Sentences with phrase «on any of the measures»

There was no difference between the two active treatment conditions on any of the measures.
This is especially striking since mothers reported no improvement on any of these measures while fathers reported improvement on every measure.
The KIPP children showed no advantage on any of the measures of character strengths.
Technically, the Assembly could adopt many of the measures on their own, without needing a law, and Speaker Carl Heastie says his house may take action independently on some of the measure.
The KIPP children showed no advantage on any of the measures of character strengths.
Past Conservative voters are more negative on each of these measures:
While the final agreement on both of these measures is an improvement over the original Executive Budget proposals, they are not consistent with a strategy to promote economic growth and the creation of good paying jobs.
In the meantime, seven months have gone by since the Committee on Public Safety held a hearing on any of the measures, a hearing where Mr. Bratton railed against them as «unprecedented intrusions» into police work — comments Mayor Bill de Blasio backed up with the threat of a veto.
No differences between the groups were observed on any of these measures, suggesting that sexual functioning may not differ across circumcision status.
A continuous improvement approach, like that adopted in California, would track progress on all of the measures in the dashboard, using scale scores to better measure growth and progress for all students, so that schools can continually assess and fine - tune their efforts.
• Map performance on all of these measures against free and reduced - price lunch eligibility rates to determine which schools are truly excelling at educating low - income students and which schools are simply coasting along with an advantaged student body.
That is, we compare students with the same demographic characteristics, the same test scores in the current year and in a previous year, the same responses to the surveys for other social - emotional measures collected by the district, and within the same school and grade, to see whether students who look the same on all of these measures but have a stronger growth mindset learn more over the course of the following year.
Appendix Table 1 provides the underlying scores for each state on each of the measures.
The article reports on some of the measures that states have been taking to make jury service less onerous, such as one - day / one - trial systems, where jurors do not have to wait on call for days to serve; renovating jury areas to make them roomier; installing business centers so that professionals can keep in touch with their colleagues while they wait; and implementing online systems so that people can request deferrals.
Several models produce some benefits in parenting and perhaps in the prevention of child abuse and neglect, but only on some of the measures used to assess these outcomes... these research results should not dissuade us from action.
SET - C was superior to fluoxetine on each of these measures and was the only treatment superior to placebo in terms of improving social skills, decreasing anxiety in specific social interactions, and enhancing ratings of social competence.
Lower scores on each of these measures were associated with lower physical activity, lower fruit and vegetable consumption and unhealthy snacking.
Technically, the state Assembly could adopt many of the measures on their own, without needing a law, and Heastie says his house may take action independently on some of the measures.
Those invited to take part included 189 who had elevated scores (standard scores based upon sample norms of at least 1.0) on the positive or negative schizotypy factors derived from the Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales [31 — 34], the positive symptom subscale of the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences [35], or the suspiciousness subscale of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire [36], and 150 randomly selected participants who had standard scores below 1.0 on each of these measures.
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