Sentences with phrase «than conventional agriculture»

With respect to energy consumption, organic agriculture is performing better than conventional agriculture.
Since organic agriculture produces lower crop yields than conventional agriculture, it requires more land to produce the same amount of food.
They found that when farmers did not charge a premium for organic food, it was significantly less profitable than conventional agriculture.
They can fill your belly and your wallet, and generate less CO2 than conventional agriculture.
The authors concluded that the organic agriculture system was more effective than the conventional agriculture system in reducing soil erosion and in maintaining soil productivity.
Since then, critics have continued to argue that organic agriculture is inefficient, requiring more land than conventional agriculture to yield the same amount of food.
By buying organic food, you will also be supporting sustainable methods of land use that result in far less environmental pollution than conventional agriculture, which uses toxic chemicals.
The study concluded that organic farming is 22 to 35 percent more profitable for farmers than conventional agriculture.
Organic agriculture displays in most cases a higher faunal biodiversity than conventional agriculture.
Under European conditions, organic agriculture performs better than conventional agriculture with regard to certain parameters: for example, 30 to 100 percent higher microbial activity3 and a significantly higher biomass (+30 to 40 percent), density (+ 50 to 80 percent) and species diversity of earthworms, a key soil - macro faunal species4.
Organic agriculture performs better than conventional agriculture on a per hectare scale, both with respect to direct energy consumption (fuel and oil) and indirect consumption (synthetic fertilizers and pesticides).
According to the video Soil: The Secret Solution to Global Warming, land farmed organically, using such methods as «no - till» and the planting of winter cover crops, absorbs and holds up to 30 % more carbon than conventional agriculture.
Along with «exponentially higher» yields, the CropBox promises that their complete growing system also uses 90 % less water and 80 % less fertilizer than conventional agriculture does.
Crowder, lead author and assistant professor of entomology at Washington State University, says he and Reganold became interested in the topic after reading a study several years ago that indicated that organic farming produces a lower crop yield than conventional agriculture.
«They found that when farmers did not charge a premium for organic food, it was significantly less profitable than conventional agriculture,» reports the Washington Post.
In most cases, organic agriculture conserves better than conventional agriculture the site - typical plant community of floral species of arable land.
«We knew going into this that organic agriculture is less productive in terms of crop yields than conventional agriculture,» Crowder says.
«We knew going into this that organic agriculture is less productive in terms of crop yields than conventional agriculture,» researcher David Crowder told the Post.
Even though the ban on synthetic pesticides might lead to higher fuel consumption on organic farms due to increased mechanical weed control13, research results presented below show that with respect to energy consumption, organic agriculture is performing better than conventional agriculture.
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