Sentences with phrase «of a former spouse»

However, you must recognize gain or loss if, incident to your divorce, you transfer an installment obligation in trust for the benefit of your former spouse.
You are caring for a child who is under age 16 or disabled, and who gets benefits on the record of your former spouse.
Particularly if there are potential abusive circumstances involved or if one of the former spouses wants to relocate, the child custody battle can get very emotional and expensive quickly.
If you have been divorced less than nine years, you must list the name of your former spouse.
When my sister divorced, she settled for a lot of her former spouse's credit card debt in the divorce decree.
As she failed under the title of former spouse due to the consent order, her claim failed altogether.
You are caring for a child who is under age 16 or disabled, and who gets benefits on the record of your former spouse.
If one of the former spouses wants a modification but the other does not, the process of modifying the original divorce decree begins with a motion for modification.
In this fast - paced world circumstances in your life or the life of your former spouse often change significantly after a divorce that one of you may seek a modification of your divorce judgment.
Circumstances in your life or the life of your former spouse often change significantly after a divorce.
Insurers can not use credit information adversely impacted by the dissolution of a marriage, or the credit information of a former spouse as negative factors when determining an insurance score.
Since 2002, a divorcee may be allowed to marry again in the Church of England during the lifetime of a former spouse in «exceptional circumstances».
Even the death of a former spouse may not stop the payments if your decree states that his / her benefit will continue to be paid to the court or the estate or children upon your former spouse's death.
(f) On January 16, 2004, the Applicant misrepresented herself as a landlord in order to obtain, without consent or authorization, credit bureau information of her former spouse and his wife and used this information in her family law proceedings against her former spouse;
As a general rule, the CRA will look at the parties» net income of each former spouse / partner to determine their respective entitlement to the Canada Child Tax Benefit («CCTB»).
This week, in another post, I wrote about whether retroactive support obligations can still be pursued from the Estate of a former spouse who has passed away.
A divorced spouse or a civil partner whose civil partnership has been dissolved can make an application to court seeking a share of the estate of their former spouse / civil partner, provided that the application is made within six months of the date of the Grant of Probate or Administration and the divorced spouse / civil partner has not remarried or entered into a new civil partnership.
When all retirement assets are divvied up, you can receive a portion of your former spouse's accounts via a trustee - to - trustee transfer of funds into a new IRA.
credited for the full value of your former spouse's super income stream, as you are now a recipient of that income stream
Once OPM begins making payments to the former spouse, OPM will take taxes out of the former spouse's share and that payment will be taxable to the former spouse.
The artist's own name has, too, experienced varying states of movement from his birth name to one including the surnames of his former spouses (his current legal name is read as Trung Ky Danh Vo Rosaco Rasmussen).
If your former spouse is a Facebook friend or if one of your Facebook friends is a friend of your former spouse then your former spouse will be able to review your Facebook account for evidence against you.
(e) On July 2, 2004, the Applicant obtained real estate transaction documents pertaining to the wife of her former spouse from the office of the lawyer who was representing the wife, and used those documents in her family law proceedings;
The lower courts relied on the case of Omielan v Omielan in their decisions on jurisdiction but the wife argued that her case could be distinguished from Omielan because in that case the variation would have had an impact on the beneficial interests upon the children and would have seen the interests of the former spouses reduced.
Children of common - law couples are victims of discrimination because their quality of life can only deteriorate while in the custody of a former spouse who was financially dependent and who loses the right to alimony.
The result is that you could receive the higher of benefits based on your own work history or half of your former spouse's benefit, even if he or she has remarried.
Filing separately gives spouses this freedom as any tax liability or overpayment is the responsibility of the individual spouse, independent of their former spouse.
After reviewing those notes, read the draft will, considering the provisions from the perspective of former spouses, business partners, caregivers, and housemates.
Under Minnesota law, the dissolution of a marriage automatically revokes an individual's designation of a former spouse as a life insurance beneficiary.
When divorce is contemplated, the selection of beneficiaries and executors will likely be revised to reflect the absence of your former spouse.
Custodial parents may do so only with the consent of the former spouse.
CREATING TWO COMFORTABLE HOMES Your child should feel comfortable both in your home and in the home of your former spouse.
Research shows it is actually not uncommon for widowed parents of young children to remarry within 5 years of the loss of their former spouses.1 Some researchers have even described the deceased spouse as remaining like an invisible figure in the new marriage; their influence still lives on through the surviving spouse.2 In all my years watching re-runs of the Brady Bunch, I don't recall many references at all to the deceased parents of the children.
With the evident glaring pathology of his former spouse he has since regained custody of the two small children and complies with their timesharing schedule.
For divorcing or divorced parents, the possibility of a former spouse interfering with a planned vacation becomes yet another logistic to consider.
Research has shown that individuals who feel guilty have a difficult time letting go of their former spouse and often have problems developing new intimate relationships after the divorce.
Not re-establishing yourself with the life insurance company as beneficiary on life insurance (or having it stated clearly in your separation agreement) since there is an automatic revocation of former spouse as beneficiary under Colorado Law.
Further complicating the social security election decision could be the ability to draw on benefits of former spouses to whom you were married for more than 10 years.
Church of England guidelines specify that someone choosing to marry during the lifetime of a former spouse ought to be prepared to talk «frankly» and «honestly» about their past.
In case of the death of the former spouse, in the absence of another marriage, the spouse that until now has received the maintenance allowance (not having remarried on their part), will have the right to the widow's pension, as long as the employment relationship from which the marital compensation originates comes before the settlement for a divorce in Italy.
As a general rule, the CRA will look at the net income of each former spouse / partner to determine their respective entitlement to the Canada Child Tax Benefit («CCTB»).
Circumstances in your life or the life of your former spouse often change significantly after a divorce.
If you are caring for a child under age 16 or disabled who is getting benefits on the record of your former spouse, you would not have to meet the 10 - year marriage rule.
The last one I'll say is a little rarer, but it can affect a lot of people, a lot of individuals with an ex out there, I know you don't want to stay in contact with them, but if you were married to them for at least 10 years, you kind of should, because if you're going to take a spousal benefit, your ex-spouse, I mean assuming you're not remarried, one of your former spouses, might be a better benefit than your current benefit, or a subsequent spouse.
Divorce Decrees Divorce decrees often require one party to carry life insurance for the benefit of the former spouse or children.
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