Sentences with phrase «than any other religion»

Far more than all other religions combined for all of recorded history.
As a religion it has had a wider geographic spread and is more deeply rooted among more peoples than any other religion in the history of mankind.
Native American beliefs are more in line with ecological thinking than any other religion the world over.
In all your complaints about some priests (while overlooking the amazing greatness of the many saints... more than any other religion) do you pray for them?
A book rewritten and filled with stories pre-Jesus is no better than the other religions.
It is no different than any other religions that have extreme believers of how to worship God.
The burden of proof that the Christian religion (which fails to pass it own standard of what a religion is — James 1:26 - 27) is somehow superior than any other religion is on you, not me.
Christianity has had a wider geographic spread and is more deeply rooted among more peoples than any other religion in the history of mankind, therefore it must be of concern to all who are interested in the record of man and particularly to all who seek to understand the contemporary human scene.
Killing more INNOCENT humans than any other religion in the history of EARTH and WHY???? simply because they did not believe as the murdering christian taliban did.
Which means that this definition of grace might actually make Christianity worse than other religions in which human goodness is critically important.
Islam is more given to fundamentalism than other religions with Semitic roots.
Last year, a Pew survey found that 70 percent of white evangelicals believed that «Islam encourages more violence than other religions
The Israelite religion was, in general, more humane than the other religions of that time.
Christians worldwide have a higher murder rate than any other religion, which is approximately 11.3 / 100k.
Then, in the many wars in whch Christians have participated the killings have been fenomenal and the number of people that Christians have killed, by far are larger than other religions
We will keep repeating it until you realize that there really is no evidence, that your religion has no more validity than any other religion, and that the only reason you believe is that you grew up with it and conformed, or your life bottomed out and you got desperate enough to believe anything, and conformed.
Atheism is a religion, whose god is mankind, self, and science, through the power of reason, logic, and intellect, whose prophets are Darwin, Dawkins, and Hitchens, and whose disciples zealously seek converts with more passion and fervor than other religions.
Why is Christian morality more right than any other religion's morality, or our atheistic morality?
Is it this: Christianity is the only true religion, even though there is no more evidence that it represents truth than any other religion!
The real fact is that Muslims have killed more Muslims than any other religion.
Atheists in the USA «pick on» christianity not because it is more inane than other religions (they're all inane), but because religions other than christianity are of no significance in North America.
you have no more evidence for your god than other religions.
But why does that make Christianity a) better b) more true than other religions?
bubbles, there are more Christians in the US than any other religion.
John: Christians seem to be more persecuted for their faith than other religions.
That last group is also 20 % on America, and growing faster than any other religion.
Just because there are more Christians than any other religion doesn't make it a Christian country.
Does he really think those who call themselves Catholics have done better on average than other religions?
Christians have murdered more people in the history of the world than any other religion or group.
You pointed out the Christian religion to a TEE, the Crusades killed more non believing HUMAN BEINGS than ANY OTHER religions in human history.
Accompanying the amazing voyages, commerce, and conquests of Europeans which began at the close of the sixteenth century and continued until the beginning of the twentieth was a territorial expansion of Christianity not only unequaled in its earlier history but more extensive than any other religion had achieved.
I got interested in Islam and discovered that it has the most authenticity than any other religion and it confirms that Christian and Jewish traditions.
«The burden of proof that the Christian religion is somehow superior than any other religion is on you, not me.»
You are no better than any other religion or belief or political ideology shoving its ideas down everyone's throats.
I don't care what Mitt Romney's religion is and wouldn't call Mormonism any more of a cult than other religions, but let's not pretend it's Christianity.
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