Sentences with phrase «phrase match»

Sometimes it is possible to find the perfect exact match keyword that converts every time thanks to the data that you gather on phrase match keywords over a period of a couple of weeks.
Then you can do the same with phrase match and broad match, but a lower percentage.
If you're going to use phrase match, make sure you spend some time developing negative keyword lists.
I like broad modified match, because you can see more search terms vs phrase match or exact match.
If you take a second and look at how broad match works, then you will realize that a broad match will trigger phrase match as well as exact match.
There are times where using just phrase match and exact match work great.
The best thing about phrase match keywords is that they really help to weed out the unwanted Internet users better than broad match and modified broad match keywords.
This take on machine translation is called a statistical approach because it involves finding the most likely phrase match across a giant sample.
Relevancy with the help of phrase match keywords increases incredibly and quality scores normally improve too.
Phrase match gives you much more control over your ads than Broad match.
I think at this time, it is only possible to get global monthly searches (exact match, not phrase match or local search counts) from Microsoft AdCenter.
Tip: If you import your Google ad campaigns into Bing, like many advertisers do, be aware that your broad match negative keywords will be converted to phrase match negatives by Bing.
Phrase match targets searches that use the exact phrase anywhere in the search.
If you need to better manage your budget, invest more in phrase match keywords, as it is probable that you will achieve a lower cost per click (CPC) than with broad match and modified broad match keywords.
If there is a lot of search volume within your industry or you are targeting your ads to a large audience, sticking with phrase match, broad match modifier or exact match would be more beneficial and could save your business a boatload of money.
A common mistake in first setting up a PPC campaign is when marketers don't know the difference between broad match, broad match modifier, phrase match and exact match keywords.
Next, click on «Query Match Type» and then either «broad match» or «phrase match» to view the exact keyword phrases people are searching for and which ones aren't converting well.
With phrase match, your ad can show when someone searches for your exact keyword, or your exact keyword with additional words before or after it.
Then with the segment report you can adjust accordingly over time your phrase matching based on real data.
Phrase match keywords will trigger ads when the exact phrase is part of the keyword typed into Google.
For example, if your Phrase match keyword is «office space,» then your ad will display for «New York office space» and «office space in New York.»
To change your keyword to Phrase match, simply add quotes around the keyword (see image below).
Finding it hard to find the phrase match as suggested in the beginning of the article in the new planner.
For example, if you're an office space rental company advertising on the Phrase match keyword, «office space,» then you will want to block the keyword «movie.»
Let's say the business is using «plumber in NYC» as a phrase match keyword in a campaign designed to attract new customers.
However, when you use Phrase match, you need to make sure you include negative keywords.
So I would raise the phrase match up by 10 % and then the broad match up by 5 %.
One with exact match, phrase match and broad match.
In August, Google effectively killed off exact and phrase match keywords as we used to know them by forcing a previously optional «close variant» matching target onto all AdWords accounts.
To fend off this «spend - more - money - with - Google» feature, simply delete the brackets around the keywords in the screenshot below for broad match, or put them in quotes for phrase match.
However, it is important to know what a phrase match keyword actually means.
In Keyword Tool, you could look at search volume for broad match, phrase match or exact match.
Phrase match keywords are the keywords that PPC advertisers can use to really start focusing on targeting their intended audience effectively.
If you really want to take advantage of the power of the phrase match keyword, use the data that you gather on them to then select certain keywords as exact match keywords.
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