Sentences with phrase «out of equilibrium»

Keywords: Risk management, measuring uncertainty, failure of models that predict failure, complexity theory, standard out of equilibrium level, irrational expectations on economic rational actor model.
It can provoke a physiological stress response that throws your body out of equilibrium, physically and emotionally.
A short squeeze occurs when a lack of supply meets excess demand for a stock, so the potential for a squeeze increases when supply and demand begin to get out of equilibrium.
The best way for me to explain it is to show you what happens when you're out of equilibrium between supply and demand.
I would expect this to be the case when markets are out of equilibrium i.e. when employment demand far exceeds supply.
Of course you can «average» temperatures sampled from subsystems out of equilibrium with each other, in the sense that your computer will oblige and the police won't show up at your door.
If it takes 30,000 years as science has suggested to reach equilibrium and C - 14 is still out of equilibrium in coal, diamonds, and deep layers of strata, then maybe the earth isn't that old!
«Similar to the glaciers in Alaska, once you push them a little bit out of equilibrium they start thinning and retreating very fast.»
It is indeed a wonder how a complex system, like the human body, works to create such a fine equilibrium, and that when the system goes even slightly out of equilibrium, it spells trouble.
For instance, studies over several decades have shown that market fluctuations have a lot in common with processes such as earthquakes that originate in systems that are very much out of equilibrium and naturally subject to abrupt upheavals (Physica A, vol 387, p 3967).
«Inflation is running currently at 1.4 percent or so, productivity growth is just a little below 1 percent, so we're actually not far out of that equilibrium for where wage inflation should be,» he said.
Comparing the cocktail of exhausted gases with the livelier mixture originally trapped in the box reveals precisely where and how the world's atmosphere was initially out of equilibrium.
A key feature of this experiment was the use of the X-rays to drive the calcite out of equilibrium while simultaneously observing how it dissolves.
The difficulties facing Ph.D. graduates are not simply because the supply and demand seem out of equilibrium; a lack of general awareness of where Ph.D. s can get employment in academic, industrial, and public service sectors is exacerbating the problem.
The «temporary - worker model» the United States uses to staff its labs «is completely out of equilibrium, [because] the country doesn't have the absorptive capacity» to provide career employment — rather than just temporary jobs — to all of the young scientists that the system produces, Gerbi continues.
«Recreating outer space in the lab: Extending thermodynamics to out of equilibrium electron gas in a magnetic nozzle.»
To achieve this, we work between biophysics, materials science and synthetic biology to gain new insights into the physical phenomena which drive out of equilibrium processes in cells and to reimagine and translate these insights into novel, robust and dynamic systems for synthetic biology applications.
Summary: The minerals that make up rocks and soils are often out of equilibrium with their surroundings, especially as environmental conditions change.
Minerals that make up rocks and soils are thrown out of equilibrium when the chemistry of their surroundings changes.
Category: English, North America, Transversal Studies, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: complexity theory, failure of models that predict failure, irrational expectations on economic rational actor model, measuring uncertainty, Risk management, standard out of equilibrium level
If my miles and points balances, travel needs, and manufactured spend strategy were previously in equilibrium, they are now by definition out of equilibrium: I've now accidentally purchased more (deeply - discounted) travel than I have a current plan for using.
Therefore, estimating equilibrium climate sensitivity based on measurements of a climate that's out of equilibrium requires making some significant assumptions, for example that feedbacks will remain constant over time.
At its most basic, global warming is trivial, and beyond any doubt: add more energy to a system (by adding more infra - red absorbing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere), and the system gets hotter (because, being knocked out of equilibrium, it will heat up faster than it loses heat to space, up and until it reaches a new equilibrium).
They have these home prices and interest going up, so you're kind of out of equilibrium,» said Melendez.
2016's Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have taken molecular systems out of equilibrium's stalemate and into energy - filled states in which their movements can be controlled.
«In any system, if you push the system a little bit out of equilibrium, then the closer it is to the tipping point, the longer it takes to return to equilibrium after that perturbation,» explains Ingrid van de Leemput, an ecologist at Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands who led the new work.
And does this mean that because climate has changed slowly in the past, before human industrialisation, slow changes corresponding to the climate being slightly out of equilibrium, that the speed of future climate change and the extent of the disequilibrium can be ignored?
In the parlance of astrobiologists, the highly reactive gas is a potent «biosignature,» because in large concentrations it tends to be «out of equilibrium» with its surroundings.
Evans - Freke says that in future, it might be possible to classify cancers according to the types of RTK that are out of equilibrium, rather than by the organ where the tumour originates.
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