Sentences with phrase «opinion of the people»

They look like summary opinions of people who have put forward more detailed arguments elsewhere on this blog to me.
Get your facts straight and try actually reading before forming ridiculous and incorrect opinions of people about whom you know nothing.
Companies around the world value opinions of the people using their products.
It isn't a bias, it is the overwhelming opinion of the people posting, that doesn't make it biased.
Very often, the initial opinions of the people around the table are radically different.
And you can't tell people not to post opinions... while posting your own opinions of people you don't know.
A reasonable amount of time seems to largely rest on the extent of the work to be done and the subjective opinion of the person answering the question.
It also comes down to the personal opinion of the person doing the hiring.
The point is that the laws of a people change according to the majority opinions of that people.
Opinions of people seem to matter in a war of terrorism and war on terrorism.
That way, you can go about your business without ever having to confront the stupid opinions of people who think differently than you.
It's an odd question filled with loaded judgement and often projected opinion of the person asking it.
It's only important to value the voices and opinions of people who think and more importantly, mean to leave their space better than when they entered it.
Go out and see the world, and form your own opinion of people and places and cultures!
There is no «right» answer as it's just going to be the personal opinion of each person that has that viewpoint.
A new NIST study — with findings based on the concerns, insights and opinions of people with mobility impairments voiced during interviews — provides guidance for helping them get safely out of multistory buildings during emergencies, including the use of special evacuation elevators.
As much as we have been taught in saner climes to respect opinions of persons on the other swing of subject matters, I am compelled to break my silence just so I can bring a few things to your attention.
Instead I see you citing opinions of people like Walt Meyer and Ron Lindsay who haven't the vaguest notion of what is going on in the Arctic.
While the editorials published without an author attribution may be intended to reflect the owner's opinion (though I think they actually are intended to reflect the opinion of the editorial board of the paper, e.g. the editor in chief, managing editor, et al.), the opinion editorials (op - eds) are supposed to reflect the individual opinions of the people whose names appear below them.
«Frankly, some people in small towns have a negative opinion of people who move there from the big city,» says Lynn Biscott, a certified financial planner in Toronto and author of The Boomers Retire.
Our tours can be physically demanding and we also reserve the right to terminate your holiday where, in the reasonable opinion of any person in authority (including office staff or your Tour Manager when you join your holiday), your physical condition means you are unable or likely to be unable to cope with the tour or to experience significant difficulties in doing so.
«the received opinion of people who know much more than we do weighs heavily in our considerations.»
3) when I used «unsolicited,» I used it correctly: Judaism isn't soliciting the (unwarranted) opinions of people such as yourself.
While opinions of the person occupying the White House at any given time (and especially now) vary, there are doubtlessly many teenagers who'd think it amazing to get a tour and a ceremony of one of the world's most important buildings.
Public Opinions about Breastfeeding SummerStyles provides information on health - related opinions of people aged 18 years or older, across the United States.
I'm going to read a series of names of people and institutions in public life and I'd like you to tell me whether you have a favorable opinion or an unfavorable opinion of each person or institution I name.
According to Princeton University, we form opinions of people in just 1 / 10th of a second.
Iraqi professionals from neighboring cities express both a dim opinion of the people who live here — so - called Marsh Arabs — and outright fear of venturing into their territory.
There are so many voices out there that can sway and distract us — whether it's the media reporting about all the atrocious things happening in the world, or just the pessimistic opinions of the person you work with.
We have to remember that Holmes was reporting the general opinion of some person who was associated with Nintendo in some way.
Regardless of one's opinion of the people involved in climate science and the IPCC, it does seem to follow (IMO, just an impression at this point) that the IPCC should not involve people involved in producing the «primary literature».
Type a name or topic in its search box, and it returns two side - by - side lists of pro and con comments from the blogosphere, along with a «sentimenter» measuring the blogosphere's overall opinion of the person or topic.
But it reflects the considered and thoughtful opinion of people who know a lot about lawyers» ethical obligations.
One thing to keep in mind when you're looking at online reviews, though, is that you're seeing opinions of people who feel very strongly one way or the other about a particular doctor.
If we sum up the widely held opinion of people in the employment business, we will discover that a staggering 86 % of cover letters are considered valuable!
Your child should have a good opinion of both parents and if that is not possible, they should be able to form their own opinion of each person when they reach the appropriate age.
Per Reuters, Overstock claims the SEC investigation is not proof that it has violated American law or evidence that the SEC had «a negative opinion of any person, entity or security.»
But the «opinions of people like me» changed opinions by just 6.2 %, while a general poll saying that a majority of people favored one side or the other moved the needle by 8.1 %.
Then, there really is no «truth» at all — just the subjective opinion of each person, that can vary from person to person and we can not hold anyone to a standard of morality since each person has their own standards.
Even though nobody just blindly accepts expert opinion — especially if that evidence is counter to our senses or challenges our social identity — the received opinion of people who know much more than we do weighs heavily in our considerations.
C. I. Travel Group can and will terminate your holiday arrangements if your behaviour is in our reasonable opinion, or in the reasonable opinion of any person in authority, disruptive, upsetting or dangerous to yourself or anyone else.
It consolidates many different opinions of people who have dealt with these lawyers and provides the user with an additional valuable perspective.
When they encounter rejection, it doesn't send them in a downward spiral because they see rejection for what it actually is — simply the opinion of another person who may or may not know what they are talking about.
«They follow the opinions of the people around them, go to work where they are expected to, and only feel secure when they fit in.
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