Sentences with word «oestrogen»

Oestrogen is a hormone that is mainly found in females. It plays an important role in female reproduction and development. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle and is responsible for the development of female sexual characteristics like breasts and the widening of hips. Oestrogen also helps maintain bone strength and can affect mood and emotions. Full definition
Low levels of oestrogen in premenopausal women have been linked to impaired mental function in later life.
Eating habits, hormonal imbalances and lack of regular exercise can all contribute to a sustained rise of oestrogen levels.
Female cats in heat have high levels of oestrogen in their urine.
One third of the target genes for which they had patient data - 32 out of 97 - were also linked to survival in women with oestrogen receptor - positive breast cancer, suggesting they play an important role in the disease.
Being overweight since extra fat in the body may lead to the production of the hormone oestrogen in excess.
The symptoms of oestrogen dominance are extremely varied, and this can often result in misdiagnosis, they include, but are not confined to:
Meanwhile, as oestrogen levels are dipping, in the week before menstruation, there is a huge decline in progesterone as well.»
Women with oestrogen dominance tend to have success with training protocols that involve high volume and low rest with a focus on weight training for the lower body; a nutrition plan high in fibre and green cruciferous vegetables and a heavy emphasis on detoxification strategies (infrared sauna, Epsom salt baths, lymphatic drainage massage and acupuncture).
Low oestrogen levels after menopause are thought to be the main reason why so many older women develop osteoporosis.
Equol is a reliable indicator of isoflavone consumption: as a rule, the more plant oestrogen in the diet, the greater the amount of equol in the urine.
There are two ways to accumulate excess oestrogen in the body: we either produce too much of it on our own (endogenous) or acquire it from our environment (exogenous).
Postmenopausal women have an increased risk of obesity, for instance due to the reduction of oestrogen production in combination with an elevated energy intake and reduced physical activity.
When oestrogen levels drop acutely after childbirth, the concentration of monoamine oxidase A rises.
Environmental factors like oestrogen mimicking molecules can also deteriorate their quality,» says Barratt.
The research conducted by the University of Sheffield, published today in the Journal of Neurourology and Urodynamics, provides evidence which supports the use of a softer and more elastic material better suited for use in the pelvic floor and one that releases oestrogen into the surrounding pelvic tissue to form new blood vessels and ultimately speed up the healing process.
«They biodegrade in the environment to leave substances which mimic oestrogens, causing increased sperm deformity and reducing sperm count in men,» he snapped, and thrust at me his copy of Friends discussion paper number 2, Prescription for Change: Health and the Environment.
Dr McGill recommends steering clear of high oestrogen foods like chicken and soy products at PMS time.
So the body's ability to produce gradually decreases and more synthetic oestrogen has to be injected to keep the system working.
Sweet potatoes are also phytoestrogenic which means they help remove unwanted environmental oestrogens, and they also promote productive bacteria in the gut.
Because her tumour cells had tested positive for oestrogen receptors, she was also put on tamoxifen, a drug that blocks the supply of the female sex hormone that triggers some breast tumours to grow.
Along those lines talking about how to prevent osteoporosis so you don't need to rely on oestrogen therapy once you get to menopause, so weight - bearing exercise is very important, and I'm not taking about lifting 5 lbs.
Oestrogen balance is essential for achieving and maintaining fat loss, but too much causes toxic fat gain, water retention, bloating and a host of other health issues.
If the original Mad Max released in 1979 was soaked in testosterone, Fury Road adds a heady whiff of oestrogen by introducing a badass tribe of warrior women called the Vuvalini, who ride proudly into battle armed with explosive - tipped spears.
Tamoxifen prevents oestrogen from stimulating growth of breast cancer cells but some tumours can eventually develop resistance to the treatment, making the drug ineffective.
Despite those findings, leaders of the Women's International Study of long Duration Oestrogen after Menopause (WISDOM) saw no compelling reason to halt their trial.
High amounts of gluten increase oestrogen production, which can be behind some of the fluid retention and breakouts associated with Gluten Face.
You'll produce more oestrogen and progesterone — much like in the run up to your period.
Too much oestrogen will affect your menstrual cycle since it will prevent you from ovulating normally.
Could oestrogen also help to maintain brain cells in those at risk of Alzheimer's?
Testosterone and Oestrogen don't choose how to act because of socialisation.
The compound, which is widely prescribed for breast cancer, is known to block oestrogen receptors on many cancer cells, so inhibiting their growth.
In contrast, the Chinese herbs used in medications for oestrogen deficiency stimulate the brain to increase the production of these natural hormones.
«For women who have a history of breast lumps or women in their 40s, it's best to go and see your GP to find out if you'd be better changing to a low - oestrogen pill or coming off it altogether,» she explains.
Stimulating Hormonal balance (especially insulin in blood sugar imbalances and oestrogen dominant conditions like PCOS)
Oestrogen patches or oestradiol patches and progesterone can cause a kind of hormone detour.
Researchers have also suggested that the female hormone oestrogen makes women more vulnerable to ACL injury by weakening this ligament.
If researchers are right, women taking oestrogen after the menopause may also reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, by protecting key cells in the brain.
But just as lead actors in Woody Allen films frequently mimic the tics of their director, so female writers working with him, including Schumer, invariably create typical Apatow characters — the stunted adolescent who can't grow up — just with added oestrogen.
Some scientists have begun research into this «Cocktail effect» - Professor Kortenkamp of the Centre for Toxicology, University of London noted recently (4) that «Certain chemicals do not act in isolation in a woman's body, but in concert with natural oestrogens and a large number of other hormonally active chemicals and carcinogens.
Oestrogen peaks again mid-luteal phase, progesterone should too.
Fatty tissue as well as muscles can convert the androgens to a form of oestrogen called oestrone by a process called «aromatisation».
Studies suggest oestrogen fluctuations across the female lifespan may help explain our higher prevalence of obesity compared to men.
A common misconception is that oestrogen only has negative effects on the body of a man.
The metallic taste is caused by changing hormone levels, in particular oestrogen, which plays a role in controlling and moderating the sense of taste.
What's more, the decline in verbal memory seemed to be related to hormone levels: women who experienced high levels of oestrogen during early pregnancy and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol throughout pregnancy experienced the most marked fall in verbal memory performance.
The DSMB for the British study — the Women's International Study of long Duration Oestrogen after Menopause (WISDOM)-- does not dispute the increased risk of breast cancer and stroke.
APEs and alkylphenols, said Cumberlege, are very weak oestrogens compared to our natural hormones.
Now Stavros Manolagas and colleagues at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Indianapolis have shown that oestrogen suppresses a protein which stimulates the development of bone - destroying cells.
The research in the paper demonstrates that oestrogen stimulates cells to produce new tissue and form new blood vessels — regenerating the tissue and ultimately speeding up the healing process.
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