Sentences with phrase «to make decisions for the child»

When the parents have joint legal custody, there may be some confusion as to which parent has the final say in making decisions for the child when the parents can not agree.
Each parent makes decisions for the child when the parent has physical custody of the child.
The core of this dialogue though is most definitely about parents making decisions for children.
Legal custody refers to a parent's responsibility towards making decisions for their child on important matters that affect a child's life.
In other words, both parents are entitled to spend time with the child and make decisions for the child until the court decides otherwise.
Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make decisions for his child while physical custody involves the daily care of the child.
The parenting plan must indicate who is responsible for making decisions for the children regarding such issues as schooling and medical care, as well as address parenting time and child support.
He spoke from a culture in which caring meant controlling, directing, making decisions for children of far older than nursery - school age.
We try to encourage couples to be in control of making decisions for their children rather than leaving the decisions up to a judge.
It gives you the opportunity to make some decisions for your child when so many of those decisions were taken from you.
Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make decisions for his child while physical custody involves the daily care for the child.
This could mean that only one parent is responsible for the child's daily care or for making decisions for the child.
If parents have joint legal custody but one parent has sole physical custody, this means that both parents make decisions for the child, but one parent is the primary physical caregiver.
We see the product of the type of parents who make every decision for their child until they leave the house (if they leave the house), and it is usually not a good thing.
Sole custody gives one parent authority to make all decisions for the child without consulting the other parent, although the sole custodian may consult the other parent.
Although there are some arguments in the culture regarding whether circumcision is a good idea or not, these debates have virtually no religious significance for Christians: the arguments are made in terms of medical expediency or of parents» rights to make decisions for their children based on their (Jewish or Muslim) religious beliefs.
Yet even a technically elegant system — and especially one this difficult to explain — faces challenges when it confronts families making decisions for their children in actual choice settings.
The typical possessory conservator only has the right to visit and spend time with the child (as directed by the court), and may only make decisions for the child during the designated visitation times.
09, could change one thing about education, she would make sure that every policymaker, elected official, administrator, or really anyone who makes decisions for children worked at least three years in a diverse, cross-section of classrooms.
Therefore, an «Access Parent» does not have any right to make decisions for a child with respect to any issues regarding the Child's health, education and welfare.
Custody refers to the legal right and responsibility to make decisions for the children as well as where the children will be residing.
A parent can make decisions for his child from far away, but if he wants to participate in parent - teacher conferences and attend medical appointments, it might mean investing in considerable travel costs.
Furthermore, critics were not recognizing success stories or acknowledging parents» right in making these decisions for their children.
Without legal custody, Mom can make decisions for the children without Dad's approval... decisions that Dad will pay for, literally.
Instead, a parenting plan spells out how much time the child will spend with each parent, who makes decisions for the child, and how conflicts between the parents should be resolved.
The obvious answer, Laura (and anyone else who has a personal problem with vegetarianism for whatever bizarre reason), is this: making decisions for your child based on what you believe to be right is what parenting is all about.
This report indicates that some organizations are turning on brighter lights — and raising the bar for states, districts, and charter authorizers that aren't yet measuring and reporting what matters to the public and families making decisions for their children.
Your plan needs to state where you child will live and how the parents will make decisions for the child during the military parent's deployment, mobilization, temporary duty, unaccompanied tour, etc..
MH: Many a times, we have made decisions for children on what kind of education program they receive.
It is not only the parent's right, it is the parent's responsibility to make decisions for their child until that child has the wisdom, experience, and moral foundation to make his or her own decisions.
What this means is that, instead of automatically having the ability to make ALL decisions for their children when they have legal custody, parents will now be able to split their decision - making authority into separate areas of their child's life.
Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make decisions for his child while physical custody involves the daily care of the child.
Where a report is ordered, the court will record on the face of the order the timetable for making its decisions for the child, whether the safeguarding checks are complete, whether any risk is identified and, if so, what, and the particular risk requiring investigation.
To get sole custody in BC, you will have to apply to the Court to get a declaration that you will be the only parent making decisions for the children and the parent the children will primarily reside with.
I trust them to make decisions for their children that are at least as good as those being made today by large administrative bureaucracies and teachers» unions in our inner - city school systems.
As a parent you make the decision for your child not wait for them to tell you.
Don't make any decisions for your children that you don't love.
As parents that is part of our job, we are making decisions for our children, and most will have long - term effects.
Each parent's ability to communicate, cooperate with each other, and make decisions for the child
If you have faith that you (not school teachers, pediatricians, child psychologists and lawmakers) are the most equipped person on the planet to make decisions for your child, then you are in fact practicing this philosophy.
It wasn't this person's fault but I entered a place of shadows and shame, afraid that I couldn't trust myself to make decisions for my children.
Making your child custody agreement work is in your best interest, especially since you still want to be actively involved in raising and making decisions for your children.
This article discusses how paternity affects important rights such as the ability to make decisions for the child and the child's right to inherit.
Sole legal custody is granted if a court determines that it would be better for just one parent to make the decisions for the child.
Still, the lack of follow - up data on sexual sensitivity tormented Vicki: «As parents, we're often forced to make decisions for our children that are hard.
When making decisions for your child's level of sports participation, take your ego and social pressures out of the equation and let the primary goals of healthy long - term athletic and personal development guide your thinking process.
There's no two ways about it: They're making decisions for your children.
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