Sentences with phrase «of human understanding»

No one gets it, at first; for what has happened bursts the previous limits of human understanding.
Our faith is based on that which is beyond the scope of the limitations of human understanding and pride - based reasoning.
These levels of human understanding are the level of consciousness, the level of social participation, and the level of imagination.
You can take comfort in science and the advancement of human understanding that we can get closer to understanding the world.
It is even necessary, not to say vital, for the fullness of human understanding.
This is true for any kind of human understanding, whether it be applied to the phenomena of physical or biological nature or to a piece of literature.
But images and metaphors are also important vehicles of human understanding and sometimes do better at communicating meaning and getting to the heart of the matter.
It is the currency of human understanding, our indispensable guide to navigating a complex world.
But the disparity in resources put into such commercial activities versus those put into the basic «infrastructure of human understanding» is orders of magnitude.
Nor should we exalt him as a saint, putting him «beyond the reach of human understanding
3) Parts of the human understanding of the religion were wrong and are now better understood.
Instead of presenting an art endeavoring to reveal its contents to viewers with the least amount of interference, The Thing and the Thing - in - Itself features works that act out the limits of human understanding as they create mysteries, pose conundrums, and leave viewers with provocative questions.
This exhibition utilizes Kant's approach to reconsider how certain twentieth - century artists engaged the frontiers of human understanding in works that pit people's sight and insight against the limits of what they are able to comprehend, i.e. the things they believe themselves to be seeing as opposed to «things - in - themselves» (Kant's code word for humans» inability to move beyond their own constructed views).
Or are you saying that as of this moment we have reached the ultimate pinnacle of human understanding, and that science will hereby cease and desist and no further learning about the universe can possibly ever take place because we know all there possibly is to know?
If «soon» is that different to God, and according to the Bible it is, then the statement is rendered essentially meaningless for purposes of human understanding.
But to imperiously claim that anyone who reads the truth that was Jesus Christ differently than we do is thereby being tossed to and fro by heretical doctrinal winds seems arrogantly to ignore the frailty of human understanding.
Since those process categories have been connected with ideas of God inspired by the Bible, process theologians believe there is a chance in the twenty - first century to bring the long separated parts of human understanding into a new, coherent relationship.
In practice it is questionable because Neville seems to be asking for a kind of ultimate metaphysical explanation which may well be beyond the competence of human understanding.
You have obviously realized this in younger life than I experienced, but I can tell you that as I grow older, I am less concerned with surrender to the brain washed traditions and practices of INDIVIDUAL expounders of their human understandings than I was heretofore.
When Tennyson writes in In Memoriam of the way in which somebody can say, «I have felt», he is not describing a distortion of human understanding nor is he commending sheer irrationality.
We have seen how the classical experience of reason was a release of the questioning dynamism of human understanding and how this dynamism was restricted and deformed by authoritarian social structures time and again.
This ambiguity of the events to be understood by a theory of history — it may be pointed out in passing — is but a special instance of a general impediment of human understanding.
As we develop our conception of theology as a critical discipline, we have an opportunity to raise new queries about the relation between the descriptive and the normative, and between the critical and the moral dimensions of human understanding.
Nevertheless, there are inherent dangers in disconnecting religious beliefs from the rest of human understanding and knowledge.
Caldecott is not making a romantic or antiquarian proposal: ancient and medieval understandings need to be adaptedto where we find ourselves now in the story of human understanding.
Science does not try to explain anything «before existence,» because it's considered a tautology: an unanswerable question within the sphere of human understanding.
They understand logical limits as arising out of the limitations of human understanding rather than being based upon the nature of existence (Griffin, «Response» 257).
This willingness to wander into the unknown is what expands the edges of your Human understanding.
Alternatingly playful and elegiac, musical and imagistic, this long - awaited second full - length collection by Katz addresses the limits of human understanding by examining the aftereffects of history and the complexities of parenthood.
The Unplayed Notes Museum is a presentation of a museum that aims to catalogue the totality of human understanding belonging to an unknown world.
Creed has designed the base of his sculpture as a social space, a stepped platform on which visitors may gather to enjoy the view — and perhaps debate the limits and possibilities of human understanding.
And there's no field of human understanding that needs that more than the science of saving our planet — and, not incidentally, ourselves.
Nah, this argument boils down to science, particularly which part of global sea level rise is scientifically attributable to human oil combustion at the current state of human understanding.
Finally, the warmth and depth of human understanding in this book can prompt reflection on personal values, professional satisfaction, and the possibility of peacemaking.
Communicating within a context of human understanding allows one to consider others» previous knowledge and point of view when choosing the best communication strategy and delivery method.
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