Sentences with phrase «one's perturbation»

Reaching the necessary level of precision requires correcting the data for small perturbations in Earth's orbit owing to the other planets in our solar system.
She is finishing her Ph.D. program through Murdock University (Australia) on the impact of perturbations on the health and behavior of a critically endangered Australian marsupial called the woylie (or brush - tailed bettong).
They also manifest as perturbations in the tropical weather induced by anomalous middle latitude circulation patterns (e.g., mid-latitude blocking anticyclone), such as cold surges or monsoon breaks.
During strong climate perturbations such as the 1997 - 1999 El Niño Southern Oscillation that included the most intense El Niño event of the century, which brought unusual warming to the U.S. West Coast, the food chain in the California Current shortened sharply, the scientists found.
The Planetary Boundaries framework proposes quantitative limits for human perturbation of critical Earth system processes, and a «safe operating space» within which human activity should attempt to stay in order to avert the risk of large - scale, possibly abrupt or irreversible environmental change.
The overall combined effects of environmental perturbations caused by climate change could ultimately result in the displacement of some populations from their current geographical ranges and ultimately in the extinction of some marine mammal species (Kovacs et al. 2010).
Radiative perturbation from icesheet and changed sealevel is estimated -3.2 W / m2 (with higher uncertainties than GHG), Vegatation and aerosols estimated -1 W / m2.
Such perturbation experiments include modifications to initial conditions (including those involved with data assimilation), boundary conditions, and model parameterizations.
When two gas - rich giant spiral galaxies merge, the gravitational perturbation induced by the merging process disturbs the orbits of stars.
The corresponding perturbation lifetime that should be used in the GWP calculation is 12 ± 1.8 years.
The momentum and water flux perturbations do not substantially affect the AMOC.
«This interfering effect makes Fano resonances especially sensitive to changes in either of the participating systems: a slight perturbation results in dramatic alteration in the optical characteristics,» says Yu.
In other words, the laser - induced perturbation acts as a boundary beyond which light can not pass — a sort of moving event horizon.
We hypothesized differential distributions of the various attachment styles as a function of age and ethnicity, on the basis of extrapolation from attachment theory's formulations concerning (a) the functions of attachment, (b) stages of human development, and (c) the effect of environmental perturbations on family structures and attachment bonds.
He seems to be confusing chaos theory with perturbation theory.
It is true that there are some orbital cycles that operate on thousands, tens of thousands and hundred thousand year cycles but this has no bearing on short term perturbations such as a large volcanic eruption, a large release of methane clathrates or a large injection of anthropogenic CO2.
Complex questions such as these are addressed by biological systems science, where these results can be used to understand the effects of genetic perturbations on inherited and expressed characteristics in a larger context.
The essence of chaos is that any small initial perturbation grows exponentially over a term controlled by the size of the «Liapunov exponent.»
But there were tiny perturbations in the gas, and these started to grow by force of gravity, eventually forming stars and galaxies.
Although the simulation conditions in the MMD 20th - century simulations were not identical to those in the CMIP1 & 2 control runs, the differences do not alter the conclusions summarised below because the large - scale climatological features dominate, not the relatively small perturbations resulting from climate change.
It is the water that is in total feedback (negative) control of the global Temperature; it does that by the surprising, and unlikely mechanism of actually altering the incoming solar energy that drives the climate system; and it can easily eradicate any minor perturbation such as the minor effect on outgoing LWIR because of CO2 or Ozone or other GHGs (other than water).
R. Brandenberger, N. Turok, Density Perturbations from Cosmic Strings and the Microwave Background, Physical Review D33, 1986, 2182
C. Gordon, N. Turok, Cosmological Perturbations Through a General Relativistic Bounce, Physical Review D67, 2003, 123508
The Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) of the Cretaceous represent one of the largest climatic perturbations of the Phanerozoic and share characteristics with the Cenozoic hyperthermals.
I am under impression that all current climate models can't see farther than their nose of returning to «global equillibrium» after perturbation in «forcing», any substantial excursions of state trajectories are dismissed as numerical errors, so the global glaciation - deglaciation episodes have no support in current global climate models.
It implies that the dynamics of the system are the same under perturbation.
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