Sentences with phrase «need satisfaction»

These findings add to previous research investigating the positive impact of need satisfaction in other important domains in the lives of children and adolescents.
Therefore, further research on their experiences of psychological need satisfaction within important domains of adolescent life is warranted.
Also, overall relationship - based need satisfaction in partners was positively associated with their personal well - being, relationship quality, and negatively associated with psychological distress.
Several previous studies have addressed psychological need satisfaction in children and adolescents by focusing on specific settings, such as the school and the family environment.
A blocked family had learned how to grow; mutual need satisfaction was replacing mutual starvation.
These indirect effects reflect the effects of helping motivation through helping exhaustion and relationship - based need satisfaction on the three different outcome variables.
It appears that overall need satisfaction is an essential ingredient for partner's personal and relational functioning while also protecting them against personal ill - being.
It's more about needing the satisfaction of knowing that something I created, something I love, is appreciated by others — many others.
In turn psychological need satisfaction positively predicted autonomous motivation in learning that in turn predicted positive emotions and engagement in learning.
Self - determination theory and basic need satisfaction: Understanding human development in positive psychology.
As for relationship - based need satisfaction, all three indirect effects to all three outcomes were found significant.
Peer relationships and the wider society of adults outside the family (teachers, ministers, coaches) become increasingly important as sources of need satisfaction.
The findings thus suggest that need satisfaction in the context of leisure activities may be an important source of well - being for adolescents.
These previous studies in the home, school and peer setting indicate the importance of testing whether the same mechanisms of psychological need satisfaction for competence, relatedness, and autonomy may explain the observed positive relationship between adolescents» participation in leisure activities and their life satisfaction.
No positive associations were found between need satisfaction with friends and well - being, which may be due to the somewhat younger ages of the participants, as peers become increasingly important during adolescence.
Furthermore, we expected 3) autonomous, relative to controlled, helping motivation to be associated with the ICPs» experienced disability, personal well - being, psychological distress, and relationship quality, in particular among those in high need for help to deal with the pain, that is, those high in pain intensity, and 4) that these effects can be explained by a higher relatedness need satisfaction in ICPs as helping for autonomous reasons may promote closeness.
The results of the present study showed that psychological need satisfaction experienced in the leisure activity domain is associated positively with adolescents» increased life satisfaction.
In line with the self - determination theory (SDT)(Deci and Ryan 2000) the findings demonstrate that the relationship between participation in leisure activities and life satisfaction is mediated by the psychological need satisfaction within participation among adolescents, a rather under - investigated group in the SDT tradition.
The relations of Jordanian adolescents» perceived parenting to teacher - rated adjustment and problems: The intervening role of perceived need satisfaction.
I'm just a good guy with good attitude, good behavior, etc, like to roam, like to gym and morning juggling, love sports, Any Girl who come to me will enjoy my life part and who ever that need satisfaction from me will get..
Your infant utilizing several dummies for sucking needs satisfaction like pacifiers or feeding bottles
If you can't wait for Catherine to get her way through customs and classification review boards, you can always get some much needed satisfaction via a North American release.
There is little agreement on absolutes, zero points and saturation thresholds with the possible exception of a lower - level threshold described as a «zero - level» or «survival with nil need satisfaction» by Drewnowski (1974), which is associated with a sub-human level of existence.
Intrinsic need satisfaction in organizations: A motivational basis of success in for - profit and not - for - profit settings.
Changes in network composition and need satisfaction received from different network sectors during the first semester in university
Moreover, the extent to which level of participation relates to adolescents» life satisfaction may be explained through the positive processes of increased need satisfaction for competence and relatedness following participation.
Because participation in leisure time activities constitutes an important part of adolescents» lives, it is essential to understand better how such participation may contribute to young people's life satisfaction through leisure specific need satisfaction.
You must begin with the Need in mind; Need Satisfaction Selling.
[unable to retrieve full - text content] Relationship Matters Podcast Number 64 «The association between basic need satisfaction in relationship and personal growth among lesbian and heterosexual...
The present study sought to extend previous research demonstrating the positive relationship between need satisfaction in different domains and the well - being of children and adolescents (Milyavskaya et al. 2009; Veronneau et al. 2005; Sheldon et al. 2009).
Furthermore, the well - being benefits of autonomous motives for prosocial behavior (in healthy participants) have been found to radiate toward the recipients of help, who also experienced greater relatedness need satisfaction.
The post-hoc power for the indirect effects of relative helping motivation through helping exhaustion on partners» well - being and psychological distress, and the indirect effect through relationship - based need satisfaction on relationship quality were all above 90 % while for other indirect effects post-hoc power was substantially smaller.
They found that need satisfaction experienced with friends, at home, at school, and in part - time jobs was positively related to well - being, which was evident across the three countries.
CONCLUSION: The main themes identified indicate a high degree of autonomy support and need satisfaction within the care farm context, which according to SDT can facilitate good human functioning, and well - being.
Within - couple correlations revealed significant associations between both partners» life satisfaction, psychological distress, and relationship quality, as well as between their level of overall need satisfaction and the three separate need measures.
Structural equation modeling analysis indicated that perceived need satisfaction was positively predicted by teachers» autonomy support, and negatively predicted by teachers» conditional negative regard, while perception of a teacher as autonomy suppressive contributed directly and negatively to autonomous motivation.
When the issue is apparently insoluble in spite of sincere effort on both sides, it is sometimes well to agree to abandon it for awhile and to focus on other areas where mutual need satisfaction is possible.
The significance of need satisfaction for the well - being of adolescents has been found for other important domains in their lives, such as the family, the school, and in peer relations (Milyavskaya et al. 2009; Sheldon et al. 2009; Veronneau et al. 2005).
[jounal] Wei, M. / 2005 / Adult Attachment, Shame, Depression, and Loneliness: The Mediation Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction / Journal of Counseling Psychology 52: 591 ~ 601
The current study extends previous support for the well - being benefit of need satisfaction in core developmental settings for adolescents — school, family, and peers (Milyavskaya et al. 2009; Veronneau et al. 2005; Sheldon et al. 2009)-- to the context of leisure activities.
By contrast, a «human» but minimum level of need satisfaction is only guaranteed when «basic needs» are met.
I need the satisfaction that comes from that ever - so - fragile crunch, like the sound that impossibly thin glassware makes when clinked.
The players also completed a survey to assess the amount of immersion and need satisfaction they experienced while playing.
These short note all for those who pay the big money and yet don't have the needed satisfaction in life.
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