Sentences with phrase «meaning of faith»

Instead, his act of love is his doing that which was required to make known to us the true meaning of faith and of victory, of love and of life.
Indeed, I think for most people it's the most common meaning of faith.
I think that in them the genuine meaning of my faith is revealed to me.
For the first time, I felt I understood the true meaning of faith, as hope in things unseen.
For those wonderfully naïve little girls, Santa Claus was a symbol not of the commercial debasement of Christmas but of the real meaning of their faith in punishment and reward.
Biblical scholars have shown us that the primary meaning of faith is putting our trust in God who is faithful.
But the biblical meaning of faith can not be reduced to individualistic voluntarism.
(3)»... [T] he liberating function of theological understanding,» Jon Sobrino observes, «does not consist in explaining or giving meaning to an existing reality or to the faith as threatened by a particular situation, but in transforming a reality so that it may take on meaning, and the lost or threatened meaning of the faith may thereby also be recovered.
Here in one pregnant phrase is the concentrated meaning of faith's foundation in Christ's self - giving, and its hope for the continuing presence of the love of God.
It is my persuasion that the thinker who has most truly understood the revolutionary and dialectical meaning of faith is Hegel, and that we must ever return to Hegel for a theoretical understanding of the meaning of a movement of dialectical negation.
But as a Christian I also want to affirm that the total meaning of my faith can not be fully realized by participation in such struggles.
It is «God Breathed», and has instances of direct dictation from God, but is mostly God's word revealed through the prophets and great mean of faith.
Third meaning of faith, the Latin word — faith as fiducia.
The deeper meaning of the faith of the pastor is reflected unwittingly in his relationships, and becomes a source of identification within the religious dimension.
It may be clearer to think of Christian existence as an outgrowth of faith rather than as itself the one, key meaning of faith.
My claim is simply that all this is not truly faithful to Jesus Christ, and that the true meaning of faith has expressed itself, imperfectly but authentically, in other features of our past history.
The appropriate response is implicit in the concept of faith itself as it was understood in ancient Judaism, for there the primary meaning of faith is certainly trust.
The biblical meaning of faith can not be reduced to individualistic voluntarism.
And they were, like we, struggling with the meaning of their faith and with their understanding of God in the midst of triumph and defeat, happiness and despair, stability and chaos.
Quite possibly Barth realized that a dialectical method must negate all human expressions of the meaning of faith — including the creedal and dogmatic statements of the historic Church — while paradoxically affirming the deepest expressions of «subjectivity» or Existenz.
Furthermore, insofar as the meaning of that faith can be expressed in non-Christian ways by people of other backgrounds and cultures, they too can be included in a still larger concept of the people of God.
Only such a dialectical negation can save the meaning of faith from the darkness brought on by the collapse of Christendom.
We must go behind doctrines and beliefs if we are to understand the origin and meaning of faith.
To take twentieth - century experience (in the case of the existential theologians) or political reality (in the case of liberation theologies) as an absolute in the light of which the meaning of faith must be redefined is to capitulate to the Zeitgeist at the very points where the Zeitgeist often needs most to be challenged.
The meaning of faith is cut loose from many biblical controls.
The ecclesiastical magisterium is now replaced by a scholarly magisterium, for only they have the knowledge to uncover this history and it is only in this history that the meaning of faith can be found!
It was because of this conviction about the meaning of faith and history that the Hebrew tradition could produce prophets.
The Systematic Theology is certainly his crowning achievement, bringing together his staggering learning, theological and otherwise, in a unified vision of the meaning of the faith.
They both keep Christian proclamation honest; they both make it hard to fudge the meaning of the faith.
But if you say, «We're here with lots of questions, wanting to learn about religious traditions, wanting to think about the meaning of faith for our lives, and we hope you'll join us,» it turns out you can draw a crowd.
By failing to engage our members in serious reflection about the meaning of their faith, the number for whom commitment to Christ is central inevitably continues to decline.
But soon after the death of Muhammad political questions relating to his rightful successor were raised, and with them arose certain theological questions concerning the nature of the true Imam (Muslim head of state), the meaning of faith, sin, infidelity, punishment in the Future World, and so on.
«If God is not personal,» wrote Fosdick, «he can feel no concern for human life and a God of no concern is of no consequence» (The Meaning of Faith [Association, 1918], p. 64).
There is a serious discussion to be had on the meaning of faith in the context of modern science.
The meaning of faith is learned through participation in worship, study, and ministry.
16) Professor H. N. Wieman has clarified the meaning of faith as commitment.
Now if we entertain the possibility that a new and total way of eschatological faith has dawned in the modern world, one way into the meaning of that faith may well be by relating it to its Oriental counterpart.
The Qur» an confirms that before the revelation Muhammad did not know any book nor even the meaning of faith (Surah XLII, 52).
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