Sentences with phrase «specific areas of one's body»

This often happens in specific areas of the body such as scratching dog ears., face, toes or under the dog's tail.
Spot - reduction is targeting specific areas of your body from which you wish to burn fat.
Many people labor away month after month trying to exercise specific areas of their body with the idea that fat will be burned directly off the area they are working.
A recent study found that it's not possible to target specific areas of the body for fat loss.
The word «Holistic» means looking at the body as a whole, rather than just the symptoms and working on improving specific areas of your body at the functional level.
Browse through total - body exercises or movements that target more specific areas of the body.
This myth is also known as spot reduction and it refers to the misconception that fat can be burned off specific areas of the body through exercise of the muscles in those areas.
They need to find out how much differentiation these cells require before they become helpful in specific areas of the body.
This comes from the idea that you can spot reduce fat from specific areas of your body.
One of our trained veterinary professionals will gently lay your pet on their side and place electrodes on specific areas of the body.
We will work on the mat, in a heated room, with only a handful of poses to target specific areas of the body.
Meaning, if you came here thinking your goal was to lose weight, or lose inches, or reduce belly fat (or fat from any other specific area of your body) or anything similar, you are still a part of this category.
The procedure involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific areas of the body.
Wrap him or her in towels that have been warmed in a dryer or you can warm specific areas of the body with lukewarm water (102 - 108 degrees NO WARMER).
Liposuction removes excess fat to slim and reshape specific areas of the body which include the thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, chest area, chin and neck, and even calves and ankles, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Because they can be programmed to travel the body and selectively target cancer and other sites of disease, nanometer - scale vehicles called nanocarriers can deliver higher concentrations of drugs to bombard specific areas of the body while minimizing systemic side effects.
In case you haven't heard of it, spot reduction is the term for attempting to shred excess fat from specific areas of the body simply by performing exercises that target those areas, like doing a ton of abdominal exercises to lose belly fat.This is NOT going to happen, because the body does not work the way you would like it to.
While it is practically impossible to spot reduce specific areas of the body, there is still much one can do to maximise fat burning in general, while doing the right type of exercise to develop muscle and change body shape.
Crunches are uncomfortable exercises that work out a very specific area of your body.
So that's how specialization routines can help you bring up a lagging body part, emphasize specific areas of your body, and even contribute to accelerated total body growth.
By varying their body positions, patients can use the rollers to isolate specific areas of the body and treat restrictions in the soft tissue (8 — 10).
Points are lighter markings on specific areas of the body similar to the markings on a Doberman or Rottweiler.
The primary goals of MABT are to learn to access interoceptive awareness through mindful meditative attention, to develop the capacity for sustained attention within specific areas of the body, to learn an inquiry process related to sensory awareness that promotes self - awareness and insight, and to develop interoceptive awareness practices that can be integrated into daily life to promote self - care and emotion regulation.
This restorative treatment relieves tension in specific areas of the body.
The therapist lightly places and holds their hands on specific areas of the body for 3 to 5 minutes to rebalance the energy.
the technique doctors like Dr. Centero use to target specific areas of the body with healing stem cells
You can use weights and other resistance training methods to tone the butt, the legs, arms, or areas of the chest (even women will find that the appearance of sagging breasts can improve with the exercises that target the chest), or any other specific area of the body.
As well, it has heated seats that warm specific areas of your body more quickly than others, which will be fabulous after those chilly mornings at the dog park.
The infrared wavelengths used in the K - Laser allow for targeting specific areas of your body.
It's impossible «spot reduce» the fat from specific areas of your body.
There are a number of treatment methods used to treat primary focal hyperhidrosis, which occurs on specific areas of the body, including the hands, feet, armpits, and face.
It is generally not limited to specific areas of the body, but in most cases it occurs in the joints, in the mouth (due to the frequently increased flow of saliva) or on the buttocks.
Some women will benefit from massage that incorporates calming music or essential oils while other women's main concern may be that special attention be paid to the type of stroke used or to specific areas of the body.
Excessive sweating occurs on specific areas of the body (focal), including the feet, hands, underarms, and face.
«This pre-clinical work presents a novel approach to guide enhanced blood flow to specific areas of the body,» said Ozaki.
Montclare described her research into creating artificial proteins that can deliver drugs to a specific area of the body in order to fight diseases like breast cancer.
Restorative adult stem cells can be separated from your fat tissue and delivered to specific areas of the body in need of special attention.
They also provide an opportunity to work on any specific areas of your body that you feel need any extra attention.
The lacrosse ball delivers a more targeted massage to specific areas of your body and releases tension after a workout.
Working hard on specific areas of the body can make you look a lot bigger than you really are, and make bodybuilders that carry the same weight as you look tiny when you stand side by side.
Even though spot - reducing has been proven to be impossible, i.e. target a specific area of your body to lose fat there, like performing crunches to lose fat around the midsection, you can actually «spot - enhance».
They target specific areas of the body and are EASY to learn.
In each class, we'll target a specific area of the body with the goal of creating more stability and ease.
Making that connection between movement training and real life is at the core of the ACE Integrated Fitness Training ® (ACE IFT ®) Model, which provides a framework for developing stability or mobility as appropriate in a specific area of the body (phase 1), reintegrating it into full - body movement (phase 2), adding external load and creating a stimulus for strength gains (phase 3) and increasing movement speed to develop bodily control (phase 4).
Over time, this can lead to physical disease in specific areas of the body that correlate with those specific emotions.
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