Sentences with phrase «older sea ice»

Fresh ice had too much salt, fresh snow had none, whereas older sea ice was just right.
Major features are southwestward advection of older sea ice into the Beaufort Gyre and southwestward advection of different sea ice types toward Fram Strait in the Transpolar Drift.
The Arctic now has seven times less old sea ice than it did 30 years ago.
In fact, this winter not just old sea ice but also some glacial ice fragments were spotted in northern Alaska inshore waters.
The letter noted that the sharp recent reduction in the extent of sea ice, and particularly thick older sea ice, was far outpacing what had been projected by computer simulations.
Varying thicknesses of sea ice are shown here, from thin, nearly transparent layers to thicker, older sea ice covered with snow.
OW = open water, FY = first year, SY = second year, 3 etc = older sea ice.
Each winter, it inhales cold air and causes a freeze up, then in the summer, it exhales a breath of older sea ice from the high Arctic into the seas on its southern edge.
Warming oceans have caused more old sea ice to melt or sputter out into lower latitude.
A preliminary evaluation of the measurement results shows that one - year - old sea ice in the Beaufort Sea (north of Canada / Alaska) is about 20 — 30 centimetres thinner this year than in the two previous years.
That puts the oldest sea ice on the brink of extinction.
Shocking new data shows that the region has lost almost all its old sea ice.
This implies the need for further observational work to categorize the current state of arctic sea ice as a new normal, with a mixture of first year and several - year - old sea ice.
Those low years were due in part to the loss of older sea ice, which was replaced by younger (hence thinner) ice that was more susceptible to summer melt.
Compared to old sea ice that is 3 meters thick, open water ventilates 70 times more heat.
Older sea ice that's more resilient to breakup is also on the decline.
Like a cork removed from a champagne bottle, the early break up in these passages is allowing thick, old sea ice to flow south from the Arctic Ocean into the North Atlantic, choking areas used by fishing, shipping and ferry boats.
«I expect that this thin one - year - old sea ice will not survive the melting period in summer,» Dr. Stefan Hendricks assesses the situation.
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