should lead to more knowledge and understanding about living organisms, including crops and livestock that are the basis of food security for the world population.
It's a natural process that every single living organism, and indeed, every living cell goes through.
First observations that living organisms such as bacteria can actively control their fatty acid production were already made decades ago.
The cell is the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms.
To settle the question, researchers would need to find living organisms on the planet and examine their biochemistry.
As a disease affecting many living organisms, it happens when abnormal cells grow in an out - of - control way.
Living organisms also are thought to require a degree of biochemical autonomy, carrying on the metabolic activities that produce the molecules and energy needed to sustain the organism.
Moreover, it is concerned with the study of the interaction between living organisms and chemicals.
I see living organisms emerge from single cells without something intelligent outside of them directing the process.
But these aren't the only living organisms that affect carbon dioxide levels, and thus global warming.
However, do we really want to eat food grown with pesticides and other chemicals that were intentionally developed to kill living organisms?
To be sure, this mind may not exist apart from its body, but neither can the body fully act as an alert living organism apart from the mind.
The advance could help scientists take high - resolution photographs of tiny living organisms.
This is the more primitive form of experience and dominates primitive living organisms.
But, as well, living organisms play a vital part in maintaining the life - support systems of the earth.
It acts like a freely living organism — more a parasite than a cancer.
Living organisms constantly monitor their environment with detection abilities that exceed our current technologies.
One cell quickly becomes a colony of a billion, and a completely unique living organism is alive.
And today, twenty years later, we can be more precise and say that living organisms accumulate, store, and process information.
The next step will be to insert a lab - built genome into a bacterial cell, creating a brand new living organism.
In this way, such an impeccable system was complete where living organism generates oxygen and the ozone layer, and as a result of it, creatures make further evolution.
May we consider the possibility that living organisms give that appearance because they actually were designed?
In this case, those little living organism - kefir grains consume the sugar and convert it to gut friendly bacteria.
How did living organisms rally in such a volatile world?
It is thought that the earliest living organisms probably emerged in a watery soup.
Part of my reasoning has to do with pulling living organisms from nature and trying to force them into artificial environments with unnatural companions.
Once properly sewn in, the buds were filmed «bursting» into bloom, turning the plain chair into a red velvet living organism.
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