Sentences with phrase «number of stem cells»

Some research suggests a small number of stem cells continue making new eggs throughout a woman's life, but we don't know much about these yet.
In addition, work may eventually be allowed on a limited number of stem cell cultures imported from other countries.
Thus, Tomasetti and Vogelstein reasoned, the tissues that host the greatest number of stem cell divisions are those most vulnerable to cancer.
«Our group pioneered the development of cell culture technology for harvesting large numbers of stem cells from human bone marrow and human umbilical cord blood,» Dr. Yeh said, noting that stem cells from these two sources are abundant and can be guided into different types of cells using tissue engineering.
For example, Dr. Janossy maintains that detoxifying bone marrow helps the body produce a greater number of stem cells, while helping to enhance the telomeres (the «caps» at the ends of chromosomes that are associated with longevity).
Umbilical cord blood, for example, generally contains insufficient numbers of stem cells for it to be used as a source of HSCs for transplantation into adult patients.
Dr Coleman and her group have developed a sensitive test to allow them to detect the location and number of the stem cells after they've been added; they report that the stem cells do not permanently integrate into the host tissue but instead produce signals that encourage the host's own cells to heal the fracture more efficiently.
(A correlation of 1 means that by knowing the variable on the x-axis — in this case, the lifetime number of stem cell divisions — one can predict the y - axis value 100 % of the time.)
Plotting the total number of stem cell divisions over a lifetime against the lifetime risk of cancer in 31 different organs revealed a correlation.
One possibility is that a large number of stem cells populate the skin.
The data indicate that a small number of stem cells replenish the skin.
By comparing bald and hairy patches in scalp samples from 54 men undergoing restoration treatments, George Cotsarelis at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia and colleagues discovered that although both had similar numbers of stem cells, most of those in the bald patches fail to develop to the next stage.
Analysis linking number of stem cell divisions to different cancer risks suggests most cancer cases can't be prevented
Novel stem - cell technology developed at Swinburne will be used to grow the massive number of stem cells required for a new hand - held 3 - D printer that will enable surgeons to create patient - specific bone and cartilage.
However, due to the limited number of stem cells available, only 10 % of patients referred for cord blood transplantation are eligible, which highlights the crucial contribution of StemCell2MAX for healthcare improvement.
«A large number of stem cells would have to be edited in order to repopulate the patients» blood with genetically enhanced cells.»
As the skin replenished itself, the holoclones gradually took over, suggesting a small number of stem cells are responsible for growing all the skin.
As the number of stem cell divisions in a tissue rises, so does the chance of cancer striking that site.
Tomasetti and Vogelstein conclude that these differences can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions.
Nevertheless, as people grow older the number of stem cells decreases and those that remain are less able to grow and repair tissue.
«Is there a limit to the number of stem cell divisions, and does that imply that there's a limit to human life?»
«In every case we saw a decline in the number of stem cells, and rapamycin would bring it back.»
Boyalife, which has a number of stem cell — and regenerative medicine — related research and commercial efforts, will put up about $ 93 million.
In order to collect a large number of stem cells, the bone marrow is stimulated to mobilize the stem cells from inside the bone marrow out into the blood stream where it is easily accessible.
By collecting and banking your stem cells — especially while you are healthy — you are collecting a large number of stem cells and an array of differentiated cell lines, including the ones committed to form immune cells.
u Christian Tomasetti and Bert Vogelstein, «Variation in Cancer Risk among Tissues Can Be Explained by the Number of Stem Cell Divisions,» Science, Vol.
So you know, in your body you organs, and inside the organs there are small numbers of stem cells that have the ability to remake the organs.
Instead, most stem cell divisions produce offspring fated to develop into neurons, reducing the number of stem cells remaining.
Boyle and Wong started by comparing the number of stem cells in young (1 - 2 days old), middle - aged (30 days old) and old (50 days old) flies.
By identifying the genes that control the number of stem cells in corn plants, for example, we've discovered a means of boosting the yield of that vital staple.
Astragalus increases the number of stem cells in lymph tissue and helps trigger immune cells to a state of heightened activity.
Two key problems with this kind of transplant are that, 1) like with cord blood, the numbers of stem cells in drawn blood are low, and 2) because they are already mature, adult stem cells have a narrower chance of being a perfect match.
The number of stem cells extracted with ASC is usually far superior to that of BMAC.
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