Sentences with phrase «shared principles»

Her passion and commitment has been to share these principles with others, who have found them to be highly effective in their lives.
So it all comes to greed of particular so - called «guru» regarding not sharing these principles.
Through the Sustainable Coffee Challenge, the industry is coming together to commit to one billion trees, while developing shared principles for responsible renovation.
It makes sense to build university policy on such widely shared principles.
Scientific collaboration offers significant opportunities to advance biological science to address these and other national priorities and discuss shared principles and standards of practice to minimize risks associated with the research.
This may justify a departure from the normal sharing principles.
It's important to share these principles with any trusted caregiver of your baby who might feed your baby your milk from a bottle.
A commitment to sustainability is a widely shared principle.
Says Medina, not only are many MMA enthusiasts U.S. military men, women and veterans, but the armed forces and mixed martial arts also share the principles of «discipline, honor and respect.»
Alyson Schafer is a family counsellor, author and internationally acclaimed parenting expert who empowers families by sharing her principles, rules and tools for raising happy and healthy kids.
According to the Daily Mail, the judge concluded: «Short marriage, no children, dual incomes and separate finances are sufficient to justify a departure from the equal sharing principle in order to achieve fairness between these parties.»
Should the parties fail to come to an agreement themselves, a final hearing could raise some very interesting legal arguments, such as the weight that should be given to the prenup and its impact on departing from the presumptive equal sharing principle.
Federalism is based on shared principles including respect for the constitution and the division of powers, while being aware that Quebec has not agreed to the Constitution Act, 1982, and accepting that there are differences among the provinces and territories and that governments may have different policy priorities and preferences.
In a Florida divorce case, state law replaces «custody» with a time - sharing principle based on how many...
So, voters who share this principled enthusiasm for securing the largest possible number of Liberal Democrat MPs next Thursday must, in many constituencies, weigh the tactical option of supporting Labour to prevent a Conservative win.
Dr. Jane Nelsen shares principles to help parents understand how to use non-punitive (kind and firm) discipline tools to avoid power struggles and motivate teenagers.
If you join our Academy, you must share our principles about dog training.
The agreement «aligns closely» with a set of consumer data - sharing principles announced in October by the industry through the Center for Financial Services Innovation, the companies said in a statement.
Canfield shared a principle that he uses to turn maybes and noes into yeses.
Indonesia and the United States share principles of unity and tolerance and both can benefit from strengthened ties that will bolster trade and combat terrorism, President Obama said in a highly anticipated speech Wednesday.
This suggests that the criticism of animal rights advocates may not be as much a matter of shared principle among deep ecologists as I have supposed.
All This and Heaven Too shares principles of experiencing an Exceptionally Beautiful Better Life of Peace, Joy, Love, Tranquility, Happiness
Guest Juliet shares principles for growing your own food uses a permaculture approach.
Thus while both anarchism and republicanism share a principled commitment to opposing arbitrary power, for the republican there are forms of states that will not exercise arbitrary power, while for anarchists state power is inherently arbitrary.
Chris Collins shares those principles which is why his constituents reelected him with over 65 % of the vote just six months ago.»
Elise strongly shares this principle, and we are once again pleased she will be appearing on the Independence line this November.»
It is therefore expected that all researchers both honour agreements in line with Fort Lauderdale's data sharing principles [1] and appropriately acknowledge the contributions of others [2].
I Quit Sugar is often compared to our Paleo brethren, thanks to a few shared principles like eating whole, unprocessed foods and (obviously) cutting out sugar.
For each principle, Ethan shares the principle, why it's important to consider that specific guideline in the design process and an action for the reader to take with them regarding the principle and how to leverage it in their daily design work.
Pemberton and his 27 colleagues have spent the past year challenging assumptions about professional learning, studying promising models, clarifying shared principles and discussing individual and collective action plans to raise the standard of teacher development in America.
However it is done, says Raupach, such a formula would for the first time allow the global community to develop «a transparent methodology for translating global to national carbon quotas under a wide range of possible sharing principles
We here provide both indicators separately, and a combined fair share percentage (the average of the two), for readers to evaluate performance based upon the «burden sharing principle» they endorse.
Therefore, for a post-2012 regime to be fair and equitable, there must be agreement on the burden - sharing principles between the North and South to avoid a climate catastrophe.
The students then share the principles for effective legal writing that they have gleaned.
The ability to articulate and define shared principles and practices throughout not only the corporate legal department but the company as a whole is vital, he explained, and management walking the walk is key.
Curriculum Delivery Developing the professional skills to effectively share the principles and practices of the Mindful Schools curriculum provides a powerful foundation for your work as a mindful educator.
As the author of Intero's popular Monday Morning Mojo blog followed by tens of thousands of readers around the world, Tognoli shares principles of success, happiness, discipline, and more.
Alyson Schafer (B.SC., M.A. Counselling; OACCPP, AAMFT) is a therapist, author and internationally acclaimed parenting expert who empowers families by sharing her principles, rules and tools for raising happy and healthy kids.
The BBA provides an extensive bibliography of research related to students and schools, and they promote and share principles in regards to Early Childhood Education, Comprehensive Strategies, and School Improvement.
I want to share that message with the world, share those principles with people to allow them to stop, wake up and realize that they do not exist on this earth to chase after life, life is the one supposed to chase after them.
Dr. Jane Nelsen shares principles to help parents understand how to use non-punitive (kind and firm) discipline tools to avoid power struggles and motivate teenagers.
In a Florida divorce case, state law replaces «custody» with a time - sharing principle based on how many overnights a child spends with each parent.
I would really like to meet someone who shares those principles and is willing build a friendship through support and...
All This and Heaven Too, shares principles of experiencing an exceptionally Better Life of Purpose, Love, Joy, Tranquility, Happiness
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