Sentences with phrase «one's sense of history»

Anyone with sense of history / geography should know that.
There is also a strong sense of history surrounding the venue, which has played host to so many of the biggest names in the entertainment industry.
It has wonderful scenery, a real sense of history, and the people here are very friendly.
And a lovely sense of history for your daughter.
He is clearly knowledgeable, and articulate, and intelligent, and has a good sense of history.
And he has a very deep sense of the history he has lived.
There are restaurants, cafes, smaller theaters and a profound sense of history.
There is a palpable sense of history in the homes that I choose to occupy.
It can be forgiven for these faults though, because the game just has so much personality and a rich sense of history that is slowly revealed throughout at a well - timed pace.
There's enough sense of history and unlimited resources there that you feel the players are f *** ed.
To me a great story gives a wonderful sense of history to a piece that makes it so endearing.
It gives it so much more impact and sense of history when you group them like you have.
There is a rewarding sense of history in the unique detailing and meticulous craftsmanship found in historic homes as well as the satisfaction of restoration.
I consider myself an evangelical with a strong sense of history.
Thanks to the island's Mayan heritage, there is a real sense of history and charm here that makes people feel at home, wherever they come from originally.
Given all the accomplishments of the foundation under her lead, I wanted to get a better sense of that history.
It gives it so much more impact and sense of history when you group them like you have.
The exhibition is organized around themes of lightness / airiness, portraiture, and variations around the same images and subjects, all presented with a penetrating graphic clarity and keen sense of the history of image - making.
Quebec City is best - known for its ancient streetscapes and profound sense of history as Canada's first major European settlement.
Every school subject builds the knowledge base that contributes to a child's reading comprehension ability (you need to know some science to make sense of a science text; history to make sense of a history text, etc.).
Cowper - Coles has had a distinguished career in the diplomatic service, is sociable, politically aware, and has a highly developed sense of history.
Salford is an area of great interest and with a strong sense of history which is shown in the Salford Museum and Art Gallery.
«One hundred years on from the last time a British monarch visited Ireland, I think there is a great sense of history and occasion,» David Cameron said.
There is a chilling sense of history coming alive to haunt the club in those comments, as if Shanks has turned in his grave one too many times over the lack of pragmatism.
«A keen sense of history pervades their work, even as they are involved in forging new ways to consider identity, nationality, technology, community and genre.
The spirit of Marfa is unlike anything else in the region, with its aging and antiquated town and powerful yet comparatively new sense of history and purpose.
Once again, though, Anderson's detailed story creates a cinematic sense of history while raising crucial questions about racism, the ethics of war, and the hypocrisies that underlie our country's founding definitions of freedom.
What emerges is a vigorous sense of history and identity at the level of individual, tribe and nation» (The Nagas: Society, Culture and Colonial Encounter, 1990 p. 176).
The artist «explores the space between our shared sense of history and our experience of the world today.
- School Library Journal «Once again, though, Anderson's detailed story creates a cinematic sense of history while raising crucial questions about racism, the ethics of war, and the hypocrisies that underlie our country's founding definitions of freedom.»
It has filled my life with a dramatic and epic sense of history, from the time I was a little child — the Bay of Pigs, the Missile Crisis, Kennedy.
Seems like some people have a warped sense of history.
I initially felt an overpowering sense of history, that I would soon be witnessing a significant global event.
Three major themes are rooted in Judaism without which Christianity, especially at this moment in the life of the church, would be adversely, perhaps fatally, affected: the Jewish sense of history as God's arena, the Jewish passion against idolatry, and the Jewish background which illumines the New Testament.
This is the meaning of the tragic sense of history in humanism — not that human efforts are doomed to defeat, but that the best - laid plans of one generation may be sabotaged by the actions of the next.
The unknown writer responsible for it (often referred to as the Yahwist) appears to have sifted through the myths, legends and stories that had been transmitted orally by his forefathers, and to have molded them into a continuous story reaching from the first man down to the Exodus from Egypt, and possibly as far as his own time, Of course this is not wholly history by our standards, but within the limits of the material available to the Yahwist, it still reflects a remarkable sense of history.
But the remarkable thing is that these books betray a marked sense of history.
Yeah, and if you had any elaborated sense of history you would know that the most powerful and long lasting changes have emerged from peaceful revolution.
History is very much at the heart of Stratford Upon Avon and you'll find that this brasserie carries its own sense of history.
It's magical realism mixed with kitchen - sink drama, seasoned by a haunting sense of history as a sentient entity.
Kidman and Eckhart are terrific in the central roles, conveying a lovely sense of history in their relationship, even if the script gives them no back - story at all (what does Howie do for a living that lets them live such a privileged life?).
Young Mr. Lincoln is one of John Ford's most perfectly realized works, an effortless jelling of his bawdy sense of humor, his patriotism, his mythical sense of history and his gorgeous, cinematic poetry.
A boisterous love letter to Los Angeles, Gangster Squad makes it pretty clear from the very beginning that it's not going to treat its genre with a special sense of history.
Approach it from the correct angle and you'll feel a thrilling sense of history being made.
But the movie survives it, leaving you with a dizzyingly emotional sense of history in the making.
Blatant anachronisms and a twisted sense of history take what would normally be just a fantastically unbelievable film into the realm of abysmal absurdity.
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