Sentences with phrase «than liberals»

These are (usually) liberals trying to produce news rather than liberals trying to produce liberal propaganda.
I wonder why more economist are conservative than liberal.
Years of psychological research have suggested that people who are politically conservative are happier than their liberal counterparts.
Although studies have shown that conservatives already give more to charity than their liberal counterparts, the need is still great and requires much of everyone who is able to assist.
A medical student is a more attractive target for a lawsuit than a liberal arts major, because one day the medical student will become a doctor, probably making six figures.
This so - called «ideological happiness gap» has inspired elaborate theories for why conservatives enjoy life more than liberals do.
Conservatives, for instance, are less likely than liberals to say that funding is a barrier to academic achievement, and liberals are more likely to put less focus on improving student learning.
This expensive, centrally managed, government - run program would offer even less choice than the Liberal plan.
A medical student is a more attractive target for a lawsuit than a liberal arts major, because one day the medical student will become a doctor, probably making six figures.
But it does mean that participation in these communities is more important than liberals have sometimes recognized.
Much of this difference, though, can be attributed to the fact that conservatives are on the whole more active in their churches than liberals.
He was always more interested in science and math than liberal arts, he said.
He describes himself as a «friend of liberalism» rather than a liberal, and so one is never quite sure which aspects of liberalism he accepts.
Rather than truly being happier than liberals, conservatives may be more prone to put a positive spin on their lives.
For example, conservatives emphasis cleanliness and purity more than liberals, and while conservatives are more focused on preventing negative outcomes, liberals are more focused on causing positive outcomes.
«The Coalition is changing the Liberal Democrats more than the Liberal Democrats are changing the Coalition Main A Thatcher birthday tribute?
The polls are tight as the surprise is coming from the gains in the polls for the New Democratic Party (NDP), a party led by Jack Layton and is further left than the Liberal party that moved to start the NO - CONFIDENCE VOTE, which forced the early election.
The same timetable and practice should apply were Cameron to seek to reach agreement with a Party other than the Liberal Democrats.
To recall the set of propositions that opened this article, one can make justifiable judgments here: Some people were advancing causes of racial minorities and women better than liberal Protestants or Christians in general.
Polls have suggested that Canadians have stronger confidence in Conservative leader Stephen Harper than Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion.
More than its liberal Protestant counterpart, The Christian Century, Commonweal has tried to stay in conversation with the ironic twists and turns in American culture and religion.
The party will also be encouraged by a finding that 25 % of all voters said they are «likely» to consider voting Green, higher than the Liberal Democrats on 23 % and just one point behind Ukip on 26 %.
In any event, the proposal envisions confirmation hearings in which the nominee is required to pledge allegiance to a conservative agenda rather than a liberal one.
Liberal whites confront blacks who affirm a version of «old - time religion» that still has more salvation in it for black people than liberals usually expect in their religion.
No political party can have gone into the final week of a byelection campaign in less propitious circumstances than the Liberal Democrats.
As a result, even though the SNP government is now a minority one once more, it is the Greens — who have one more Holyrood seat than the Liberal Democrats — who nowadays find themselves the pivotal players in the Edinburgh chamber.
But however more effective the NDP might be than the Liberals in giving voice to the disenfranchised and disadvantaged, the opposition remains the opposition, i.e. without real power.
Sometimes fundies make more sense than the liberals who want to have it both ways.
Eventually, Reagan had a better sense of blue collar workers than liberal politicians like Walter Mondale and Mario Cuomo who were rhetorically dependent on heavily mythologized visions from the 1930s.
The pre-tax and transfer poverty rates in Sweden (14.8 %) Norway (12.4 %) Denmark (17.2 %) and Finland (12.1 %) were really not so much higher in the social democratic welfare states than the liberal welfare states of Australia (16.2 %), Canada (17.1 %), UK (16.4 %) and USA (17.2 %).
He added: «There are of course, many more Labour than Liberal Democrat candidates in winnable marginal seats, so I've had to concentrate my cash on first - time Labour candidates, rather than ex-MPs.»
(Medical Xpress)-- Conservatives are happier than liberals because of their strong ties to a large network of social groups, according to a study from The University of Queensland.
Glen, Please name the studiies that you are quoting when you say «Although studies have shown that conservatives already give more to charity than their liberal counterparts».
They also said he'd do a better job than Liberals» Justin Trudeau and the NDP's Tom Mulcair in leading a trade mission or offering the best ideas for investing.
The Conservatives, more flush with fundraising dollars than the Liberals, ran the spots during the 2007 Superbowl's northern broadcast.
Unfortunately, by then, most budget decisions had already been made and the chances that the Committee's recommendations (other than Liberal election promises) would have any impact on the Budget were virtually non-existent.
Young Conservative staffers have, on balance, been likelier to marry off and start families at a young age than their Liberal predecessors a decade earlier.
The gentleman said if you have an opinion that is different than the liberal left, they use sleazy tacticts in an effort to undermine the legitimacy of your views.
Nothing more entertaining than Liberal Bigots... What a joke your party is.
In a clip (see above) for CNN's «Crossfire,» she argues that conservative atheists are «better» than liberal nonbelievers.
Semi-legitimate news agencies like CNN don't pick on Beck, Limbaugh and the rest because they're conservatives... they pick on them because they're more famous and more popular than their liberal counterparts.
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