Sentences with phrase «to increase the weight»

"To increase the weight" means to make something heavier or to add more mass to it. Full definition
French bulldog diet has a tendency of increasing the weight of your dog, developing the tendency on becoming obese.
Is there a list / blog post or a video that outlines more specific findings on increasing weight loss?
** Reduce the weight by 10 to 20 pounds after the first set and perform the last set by increasing the weight by 60 pounds.
Introducing solid food before your baby reaches four months raises her risk of increased weight gain and obesity, both in infancy and early childhood.
Start light, learn the proper way to lift and then gradually increase the weight as you grow stronger.
Evidence has also been collected from some larger studies and it has been shown that increased meal frequency is usually associated with increased weight in the long - term.
This will result in increased weight on the bar once you get used to the form.
Instead of increasing your reps over time, slowly increase the weight in order to build more lean mass.
You start with a light weight, learn the technique and then gradually increase the weight as you grow stronger.
If using a weights, then increase the weight by 10 - 50 % above the normal weight you would use.
The teacher evaluation system will start by weighting teacher practice more heavily and slowly increase the weight for both student growth and student feedback over time.
More exercise doesn't increase weight loss or fitness beyond your unique threshold.
Then keep increasing the weight from there to challenge yourself.
Certain exercises or even changing your trainings a bit more by increasing the weights while you workout?
You simply have to do it correctly, slowly increasing the weight over time.
If you're looking to get bigger muscles, try to increase weight over time.
You can also increase the weight of the dumbbells as well as the number of repetitions.
As you become stronger you will need to increase the weight so that you are able to fatigue the muscles.
Which is why it is said to help increase weight loss.
This food carrying the high level of protein which helps to build your dog's body muscles without increasing weight.
They should also eventually increase the weight at slight increments as they get stronger.
Proper use of this cast iron weight requires strength, coordination and lots of practice with a light weight before increasing weight.
Only increase the weight when you are able to comfortably perform the set without affecting form or reaching failure.
We are continuing to evaluate if we can increase the weight capacity even more.
Increased weight load on the joints can cause more wear and tear than normal, causing premature cartilage damage.
When doing these 5 sets with 5 reps the first 2 sets should be warm - up sets progressively increasing the weight with the same intervals.
I started increasing my weight up during my weight routine to push myself (3 days a week) combined with running and yoga on off days (2 days a week).
Instead of that, just increase the weight on the bar and you'll get more tension.
During the first two weeks, you will perform 5 sets of 8 reps of the bench press, gradually increasing the weight during the second week.
The idea is simple — lift weight and keep increasing the weight in small increments and your muscles will change, adapt and get stronger with the gradual increases in weight.
Making it a habit to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly not only increases weight loss, it also assures the weight loss will be better maintained.
Increased body fat often means increased weight, which can reduce running economy, along with endurance and overall performance.
It lowers glucose numbers, but doesn't allow weight loss, which is one of the best ways to reverse diabetes, and may even increase weight gain.
Too many calories increases weight too rapidly on the developing bones and can increase the stress on developing bones and raise the risk of encouraging developmental bone problems.
Your reps will naturally drop and you'll go over the same process again, working your way up to 10 good reps, and then increasing the weight again.
Contains water in the muscles, which increases weight before cooked, thus provides less protein nutrition.
On a weekly basis, we can decrease the number of reps - thus increasing the weight lifted.
By increasing the weight training and reducing the cardio, you transfer the calories you consume into muscle growth.
Bonus tip: don't increase the weight more than about 5 % at a time.
Most patients exhibit gradually increasing weight bearing within 2 to 10 weeks after surgery.
Keep increasing the weight until you can only perform 3 repetitions.
Another advisable approach would be to gradually increase the weights used in your exercises.
Maintaining a healthy weight with a nutritional diet and regular exercise; increased weight puts pressure on the joints.
Unfortunately, researchers have also found that staying up late doesn't burn extra calories, which means that a lack of sleep can greatly increase weight gain in the long term.
You generally want to increase the weight once you hit the top of the rep - range.
If you are looking to make your training more effective without actually increasing the weight that you lift, you are at the right place.
Try increasing the weight you use each time you do the same exercise.
Pyramid training is usually done through increasing the weight and decreasing the reps throughout sets.
While short rest periods get you increased metabolic stress, the long rest prepares your body for handling increased weights and volume.
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