Sentences with phrase «other climate blogs»

My criticism would be that it looks like a lot of other climate blogs now.
I've only started reading this and other climate blogs in the last month and I am only just getting into the climate change literature in my own field.
I'm afraid that much of the strength of the reaction to your questions was based on past experiences - I can not count how many times someone has commented here and on other climate blogs claiming despite the evidence that mismatches between specific projections and observed temperatures somehow invalidate all climate modeling, despite the projected emissions not matching actuals.
As this open letter will also be posted on several other climate blogs you might do well to actually read what is in my book and admit your errors, Roy, because the longer it goes on, and slight cooling continues until at least 2027, the more embarrassing it is going to be for you eventually.
But there has also been an «appraisal» of the paper by Nic Lewis that has appeared in no fewer than three other climate blogs (you can guess which).
Given the scale of repetition of arguments on this and other climate blogs I consider any such duplication for the general good not just defensible but a blessing.
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