Sentences with phrase «small learning»

Its five high schools were divided into small learning communities for the first time this year and will further evolve into small schools in the 2005 - 06 school year.
IT also helps to teach Olympic lifts safely with a very small learning curve.
In high - poverty schools, it's critical to establish caring relationships, supporting students through advisory programs, create smaller learning environments, and encourage participation in extracurricular activities.
And we also must work toward turning our large schools into smaller learning communities.
The school groups adults and students in small learning communities characterized by stable, close, and mutually respectful relationships.
But since the 1960s, teachers have consistently expressed their desire for smaller learning communities.
The culture is activated and sustained throughout the many small learning groups in which the students, teachers, administrators, support staff and parents are involved.
We also create small learning nuggets accessible at any time, on any device to ensure just - in - time delivery.
Some have a very small learning curve and others have a much larger learning curve.
For the best engagement and retention, today's employees [2] respond to training delivered in small learning units with interactive components.
Our model establishes small learning communities, where students are supported by a team of teachers throughout the year.
An emerging structure in schools is focused on smaller learning environments.
This booklet summarizes research on best practices for implementing successful small learning communities and career academies.
Her more recent work included supporting school conversations to create and develop smaller learning communities and small autonomous schools to better prepare young people for life after school.
The methods below are small learning opportunities that can pay off big.
They are high - touch, combining small learning communities and wrap - around supports for guidance and social services.
She is an educational consultant who specializes in helping school districts to design and implement effective small learning communities for at risk students.
Until this year I didn't know anything about small learning communities.
A computer lab was added to the library and the walls were torn down in classrooms to create two big labs and one smaller learning lab.
An incredible collection of tools for building small learning communities and academies.
Folding glass panels can be used to divide the space into smaller learning studios.
Each mode has their own similarities and differences — all of which I found to be an enjoyable experience albeit a few small learning curves.
They are VERY active and plan all sorts of social outings and small learning groups.
A goal of the institute was to create both large and small learning environments for a large number of participants to have the opportunity to work in personalized ways with the faculty.
When learners focus on small learning nuggets, they are more engaged in their work and tend to work harder.
Some districts solve this by allowing a revered old school to maintain its name, mascot, sports teams, and colors while breaking it into smaller learning communities.
Small learning units are easy to understand and learners can easily access content anytime and from anywhere.
Liberal arts colleges often offer students small learning communities and opportunities to engage with faculty members.
Implementation Study of Smaller Learning Communities: Final Report (2008).
Implementation Study of Smaller Learning Communities: Final Report.
It sounds very similar to what our school and others do with Small Learning Communities, but I need to learn more about their model.
On Saturday mornings, middle school students who need to catch up attend small learning academies.
Make time for differentiated instruction with small learning teams, daily formative assessments, and managed activities that differentiated content, process, and products.
Additional organizations with CTE programs in California include the National Academy Foundation, Big Picture Learning, Project Lead the Way, and the Federal Smaller Learning Communities Program.
The Coolest School in America: How Small Learning Communities Are Changing Everything Edited by Doug Thomas, Walter Enloe, and Ron Newell.
This opportunity for learning and dialogue included a small
Career academies are self - contained small learning communities of 250 to 350 students each for students in grades 10 through 12.
For example, while a mobile based small learning video will appeal to the road warriors of the sales force, a shoulder to shoulder coaching strategy makes more sense to workers on an assembly line in the factory.
New Small Learning Communities: Findings from Recent Literature.
Create smaller learning targets that can be individually instructed by unpacking standards.
Through small learning communities, college - preparatory curriculum and strong partnerships with local employers, career academies offer work - based learning opportunities and rigorous pathways to postsecondary education and careers.
By launching many such pilot projects you both hedge your bets and create a myriad of small learning experiences for yourself, which helps you course correct and figure out what you really want and the right path to get you there.
By contrast, recent research about federal Teacher Incentive Fund merit pay found far smaller learning effects and lower pay supplements, with fewer than half of districts indicating an ability to continue the program, much less scale it up.
If you've never used a straight razor before, you'll find this one has a much smaller learning curve, as you don't need to hold it in a special way to get a quality shave.
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