Sentences with phrase «to outlive someone»

If outliving your savings is a big fear, one relatively new option to make your money last in retirement has become more widely available — a qualified longevity annuity contract, or QLAC.
Given that you're either retired or nearing retirement, I assume the annuity recommendation came up because you're looking to have a source of post-career income you can't outlive regardless of how the financial markets perform.
To take control of your retirement planning and ease your worries about outliving savings, here are a few steps you can take today:
Although a significant amount of people outlive their policy, it provides somewhat of a safety net for the time in one's life where the expenses are at their highest.
If the life insured outlives the policy's maturity date, he or she receives a maturity benefit, which is equal to the guaranteed sum assured plus the simple reversionary bonus and terminal bonus (if any).
Now, three centuries of historical records show that women don't just outlive men in normal times: They're more likely to survive even in the worst of circumstances, such as famines and epidemics, researchers report.
The reason term insurance is so inexpensive is that most policyholders outlive the term, convert the policy to permanent insurance, or simply cancel it when the debts they are insuring against have been paid.
FF long outlived creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's tenure at Square, and indeed there aren't many people at all from the old days still working on the series.
Russian women, who outlive men by more than a decade on average, are among the president's biggest fans, especially older women.
They are less expensive than permanent life insurance, but you will also likely outlive a term life policy, which means you won't actually benefit from getting coverage.
Gain a guaranteed income stream in retirement that you can't outlive by simply paying a one - time lump sum of money into this immediate annuity.
Unfortunately, too often the pet outlives the owner and someone is left with a problem that has many options for a solution — only most of them are not realistic.
Sometimes, there is a concern of outliving life insurance so people come to recognize the benefits of burial insurance instead.
As an example, he points out that bats and mice have the same body weight and metabolic rate, but bats far outlive mice.
This PRO coincides with the purpose of all annuities, which is for the purpose of protecting against outliving other assets.
But investing her entire portfolio in GICs and bonds is risky because Heather could lose her nest egg to inflation, or even outlive her money entirely.
Even if your goal is to outlive many friends and family, and live to 100, it is important to prepare for the expenses that are involved when you leave this world.
It will be several times more expensive, but considering it will last several times more (probably outlive your car - but you can take it with you to your next car), and can be discharged to almost 100 % (not totally 100 %, don't go below 2V per cell), it can work - out cheaper then lead - acid in the long term.
As long as you keep your withdrawal rate reasonable, you don't need to load up heavily on stocks to avoid outliving your savings.
Annuities bring peace of mind, help people diversify their retirement income, and prevent people from outliving their assets.
Annuities are intended to create a stream of income policyholders can never outlive.
After all, more than half the advisors had noticed their older clients» concern about outliving savings, and more than half had predicted that retirement distribution planning will be their older clients» main goal in five years.
Whether you will be the one inheriting the property or whether your spouse outlives you and it goes to other family members, the estate or the heirs can not owe more than the property is worth.
The editors saw fundamentalism as a backwoods, over the hill, jerkwater phenomenon that had already outlived its time.
If your percentage of FEV1 is lower than 40 %, your options will most likely be a graded death benefits policy, which typically have 2 - 3 years that you have to outlive before the full death benefit is in effect.
The average lifespan of a cat is about 15 years, so they often outlive most of our pet dogs.
Without some thoughtful planning, you could easily outlive your savings and have to rely solely on Social Security for your income.
Dying prematurely is not as big a concern to people as outliving their resources.
This PRO coincides with the purpose of all annuities, which is for the purpose of protecting against outliving other assets.
Of those who do have access, many are not contributing enough and are at risk for outliving their savings.
When asked how concerned they are today versus 12 months ago about outliving assets or having to make major sacrifices to their retirement strategy, 52 % of US respondents expressed concern today, compared with 43 % who said they were concerned 12 months ago.
Another survey, a poll of financial planners by the American Institute of CPAs, found that even affluent clients have substantial fears about outliving retirement money and runaway health expenses.
The Last Pictures may well outlive human existence on Earth.
As a rule of thumb, small dogs outlive large dogs.
There are many insurance companies, offering return of premium term plans, also known as, TROP, in which, if the life assured outlives the policy term, will be eligible to receive all the premiums paid till the end of the policy.
Wenger has simply outlived his football life... By about 6 years... Some people should learn when to leave the stage... The team is just a sad reflection of his tired flaccid and arrogant ways
It will take years to find out whether Jobs has succeeded in creating a company that can not only outlive him but also continue to be a formidable innovation pacesetter.
Sadly, his contract just outlived his usefulness.
This has always been known, but Stephen has outlived all the estimates for the stages of his nerve decay.
This piece of legislation will simply give credence to what continues to be a dysfunctional system and one that is costly and one that has long since outlived its purpose.
Cats outlive dogs, with an average of 12.9 years, up from 12.1 in 2013.
But none of the control rats developed brain tumors as would have been expected, and the male rats exposed to radiation actually outlived their non-exposed counterparts.
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