Sentences with phrase «one's electrical energy»

The next year, he put the device inside a model car to demonstrate its conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy.
The result of the reaction produces heat energy which is then converted into electrical energy in a conventional steam turbine.
It would also be transforming to have electrical energy storage on a vast scale.
Normally wasted as heat, kinetic energy is recovered as electrical energy for storage in the high performance battery.
Another exciting application is the harvesting of electrical energy from the bloodstream for medical applications.
For instance, it can store electrical energy in reserve if the navigation sees city driving ahead.
The motor is rated for 55 hp and 155 lb - ft of torque, and stores electrical energy in a trunk - mounted lithium - ion battery pack.
As far as possible, we use electrical energy rather than solid and liquid fuels.
Adding to the sustainable agenda for this project, mini turbines were conceived for the median strip along the highway to generate electrical energy for the building from the wind created by passing cars.
Often we forget our bodies run on electrical energy generated by our own cells.
During regenerative braking, the motor also acts as a high - output generator, recovering kinetic energy as electrical energy to charge the system battery.
The mitochondria are the main parts of the cell that take chemical compounds and produce electrical energy to drive cellular function.
LEDs are preferable for many applications because they convert electrical energy into photons so efficiently.
Fuel cells generate electrical energy through a chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen.
It is a measure of how much electrical energy there is in a circuit and how much electrical work can be done by that circuit.
The rough rule of thumb then is that an equivalent electrical energy requirement is 1/3 of the thermal requirement.
The system also features regenerative braking to capture electrical energy during braking, electric power assist during acceleration, low - rolling resistance tires and improved aerodynamics.
The main drivers are large - scale solar power stations, and in many countries they are now generating cheaper electrical energy than conventional power plants.
You don't spend much on utility bills because it consumes less electrical energy.
Their green efforts include on - site creation of most of their own electrical energy with the use of solar panels and fuel cells.
This is equivalent to 3,000 times current world electrical energy production.
High electrical energy density storage is happening on several technological trails.
If consumers can economically produce, store, and swap electrical energy, they will not need the power grid.
This mechanical energy could would then be converted back to electrical energy when the train is ready to leave the station again.
Overall, the lighting scheme reduces electrical energy use and cooling loads.
Solar cells have great potential as a source of clean electrical energy, but so far they have not been cheap, light, and flexible enough for widespread use.
Messages to and from the brain are then interrupted, just like electrical energy is interrupted during a blackout.
In this case, different switching paths between optical and electrical energy states results in different thresholds of input collector voltage, resulting in this considerable difference in method and results.
Response: We believe that lack of reliable electrical energy stunts human enterprise, and is a root cause of poverty for much of the world.
The thermal electric generator then converts the wasted heat into useful electrical energy to help power auxiliary systems.
Power systems are designed and operated to generate, transmit and distribute electrical energy.
Or are you going to have a magic electrical energy storage device that will deliver steady state electricity no matter the fluctuations in solar and wind?
And in terms broad direction the most significant reductions is CO2 emission has been the long term use of nuclear energy to make electrical energy and more natural gas use rather than coal.
This flexibility enables the hydrogen in materials to be readily converted between different forms — a property that can be exploited to store electrical energy as chemical energy to be released later when needed.
Fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy using hydrogen and oxygen — with water as the only product.
The lens is responsible for focusing the light entering the eye onto the retina, where it is converted to electrical energy for processing in the brain.
The long term solution to global warming is 1/3 extreme conservation, 1/3 conversion of gasoline powered cars to electric, and 1/3 increased conversion to generation of electrical energy by nuclear power.
That avoids the power loss from converting electrical energy to chemical, then back.
A full recharge of its lithium - ion batteries takes seven or more hours, but a special charging station can allegedly replenish half of the car's electrical energy in only ten minutes.
Many utility companies will provide hourly data for electrical energy consumption, and utilities in some parts of the country are installing smart meters, which allow you (and the utility) to track how much energy your home is consuming on an hourly basis.
Previously, researchers have produced hydrogen gas in microbial - powered, batterylike fuel cells, but only when they supplemented the energy produced by the bacteria with electrical energy from external sources — such as that obtained from renewable sources or burning fossil fuels, says Bruce Logan, an environmental engineer at Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
By definition, an automotive battery is an electrochemical device that stores and provides electrical energy on demand.
A pair of Wisconsin researchers has come up with a novel energy - harvesting device that converts mechanical motion into electrical energy at a high enough power to recharge cell phones, cameras, and myriad other portable electronic devices.
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