Sentences with word «reductionist»

Simultaneously, the bleakly reductionist view of evolution as a product of nothing more than the sum of individual self - interest, common currency in the past half - century, is softening as we consider how natural selection may work even at the level of entire ecosystems.
I also need to point out here, for those whose view of Christian belief is as reductionist as Creationists» views of science, that Creationists, in fact, make up a vanishingly small portion of Christian beilevers worldwide, most of whom are perfectly comfortable with the science of evolution.
Holism corrects the imbalances that are caused by reductionist approaches through its emphasis on and expanded conception of science and human possibility.
And the various levels of science from physics through biology and zoology to psychology are surely enough to show that science is not reductionist.
However, many reasonably assert that this is too reductionist considering the breadth of educational reforms Sweden has undergone in the past two decades and its still relatively small percentage of private schools.20
Reductionist theories in the world of fitness are nothing new.
We can not allow reductionist interpretations to monopolize the fellowship.
Similarly, in his laudable concern to refute the idea that Christianity is an illustration of mythical truth, Barth (and Frei after him) set Christianity against an artificial and reductionist conception of myth.
Minimal art, also called ABC art, is the culmination of reductionist tendencies in modern art that first surfaced in the 1913 composition by the Russian painter Kasimir Malevich of a black square on a white ground.
Neither is it a functionalist or reductionist argument for the existence of religion, as one might expect from disciples of Ernst Troeltsch, Claude Levi - Strauss, or Clifford Geertz.
The result would be not just an amputation, which is the traditional reductionist method of all the sciences, but a surgical excision of language's very heart.
This is a very reductionist way of looking at the origins of life: one building block at a time.»
But due to terminological ambiguities, this problem was obscured; and Schleiermacher's ostensible insulation of religion from reductionist explanations was powerfully convincing to theologians for many generations.
Do you think these sculptures are pandering to our nostalgia for this time in art history or our cultures» love for the perfection of this Ikea - like reductionist design?
It was the ultimate in reductionist biology — getting down to the genetic code, interpreting what it meant, including all 6 billion letters of my own genome.
Second, these regulatory determinants may not always be obvious from reductionist principles, and, thus, the analysis provides unique insight into disease mechanism and potential therapeutic targets.
Numerous commentators have criticised Pope Benedict's support for a tier of global governance «with teeth» - even though he also made very clear that this would be very dangerous if linked with the currently fashionable reductionist vision of man.
So for me, this comment highlights the pitfalls of a narrow, reductionist focus around tobacco, alcohol etc..
I thought he was above such a short - sighted reductionist viewpoint.
«You can't study wholistic phenomena solely through reductionist modes of inquiry without sacrificing reality, and truth, in the process».
In short, they are not true reductionists because they don't go all the way down to the most basic explanations of reality.
By using a systems biology approach, researchers deliberately move away from the classic reductionist manner of looking at molecules in isolation to study biological systems in their entirety.
None of these «click bait» articles compare, however, to the biggest reductionist fallacy in nutrition today.
[Dennett's] limited and superficial book reads like a caricature of a caricature - for if Richard Dawkins has trivialized Darwin's richness by adhering to the strictest form of adaptationist argument in a maximally reductionist mode, then Dennett, as Dawkins» publicist, manages to convert an already vitiated and improbable account into an even more simplistic and uncompromising doctrine.
His aim is to show that the prevalent scientific reductionist methodology is invalid.
Therefore, we need not feel threatened by reductionist accounts of the human person nor by the paradoxes of identity and memory that dog philosophical doctrines of immortality.
The neuro - reductionist worldview carries with it implications not only for how we conceptualize, treat, and prevent mental illness, but also for how we conceive of the world.
«Lila is a rigorous biophysical chemist, but unlike most chemists who avoid complexity and prefer reductionist type studies, Lila's whole career has been focused on applying chemistry and biophysical methods to the study of peptides and their role in biology as well as protein folding and trafficking in vivo,» says Jeffrey W. Kelly at The Scripps Research Institute.
My pastoral experience has taught me that such reductionist behavior cheats God, one another and ourselves.
One university administrator apologized that Hedges was «so reductionist and offensive,»....
Some of the relational explications describe ways in which reductionist attempts have proceeded or might proceed, as for example in cell (M, O) where the modalities are assimilated to concepts of temporal order.
The practical implication is that there exist system behaviors and structures that are not amenable to explanation or prediction by reductionist methodologies.
Affirming a Platonic formal value does certainly undermine reductionist materialism, but it is not itself evidence of a realm in which exists the transcendent Creator.
The reason it became reductionist is because education reform is complex and has a lot of ground to cover, so people thought they'd focus on a few things and get that moving and then figure out the rest later.
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